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Zeh Genealogy and Zeh Family History Information

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  • Anna Catherina Zeh (1716 - 1749)
    comments==Given name has also been reported to be Anna Catharina .Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 1720 at an unspecified location.Date and place of marriage have al...
  • Anna Magdalena Zeh (1672 - 1749)
    Disputed origins Parents seen as Michael Roth & Anna Margaretha Roth Birth and death dates are similar however birth locations are different One could easily assume that this is she also
  • Jane Roberts (1929 - 1984)
    Dorothy Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929 – September 5, 1984) was an American author, poet, self-proclaimed psychic, and spirit medium, who claimed to channel an energy personality who called himself "Seth." ...
  • Johann Georg Lunwig See (Zeh) (1689 - 1751)
    George (Johann)Ludwig SEE (ZEH) was born about 1689, Silesia, Germany and died Aug 1751, Augusta County, Virginia. Johann Ludwig Zeh was his birth name and he was known as George See after migration to...
  • Johannes Gerhardt Zeh (bef.1704 - bef.1710)
    changes to be made by a manager==* Religion: Catholic

About the Zeh surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Zeh surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Zeh surname.

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