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  • Armin Tafler (1881 - 1900)
    1900-02-17 Hungarian Death Record - Armin TAFLER died 17/2/1900 age 19, son of Gabor TAFLER and Katalin BRAUN
  • Béla Tafler (1896 - d.)
    1923-01-07 Hungarian Marriage Record - Bela TAFLER (born 14/1/1896 Budapest, son of Gabor TAFLER and Katalin BRAUN) married Stefania Lila Izabella LAKOS (born 10/6/1903 Budapest, daughter of Mor LAKOS ...
  • Elias Tafler (deceased)
  • Franziska Adelberg (1893 - 1944)
    1914-05-13 Hungarian Marriage Record - Jeno ADELBERG (born 20/6/1890, son of Zsigmond ADELBERG and Franciska PLACSEK) married Franciska TAFLER (born 10/4/1893, daughter of Gabor TAFLER and Katalin BRAU...
  • Gábor / Gabriel Tafler (1846 - 1924)
    1900-02-17 Hungarian Death Record - Armin TAFLER died 17/2/1900 age 19, son of Gabor TAFLER and Katalin BRAUN Hungarian Death Record - Hermina TAFLER died 20/7/1911, age 22, daughter of Gabor TAFLER an...

About the Tafler surname

Tafler family may have ancestry related to Tafalle tribe in the Holy Land of America,
in Venezuela living around the town of Mérida .

They are part or sub-tribe of a confoederation called Timote / Stimots ,that might have been
named after Timotheos ( Ti-Mots-She ) ,taking part in struggles for power in the Holy Land ,
against the nationalist Makkabaian party ,in the 2nd century BC .
He might have been a son of Odoméra / Odonark ,another chief in the region ,who may be called
Flann Sinna in the Irish history of nobility ,using the northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,
according to which he lived between about 847 and 916 ,that is 218 to 149 BC .
This Irish name may be an approximate translation of Rau-Ko ,that is Clay-Water in the
Araucanian langauge,spoken by the Chilean branch of his people,moving there from Peru,
where he was known as Didu Roca ( Arauca ) .

Later members of the Idumaian dynasty ruling the Holy Land ,bore also the name of Timotheos,
who might have been their ancestor on maternal lineage .
Such was Daumantas of Lithuania,named after an earlier Daumantas ,son of Sventorog ,
that is of Sinche-Roca or Sinatruk,or Sicuirancha,as he was called in different cultures and languages .
His name was Man-Anta-Wa-Dawan in the Mongolian tradition,described by European scholars
also by the northern aera .
Then there was Héródés-Timotheos .

With regard to this,Tometheos may be identical with Domnall of the Irish family tree ,
son of Flann Sinna ,whose name can also be interpereted as Dawan-Wa-Man-(Anta)-Ald

Odoméra or Odomari,the ancestor of Franconian nobility too ,may well be the forefather of the
Idumaian dynasty ,as his name in México appears to have been Achitometl ( Achidoma-i ),
after whom Achedoma or Halchiduma tribe in California may be named too .
Idumaian can be interpreted as Id-Hum-Mawi ,that is Mahumidan .They were from Nabataia
of Arabia,in some sense .
Descendants of Mahumid / Mohammed were called Sayyid in Arabia ,
so Odonark is possibly identical with Sagd-Odonak ,founder of the kingdom of Mesan in
what is now Iraq .
His name was Mamadi Kani in Mali genealogies,that is also Mohammed .

Some words of the now extinct Timotean dialects resembel strongly Araucanian ones .
Such are : KURAKATA house KURRA-KATA stone-hole, KLEF rain KO-LEF water-run,
KUKHU foot KUG hand,UMPÚ sun WENU-MAPU upper-world, KUSHAM head KURAMA egg,
SHWENT three CHE-WENTE person-above ,and possibly others :

Mérida ,the twon around which they gathered,in Venezuela ,might thus also be named for their ancestor ,
Timotheos,whose Abyssinian name must have been ,given the correspondances above,Ida-Me-Er-Ree-Da ,
spelled nowadays Wedem Araad .
Abyysinians may be of origin from the capital of the Holy Land,from A-Wa-Baya-Sa .

So ,in this case,Tafler family may be part of the Idumaian ethnic in the Holy Land of America ,
ruling its capital and the country ,that was in part deported into Europe by Romans ,as it is known,
and adopted there in German environment,partly brought with themselves from the Holy Land,
comemorating their tribal identitiy ,Tafalle-er .

See Tofler,Toffler,Járóka,Wendi,Krainer,Prusiak,Edinger,Mérida,Sayyid ,Mamluk,Dickmann,
Czech,Saudi,Weissenstein,Musulman and others !

Balázs Déri