A'awat-Te-na was son of A-zhe-reg-ha and possible ancestor of todzhik,originally te-a'awat-zhe-wayak nation of the Iranian daha race.
His son was Agre-Za-Rawa-Ha - called Zágreus by greeks - of whom the city of Zagreb, meaning Zágre-ab of hrwát ,meaning harawa-at nation was named near inhabitants of Slavonia called until this day tóts.
Thus,they must be related to zhé spaeking a'kroa tribe and to others.
Chronicle says tóts in today's Slovakia came from Scythia together with madzhar-tatars,so they seem to be of todzhik descendance and perhaps like some of the iranians related to tóda nation in India who speak also the language of Zeus of Argos,that of the zhé-awida perhaps referring to kworzhehám language.
Jews and christians call them Eytan,Zerakh and Azaryah.
Balázs Déri
Priezviská vznikali aj z nedomácich podôb etnoným, napr. z poľskej podoby vznikli priezviská Venger, Vengrin (= Uhor/Uhrín), z rusínskej Voloch (= Vlach), z maďarských podôb priezviská Gereg, Gerek, Kerek (= Grék), Horvát, Lendel, Lengyel(= Poliak),Morvai (= Moravec), Német (= Nemec), Oláh (= Vlach), Oros (= Rus), Rác (= Srb), Tót (= Slovák), Török (= Turek). Slovom Tót starí Maďari hanlivo označovali príslušníkov nemaďarských národností Uhorska.