Geni Mentioned on Techlife

Posted February 22, 2007 by Geni | 11 Comments

Check out Dave Kaufman’s Techlife Blog today:

Geni – So easy your mom can do it. Really!



  • Brother said:

    I can view other pictures from people outside my family tree by changing the URL of a picture from my tree. Can you prevent this?

  • Bruno Bensaid said:

    General comment to Geni:
    – I added my wife to the tree, and she consistently shows as “he” (instead of “she”) in the emails etc (though I am referred to as the “husband”, so it should be an easy fix)
    – How to create sons and daughters of one parent only (imagine one who married twice, for example – offspring from previous mariage should not be connected to current husband or wife)
    – I need to create links between people in the tree. 2 of my uncles married 2 sisters. I need to link the 2 uncles (as brothers) in addition to the linking each uncle to his wife – how to do it?

  • Russ said:

    I have collected over 4 thousand names in my family tree, surely I’d not want to hand enter all of these from me back down the line of my ancestors. Do you intend to have a feature for uploading my gedcom file(s).
    Russ Port

  • Hens said:

    I have entered several generations of my family, and at some point, several brothers/sisters in one family married several brothers/sisters of another family. Right now I have to duplicate them under each side of the family – any way to “browse” your family tree when picking marriages? And yes, I know, my family tree doesn’t branch, it’s and OLD family joke!

  • Gwen (France) said:

    1, does the service will be in french in the futur ?
    2, what if 2 family does 2 parallele tree ? is there a “fusion” possibility ? (not hapen but just curious ^^)
    3, thx for the site it’s very cool 🙂

  • JD said:

    How can I print my family tree?

  • Charles said:

    I’m seeing a frequent situation in the last few days where the tree view comes up empty with “undefined’s tree 0 people” as the title.
    Profile views work fine, and sometimes the tree builds OK.
    Is this just excessive server load causing this?

  • Miharbrehgad said:

    Please accept and implment a recommendation to offer a field within the profile to list a contact member’s URL of choice. Id like to be able to offer my family an opportunity to view my web page.

  • splintor said:

    Several suggestions and comments:
    1. You blog favicon should be the G icon, like GENi web site.
    2. In the search results, names should be listed as the specified display name, and not the default “First Last” name.
    3. Please support other languages (i.e. Hebrew)
    4. Add an option to specify how far does my tree goes. I’d like to see my brothers in law in my tree.
    5. Add an option to close the current tree, and go back to the previous tree, so the trees path in the title won’t get too long.

  • Jean said:

    I have 2 very strange problems:
    One has already been mentioned by Bruno :
    >>>>> I need to create links between people in the tree. 2 of my uncles married 2 sisters. I need to link the 2 uncles (as brothers) in addition to the linking each uncle to his wife <<<<<<<<<< The second problem ist a case where a woman "A" got a daughter"B", the brother"C" of woman "A" got married with "B" and both got a child "D". This strange thing happend in the 18th century..... So "B" = father of "D" AND uncle of "D" !!

  • e-mil@zzam said:

    Where can we find the Answers to these blogs questions? I mean we do have the same problems and questions and we would like to see the answers in a Q&A blogs, preferably with reference to the Answers asked such as “Bruno 24/2/(3)” for example, which would mean an answer to Bruno’s question on the 24th of Feb. paragrah (3)(meaning 3rd question). Please consider this.