New: Geni Facebook Application!

Posted April 9, 2009 by Geni | No Comment

The Geni Facebook Application is now available. For the first time, Facebook users can access the most popular Geni features without leaving Facebook, including building a collaborative family tree, getting family
news and birthday reminders, and setting up a family profile. Seamless integration between the Facebook application and lets existing Geni users collaborate directly with Facebook users.

Geni users can add pictures of their family to their Facebook profile;
this is a great way for proud parents and grandparents to show off
their kids and grandkids. Users can also choose to share their
interactive family tree with their close friends.

Once the application is installed, existing Geni users should use “Already have a Geni account?” link to connect your existing Geni account to the Facebook app. Then you can invite your relatives and friends from Facebook to install the app to grow your Geni tree and see how you are related to your friends!

View the Geni Facebook Application


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