Curator Appreciation Month Winner

Posted November 9, 2012 by Geni | One Comment

Today we’re happy to announce our first Curator Appreciation Month winner. Congratulations to Pia Hanslep! She’s won a 6-month subscription of Geni Pro! Hanslep shared her story about Estonian Curator Jaak Tulp and his passion for assisting the community. Read her story below:

A couple of years ago, when I started using Geni, I was so excited about it that I shared the news with everyone. Most of the people had never even thought further than their grandparents. But bit by bit Geni has inspired them to dig deeper. The same happened to Jaak. I visited his family one day and introduced him Geni and its possibilities I saw that he immediately got carried away with the program. I thought that it might last for some weeks and then the novelty would fade away. Little did I know that he not only continued vigorously with this work, but also started helping hundreds of people with different problems and mergings and he also became one of the Geni curators. Some weeks ago he showed me his Geni curator T-shirt. It is easy for me to ask him to help me, because he is not just an anonymous name for me who has zillions of other people to deal with. I know him and whenever I need, I can discuss the things with him.

For me it is just an inspiring story about how far some little words can sometimes take people. Hopefully he has the energy and time to continue his work in Geni.

Thanks, Jaak! All the best to you!

Have you submitted your Curator story? Send it to us and you could win a FREE Geni Pro subscription. Check out the contest details here. Tune in next week when we reveal our second winner!

Click here to submit your Curator story!

