FGS 2012 Conference Recap

Posted September 4, 2012 by Amanda | 2 Comments

We’re back from Birmingham, Alabama, where we attended FGS 2012 Conference. We had a great time meeting Geni users and chatting with librarians and genealogy society members about Geni’s Public Access program.

We arrived a couple of days early to set up the Geni booth. The expo hall was a good size, with lots of vendors. It was great to see some familiar faces and new products making their conference debut. We had fun chatting with Dick Eastman and Thomas MacEntee, who stopped by the Geni booth to learn about our latest developments. Big thank you to both for helping us spread the word about this weekend’s Labor Day Event to the genealogy community!

Although most of our time was spent in the expo hall, we heard great things about the variety of sessions available to attendees. On Friday, the 1940 Census Community Project treated everyone to free cupcakes as a thank you for all the hard work put into indexing. They were yummy!

One of this weekend’s biggest highlights was meeting Geni Curator Ashley Odell, who is just awesome in person. She even wore her Geni t-shirt to a few sessions!

That’s it for conferences this year for us. See you all next year at Rootstech 2013!

Below you’ll find our pictures from this weekend’s conference. Be sure to checkout Geni’s Facebook page for more pics!

FGS 2012 Photo Gallery

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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