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Notables in the Newspaper Business

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  • David Gray, Sr. (1836 - 1888)
    David Gray, Sr. He emigrated in May of 1849. In 1859 he became associated with the Buffalo "Courier" as an editor. He remained with this newspaper for 23 years as a local editor, city editor, mana...
  • Philo Hopkins Olmsted (1793 - 1870)
    Philo Hopkins Olmsted Olmsted was born in Simsbury, Connecticut. He came to the Central Ohio area in 1808 with his father, American Revolution solider Francis Caldwell Olmsted, who opened t...
  • Imre Bekessy (1887 - bef.1951)
    Imre Békessy was born in Budapest, Hungary on 13 October 1887. It is presumed that he met and married Bianca Marton sometime prior to 1911 and that their marriage most likely occurred in Hungary. Im...
  • Arthur Baldwin Turnure (1856 - 1906)
    Arthur Baldwin Turnure Founder of Vogue Magazine
  • Hans Habe (1911 - 1977)
    Hans Habe (12 February 1911, Budapest – 29 September 1977, Locarno) was an Austrian writer and newspaper publisher. Since 1941, he held U.S. citizenship. Habe used also the pseudonyms Antonio Corte, ...

Notables in the Newspaper Business

Famous Newspapers


  • Samira al-Fayed (Khashoggi) was a Saudi Arabian influential, progressive author of several books as well as the owner and editor-in chief of Alsharkiah magazine.
  • Aatos Erkko (1932 –2012) was a Finnish newspaper editor, third generation newspaper publisher, and the main owner of the Sanoma Corporation and the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
  • Eljas Erkko, father to Aatos Erkko. In addition, he was the Foreign Secretary of Finland in 1939, negotiated with the Soviets, did not submit to their demands, which lead to the full-blown attack by the Soviets, the Winter War which Finland endured.
  • William Randolph Hearst American newspaper magnate and leading newspaper publisher
  • Rupert Murdoch Australian-American business magnate. He is the founder and Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate.
  • Adolph Simon Ochs American newspaper publisher and former owner of The New York Times
  • Arthur Sulzberger.
  • Kerry Packer Succeeding his father Sir Frank Packer, Kerry was the owner of the leading Australian Publishing Company (ACP) and the Nine Television Network. One of the most influential men in Australia. Kerry Packer


  • Julian Assange Australian journalist, publisher, and Libertarian. He is best known as the spokesperson and editor in chief for WikiLeaks.
  • Benjamin Franklin Bache, journalist > was Ben Franklin's grandson and Thomas Paine's publisher, was arrested in 1798 on charges of sedition.

Correspondents /Journalists

  • Christopher Hitchens English-American author and journalist whose books, essays, and journalistic career span more than four decades.
  • Thomas Friedman Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for The New York Times.
  • Christiane Amanpour Chief international correspondent at CNN, where she worked for 27 years. Forbes magazine named her one of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women in the world.
  • Cokie Roberts American Emmy Award-winning journalist and writes a weekly column syndicated by United Media in newspapers around the United States.
  • Alexander Cockburn Irish American political journalist and writer. Cockburn was brought up in Ireland but had lived and worked in the United States since 1972. Together with Jeffrey St. Clair, he edited the political newsletter CounterPunch. Cockburn also wrote the "Beat the Devil" column for The Nation as well as one for The Week in London, syndicated by Creators Syndicate.


  • Kluger, Richard. The Paper: The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, c. 1986.
  • Rosenfeld, Richard American Aurora: The Suppressed History of Our Nation's Beginnings and the Heroic Newspaper That Tried to Report It (1998)


(This project is a sub-project in Master Press Project to be developed later. This is a draft, and a work in progress).