Geni Server has slowed to a crawl!!!

Started by Angus Wood-Salomon on Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Showing 61-90 of 728 posts

Mike Stangel Right after the crash, we were getting the county name in the city field on location details. That is fixed (the city is filling in to the city), but we don't get the county name auto-filled in the county field, and didn't before the crash. Is there a reason for that?

Anita have you checked your browser caching?

Ooh, Geni is downright speedy for me right now.

Erin aint it sweet?? lol

Marvin, I didn't know I was private. All my settings are supposed to be public. Must have been due to the crash, thanks

Eldon Lester Clark

sorry I meant to say

Hulda Vaughn

is now public,

Eldon Lester Clark

I see what happened, when I merged the to profiles, the other link disappeared. It used to be if two were merged it would say, "that profile was meged into"

Mike Stangel I hope this is only temp or it the missing "old" links could make thing very confusing.

Jaak if a birth date is not shown, you can many times estimate from parents, siblings or spouse. Also you might find something on a gravestone.
You can never be sure of an exact date. My wife has relatives who had delayed birth certificates because people couldn't travel to file them because of winter weather. Who knows it the dates were correct or not.

Marvin, now Hulda's husband Loren is private. I could see him this morning.

OK, Eldon! I think so too, but my point was about the script, not about research. If you tell the script that the person who has i.e. example 4 generations of descendants should be made public, then there could be just wrongly merged side of a tree or someone has made a mistake entering the profiles. There are several possibilities. Ok, let the software engineers think about it.

I seem to remember a discussion post that if we found About Me issues after the crash to report it...anyone remember where it was or who or how to report to?


Do not report any About Me issues at this time.

Thanks Mike...and we shouldn't fix them either, right?

Right, I'm still incorporating the backed-up data with what's currently in the database, for about half a million profiles that re-created the "profile details" record while the restore was running. It's expected to finish up tomorrow -- I'll post here when it's done.

That is some big number Mike! Thanks again for the huge investment of time, energy, and brains (and I hope junk food) that you people have done to get Geni back to normal.

It sounds like a big number but it's less than half a percent of the total!

I am waiting to see AFTER the patch is complete, if there are still missing About Mes. While I didn't see any Revisions on profiles missing About Mes, I am hoping that pending or complete merges are behind them still not having their About Me.

Profile details should be restored now. There may be some funniness on profiles that were merged last week, if so we'll just have to deal with those as they come up.

Good, I like fun!
Thanks Mike!

Funniness...such a perfect word for the weird world of genealogy!!!

Thank you again are the best!

I'm trying to update my profile a little but it is painfully slow and I'm getting thrown out by the server that looses the connection more that 50% of the times I hit the save button. Also my twitter name has an underscore in it and that is being filtered out so the link doesn't work.

I am also experiencing slowness.

They seem to be working on it now, - time to take a break..

Could it be that there is too much traffic between servers? I´m not the expert though...just a thought

Would that it were so, Jaak! But no, it definitely started with our release yesterday. It looks like we may have fixed it now... if so, the problem was enabling Google Translate suggestions in our translations (odd, because we used to have this feature and it was fine; then they started charging for it so we removed it, then we decided it was worth paying for so we re-enabled it).

Much better right now.

well...i don´t like that google translate, because it translates sometimes completely wrong. It may translate words one-by-one correctly (not always), but the words are not context dependent. An example... i let google translate the following sentence from Estonian language to English:

"Viin alati oma teod lõpule". Correct translation should be: "I bring my deeds always to an end". Google translate gives me the following sentence: "Vodka is always your deeds complete"

Give me a break! The word "teod" means in one context "deeds" and in another "snails", "viin" is "bring" as well "vodka". So you can imagine what that will bring if you let google translate the specific words of genealogy. Translations should be done by philologists by strings of geni´s software and not an **** program.

Jaak, - instead of just complaining you should help Google to make a better translation. Please take a closer look the next time you find a bad translation: You have an option to make it better. If everyone take that extra time to submit a suggestion I am quite sure that it will get better over time. Unlike most translation programs Google can translate phrases, not just word by word. In your language as in many others it is the combination of words that makes the meaning, not each word separately, and in my opinion, - when people have contributed with most variants of phrases, Google Translate will be a winner.

The photo part is a bit slow. Sometimes nothing goes in and you have to re enter your photos.

Showing 61-90 of 728 posts

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