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About the Simmers surname

Notes of Thomas E. Simmers of a family which immigrated from Wales, though apparently of Scottish origins!

The Simmers surname in America is, in some instances, a variant of Zimmer/s of Germanic origin, or perhaps Summers or Symmers, Scottish.

The earliest Simmers known to arrive in the New World , however, came as an indentured worker around the time of a great migration of families from Ireland. Simmers, John, 1656 and was likely Irish or Scottish, perhaps English?

        Source Information:  Greer, George Cabel.
    "Early Virginia Immigrants" 1623-1666.  Richmond, VA:
    W. C. Hill Printing Co. 1912  Reprint Balt.
    Gen. Pub. Co. in 1960 (Lancour 216)  Page 298

Another Family of Simmers migrated from Wales to Chester County PA in about 1770, at least 4 brothers, two of whom are found living side by side in East Nantmeal Township in the first American Census of 1790! They are likely of Scottish, Irish or English origin! These Simmers may well be determined one day to be related to Descendants of a George Simmers of Butler County PA who stated that he was born in Chester County in 1756, though little else of his origins are known beyond that. There is also evidence of another George Simmers who came to Chester County in about 1720 from Scotland!

Groups of Simmers of Germanic origins are found in large settlements in Rockingham County VA (Michael and Christian Zimmers),

Tuscarawas Ohio Simmers, also known as "Moravian Simmers" for their religious origins. They descended from Heinrich Simmers originally of Philadelpia and Northampton PA!

Still other German Simmers are the descendants of Gerhard ZIMMER b: 15 FEB 1802 in Palmersheim,Rheinland,Prussia settling in Schuylkill Co.,Pa (school-kill) He a grandson of Anton Zimmer

The Simmers of Scotland are said to be an offshoot of Summers, and allied with the Lindsay family "Sept" (not recognized in Scotland as a sept, failing the Highlands clan origins test!) Simmers are found here dating back to at least the 1500's!