Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

Posted May 30, 2018 by Amanda | 19 Comments

We’re proud to announce a long awaited improvement for Geni users – our new HTML tree is now available on all tablet and mobile devices!

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

The new HTML tree replaces our HTML5 version of the tree, which was previously available for devices that do not support Flash. In the past, the HTML5 tree presented users with a very limited version of the family tree, which did not provide users with the best experience for working on the family tree. While the HTML tree does not yet support all of the options available in the current Flash version of the family tree, it does offer some new and exciting features for non-Flash users.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

Devices that do not support Flash will now automatically take you to the new HTML version of the tree. You can also try it out on your desktop computer by manually switching to the HTML tree from the dropdown at the top of the page. Simply click on the down arrow to the right of ‘Tree’ to switch to the HTML tree. Again, keep in mind that not all of the features of the Flash tree are available yet in the HTML version. If you want to switch back to the Flash tree, click on the down arrow again and click to switch back to Flash.

What’s New

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

On full-size screens, we’ve added a new side panel to the tree so that you can quickly view information about a profile. When you click on a node on the tree, a panel will slide from the left of the page containing a quick summary of that profile’s basic information. Here you will also find more actions, including the options to edit, add relatives, add/remove photos, delete, and more. If the profile belongs to a Geni user, you will have the option to add/remove Family and Collaborators and to send a message. In addition, clicking on the profile’s name from the node or from the side panel will open the profile page in a new tab.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

On a mobile device, this panel will slide from the right and fill the entire screen. Simply tap on the name at the top to return to the tree.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

We’ve also replaced the arrows in the tree with a new, simpler way to add profiles. Now you can click on the + at the bottom of the node to add parents, spouses/partners, siblings, or children.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

When on a mobile device, you will need to add relatives through the profile panel shown above.  First tap the profile in the tree to open the profile panel, and then tap the ‘Add’ button to select which relative you would like to add.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

On full-width screens, new icons are now shown at the bottom right of a node so that you can quickly edit a profile or change the focus node of the tree.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

To adjust the number of generations displayed on the tree, click on the gear icon above the zoom slider at the left of the page.

Introducing Our New HTML Tree on Geni

On mobile devices, the Preferences can be accessed via the mobile hamburger menu at the top-left of the screen. When on a touch device, you may also pinch the screen to zoom in or out of the tree.

More to Come

Our team has worked hard to bring this first phase of the HTML tree to your fingertips and we’re excited to hear your thoughts. Although there are still many features yet to be added, we believe this new HTML tree is a vast improvement from what was previously available. We are continuing to work on bringing all of the Flash tree’s features to the HTML version of the tree, including the very important ‘Move this person’ and ‘Resolve Duplicates’ tools. Eventually, we plan to completely replace the current Flash version of the tree with the HTML tree.

We’re excited for everyone to enjoy viewing and working on their family trees from any device. Try out the new HTML tree now and let us know what you think!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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