Genealogy Activities for the Holidays

Posted December 14, 2011 by Amanda | 5 Comments

Christmas is the perfect time of year to share your love of genealogy with your family. Do you have any activities planned for your relatives? Here are a few interesting ideas on how to incorporate genealogy into your holiday festivities!

Decorate your tree

Make decorating your Christmas tree a family activity. This year decorate your tree with family photos of your living relatives and ancestors. You can purchase ornaments that allow you to insert the photos or create your own ornaments. A few years ago, my family decorated our Christmas tree with handmade ornaments. Each piece had a photograph of member of my family. The tree was a big hit and an excellent conversation piece. We left the names off to add an extra element of fun in guessing who was in some of the older photographs.

These ornaments are bound to arouse lots of stories and memories. Keep note of these to add your genealogy research.

Create a game

Everyone has different family traditions during the holidays. At my house, we always have fun playing games. This year, create your own trivia game that revolves around your family. It can be loads of fun and hopefully everyone will learn a little bit more about your family history.

Old family photos can also be turned into a fun game. Have your relatives guess who is in the photo. Maybe they can even help you identify some relatives that had you stumped.

Tell stories

Gather your relatives together to share some stories about your family history. You can also ask about past Christmases. How did your grandparent’s childhood Christmases differ from your own? You may discover some old family traditions. Record the stories on video or on paper. Perhaps you can even turn it into a small book to give to your relatives next year! You can also add the stories to Geni to share with your relatives near and far.

What fun activities does your family participate in? Share them with us in the comments below!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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