New Enhancements: User profiles, Removing relationships, and more!

Posted September 9, 2010 by Geni | No Comment

Geni users are increasingly working together to merge their common ancestors and find new relatives. We’ve made a couple of changes to make it easier to find and communicate with other users. 

First, a user’s public activity, such as adding a public document or editing a public profile, will always appear in their recent activity. You will only see private activity, such as uploading a private photo, if you are in the user’s Family. This way you can get a better idea of how active the user has been and what they are working on in the public tree. Family News stories are also either public and private, and you can filter your Family News to show only public or private stories.

Second, you can now leave public guestbook comments for users outside your Family group. These comments can be viewed by any users. Look for the Public/Private toggle next to the Leave Message button. Note that you can only leave a Public message in the guestbook of a user outside of your Family group.

For our power users active in merging the big tree, we’ve made it easier to remove incorrect relationships from profiles. You’ll notice checkboxes next to each relationship in the relationship list. Use the checkboxes to remove multiple relationships at one time, without waiting for the page to reload. You can also remove relationships from the relationships tab of the edit profile page, so you no longer have to go to the tree. These changes will make it faster for you to remove incorrect relationships.

Finally, we’re testing a new profile layout with some users. If you are one of the randomly selected users, you’ll notice that some profile modules have been moved around to make a cleaner profile. Depending on the feedback, we hope to roll out this new profile to all users soon.

Other changes:

  1. Use the new change birth order option in the more menu on tree nodes to quickly change the birth order for a profile and all of it siblings.
  2. You can now edit the metadata of public documents owned by your collaborators.
  3. The immediate family on compare profiles pages are now alpha sorted.

  4. The timestamp on individual discussion posts is now a link directly to that post. This makes it easier to share specific posts with others.


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