Profile of the Day: Vivien Leigh

Posted November 5, 2013 by Amanda | No Comment

Vivien Leigh

Today we celebrate the 100th birthday of actress Vivien Leigh. Vivien was born Vivian Mary Hartley on November 5, 1913 in Darjeeling, India. Did you know that as a child, Vivien attended school with future Tarzan actress Maureen O’Sullivan? At a young age, Vivien knew exactly what she wanted and declared to her friend that she would one day become a great actress. He breakout performance as Scarlett O’Hara in the classic film Gone With the Wind cemented her legacy as a Hollywood icon. Her captivating performance earned her her first Academy Award.

Are you a fan of Gone With the Wind? Check out Vivien Leigh’s family tree on Geni!


View Vivien Leigh’s Geni Profile


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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