Technical problems?

Started by Private on Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Problem with this page?


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Showing 151-160 of 160 posts

Dan: I have a guess as to what happens. There is an unusual configuration in ancestor tree: Something like : A man married a woman and then a close relative of his, from a different generation married the same woman at a later date.
Might that throw the graphing capability a curve-ball? I'll see if I can recreate this and send you the starting profile..
Thanks for your interest.
~• Mike

Theodore Lane Bean
I set the (look back) to <10 generations> .
The situation of intermarriage is best seen when you set the display to <colors>.
Again: historylink stop graphing after 7 generations even though there are pedigrees that back further ....

que sais je?
~• Mike

...but the marital situation I described in my first msg. today is not correct.

Take a look at the highlighted purple and green subsectors on the graph. I'd wage that the unusual generation-mingling aspect to this tree is what is hard for historylink to negotiate...

Naturally, less irksome trees will run just fine..
I've written elsewhere, that if the GENI brass played up this feature with a video advert. link on the opening page, it would increase <PRO> membership numbers... This program is indispensable for me in my research.

Private User You may want to look at that example for Theodore Bean. At first I thought a parent conflict was causing the problem, but that doesn't seem to be it.

If I start the Ancestor graph with his mother, it seems to go back appropriately (~9 generations) ... but starting with the father's side seems to "stop" prematurely, just as it does starting with Theodore's profile.

Michael: The inter-marriage (and thus the grouping colors) is probably *not* the issue. That is one of the main situations the graph was originally designed to show in the first place. I've seen far more 'complicated' sets of groupings successful graphed.

The inability to save the graph may be a result of (side-effect of) the graph not being "completed" properly.

I'm at a conference this week so I'm not sure if I'll get to it right away.

This search is including a listing of profiles' projects, even though I de-select that option
20 generations
include Tree completness
(no Include projects)
(no Include MP)
Include Problem profiles
Include Pending merges
Include Siblings

I am unable to add a marriage date to the profile of @Marie Malecha Marie Malecha (or for that matter, the same wedding date for her husband Frank Malecha). I put it in, but it does not save.

Karel: I was able to put in a date (e.g. 1886) and have it saved. (I removed it afterwards, though, as it was just an 'example' value).

Thank you, Dan. I just tried it and this time, it took the value. Not sure what changed, but it works now.

Showing 151-160 of 160 posts

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