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Military of Split, Austria-Hungary soldiers (1886 - 1922)

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Military of Split, Croatia, Austria-Hungary soldiers (1886 -1922)

This project is about the Austro-Hungary army and military persons from church records, children of soldiers who was born and baptized, about soldiers who has married in Split, Croatia, names of their wifes and parents, information about a person, soldier, member of military regiment and occupations. Also an information of soldiers deaths who has died in Split or this region, for the time during period between 1886 - 1922 Austro-Hungary empire and administration. The soldiers are from different places and states, like Austria, Slovenia, Czech, Poland, Germany, Italy, etc... so if you have someone of this persons from this list below on your tree, add in this project.

In Church records about soldiers mostly written in german/ austrian-hungary language, so if you know how to read, your help is need it and welcome!!

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For any question, please using a field for discussion in project, here.


If you interestting to researching, get participate in this project.

All this profiles you can update, merge, and find a relative connections with other people and use for continue researching.

Vojnici / Soldiers -> list of soldiers names and surnames, occupation, etc, from baptized/birth records of their children. Some names is hard to read, so that names are aren't on the list.

Births and baptized children of soldiers

In all these records of the birth of their children, apart from writing the names of their parents and their occupations, the place of service in the army, the origin of the parent is written and in which country parents were born, and the names of the fathers of both parents of the child are included in the record.

In addition to all the other information in these records, it is also written in the last two columns in some records:

1) In front of the last column (right) it writes the place of death of the child and where is the grave and the number of the grave, the name of the cemetery where the child was buried,

2) In the last column (right) there is information and written date of the wedding of the parents and the place of the wedding. Wedding dates for certain parent profiles are not entered, but in each profile of their child, there is a link to the records from the Church Book of Birth, which makes it easier for you to find further links. Wedding dates need to be updated.

A list of children of soldiers include -> Child name, father name of soldier, father military occupation


  • If you don't have a person / soldier from this list, but you know that your person from your tree was be a soldier in Austro-Hungary army in Split, Croatia during this period, just free add also here that profile in this project, and update a list below in where is a title: Other soldiers.
  • For searching some weddings of the father of these children, who were married in Split, see also in the Church Book: Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 Roman Catholic (Roman Catholic) Split-Veli Varos here: Marriages (Vjenčani) 1888-1902, 1881 -1909, 1902-1912 and Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) Split-Stari Grad Marriages (Vjenčani) 1884-1906"

List of Soldiers from other states or countries, who were married in Split.

On the list is the name and surname of soldiers, military occupation + wife's name and surname, in the order a listed, how they are enrolled in the Church Book of Weddings.

K.K.10. Feldjäger-Bataillon

K.K. Infanterie-Regiment-Bataillon Weber Nr. 22

K.K. Infanterie-Regiment Graf von Lacy Nr. 22

K.K. Militärverpflegungsmagazin in Zara (Zadar)

VI. Žandarmenijska brigada 1. četa - Split

Other soldiers


Thanks a lot to all Collaborators, special thanks to Dr. Tomáš Kitlar. Alenka Brnčič. for help updating of all soldier names and their profiles; to Jadra, Randy Schoenberg, Domagoj Franić, David Nicholas Yustin, Karel Kolarič for help a disconnect of profiles when project was begin and started go on. It was a pleasure to collaborating with all of you on this project.


Deaths of soldiers

Soldiers or persons who are died or died during the war in these years 1861-1896 and 1896-1919 in Split, and their death was recorded, and burials in Split on the cemetery of Sv. Stjepana (St. Stefano, St. Steffano, St. Stephen cemetery), today called Sustipan.

All soldiers or civilians you found in this Church records, please add their profiles in project of Sustipan / Groblje Sustipan, and for details see in same project.

From this Church records of deaths contain a detail information about last resting place of soldiers / person, cause of death, etc.. who are buried on this cemetery in Split, Croatia. Burials of some soldiers were outside of Split at other places in the Dalmatian region. Most of these soldiers from this records were buried at Sv. Stjepan (St. Stephen's, St. Steffano) cemetery in Split, Croatia.

Last place of this soldiers was been in military hospital in Split, and records of their deaths is from military hospital archive.

See for details in project: Sustipan / Groblje Sustipan

Plan of Military hospital inside and near the northern wall of the Diocletian's Palace, 1910.

Military of Split, Croatia, Austria-Hungary soldiers (1886 -1922)

This project is about the Austro-Hungary army and military persons from church records, children of soldiers who was born and baptized, about soldiers who has married in Split, Croatia, names of their wifes and parents, information about a person, soldier, member of military regiment and occupations. Also an information of soldiers deaths who has died in Split or this region, for the time during period between 1886 - 1922 Austro-Hungary empire and administration. The soldiers are from different places and states, like Austria, Slovenia, Czech, Poland, Germany, Italy, etc... so if you have someone of this persons from this list below on your tree, add in this project.

In Church records about soldiers mostly written in german/ austrian-hungary language, so if you know how to read, your help is need it and welcome!!

Please join us!

Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you would like to become a part and participation of this project.
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal
For any question, please using a field for discussion in project, here.


If you interestting to researching, get participate in this project.

All this profiles you can update, merge, and find a relative connections with other people and use for continue researching.

Vojnici / Soldiers -> list of soldiers names and surnames, occupation, etc, from baptized/birth records of their children. Some names is hard to read, so that names are aren't on the list.

Births and baptized children of soldiers

In all these records of the birth of their children, apart from writing the names of their parents and their occupations, the place of service in the army, the origin of the parent is written and in which country parents were born, and the names of the fathers of both parents of the child are included in the record.

In addition to all the other information in these records, it is also written in the last two columns in some records:

1) In front of the last column (right) it writes the place of death of the child and where is the grave and the number of the grave, the name of the cemetery where the child was buried,

2) In the last column (right) there is information and written date of the wedding of the parents and the place of the wedding. Wedding dates for certain parent profiles are not entered, but in each profile of their child, there is a link to the records from the Church Book of Birth, which makes it easier for you to find further links. Wedding dates need to be updated.

A list of children of soldiers include -> Child name, father name of soldier, father military occupation


  • If you don't have a person / soldier from this list, but you know that your person from your tree was be a soldier in Austro-Hungary army in Split, Croatia during this period, just free add also here that profile in this project, and update a list below in where is a title: Other soldiers.
  • For searching some weddings of the father of these children, who were married in Split, see also in the Church Book: Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 Roman Catholic (Roman Catholic) Split-Veli Varos here: Marriages (Vjenčani) 1888-1902, 1881 -1909, 1902-1912 and Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) Split-Stari Grad Marriages (Vjenčani) 1884-1906"

List of Soldiers from other states or countries, who were married in Split.

On the list is the name and surname of soldiers, military occupation + wife's name and surname, in the order a listed, how they are enrolled in the Church Book of Weddings.

K.K.10. Feldjäger-Bataillon

K.K. Infanterie-Regiment-Bataillon Weber Nr. 22

K.K. Infanterie-Regiment Graf von Lacy Nr. 22

K.K. Militärverpflegungsmagazin in Zara (Zadar)

VI. Žandarmenijska brigada 1. četa - Split

Other soldiers


Thanks a lot to all Collaborators, special thanks to Dr. Tomáš Kitlar. Alenka Brnčič. for help updating of all soldier names and their profiles; to Jadra, Randy Schoenberg, Domagoj Franić, David Nicholas Yustin, Karel Kolarič for help a disconnect of profiles when project was begin and started go on. It was a pleasure to collaborating with all of you on this project.


Deaths of soldiers

Soldiers or persons who are died or died during the war in these years 1861-1896 and 1896-1919 in Split, and their death was recorded, and burials in Split on the cemetery of Sv. Stjepana (St. Stefano, St. Steffano, St. Stephen cemetery), today called Sustipan.

All soldiers or civilians you found in this Church records, please add their profiles in project of Sustipan / Groblje Sustipan, and for details see in same project.

From this Church records of deaths contain a detail information about last resting place of soldiers / person, cause of death, etc.. who are buried on this cemetery in Split, Croatia. Burials of some soldiers were outside of Split at other places in the Dalmatian region. Most of these soldiers from this records were buried at Sv. Stjepan (St. Stephen's, St. Steffano) cemetery in Split, Croatia.

Last place of this soldiers was been in military hospital in Split, and records of their deaths is from military hospital archive.

See for details in project: Sustipan / Groblje Sustipan

Plan of Military hospital inside and near the northern wall of the Diocletian's Palace, 1910.