Family Tree Tuesday – Anthony Perkins

Posted April 19, 2011 by Amanda | No Comment

Anthony Perkins (1932-1992) was an American actor best known for his role as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. In 1957, Perkins received an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actor for is role in the film, Friendly Persuasion. In recognition of his contributions to the film industry, Perkins received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Perkins was born in New York City to Janet Esselstyn Rane and Osgood Perkins. His father was a prominent American stage and film actor, appearing in over 24 productions. Osgood was able to transition from silent films to talkies, however, despite is success as a leading man on Broadway, Hollywood viewed him as a character actor. Osgood died of a heart attack in 1937. Anthony was only five years old at the time. In 1981, he was inducted posthumously into the American Theater Hall of Fame.

In 1973, Anthony Perkins married photographer and actress Berry Berenson, whose mother was Italian socialite Gogo Schiaparelli. Her maternal grandmother, Elsa Schiaparelli was an Italian fashion designer. During Elsa’s career, she was considered one of the most prominent figures in fashion. Interestingly, Elsa was the niece of Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, who was best known for his observations of Mars.

Anthony and Berry had two sons, actor Oz Perkins and folk-rock artist Elvis Perkins. Sadly, Berry died in the September 11 attacks as a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11.

Perkins is a direct descendant of Mayflower passenger John Howland, who was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. Howland is Anthony Perkins’ 7th great grandfather.

Check out Anthony Perkins’ family tree and see how  you’re related!

Anthony Perkins' tree


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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