Happy National Siblings Day!

Posted April 10, 2015 by Amanda | No Comment

Do you have any siblings? Today is National Siblings Day! Even when your siblings annoy you to no end, there’s always that special bond of unconditional love and support.

National Siblings Day was founded by Claudia A. Evart to honor the memory of her brother and sister, both of whom had died at early ages. This special day is celebrated every year on April 10, the birthday of Evart’s sister, Lisette. Although the day is not federally recognized, Evart’s Siblings Day Foundation has dedicated their efforts to changing this.

Happy National Siblings Day!

The Siblings Day Foundation points out that sibling relationships are often the longest relationships in your lives, and for many begin from the moment of birth. As children, we spend almost all of our time with our siblings, thus play an enormous role in shaping each others’ lives as we grow up.

To celebrate National Siblings Day, send your brother or sister a nice card or gift, or even give them a call, and let them know how much they really mean to you.

What’s your favorite memory with your siblings? Let us know in the comments below!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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