Site Status

Posted February 12, 2007 by Geni | 22 Comments

Since we began sending out the "Your Family Tree Is Growing" emails we’ve received a tremendous reponse–this has resulted in increased traffic and is slowing down the Geni site.  The Geni Team is working as hard and fast as it can to address this problem.   Thanks for using Geni.



  • joe said:

    can you give an indication if you plan on starting to charge for the service, since you’re getting so much traffic?

  • Pierce Presley said:

    One thing I would like to do is print out a tree view. Perhaps a generated PDF is the ticket, as this might allow more flexibility for differing page sizes, tiled printing, etc.

  • Billy Miller said:

    I have been following the progress of this site since it first hit digg and the other social bookmarking sites a while back. I think it is a phenomenal idea and neatly executed. There are however a number of ‘issues’ that I assume are currently being addressed by your development team. My family and I await patiently for:
    Ability to delete mistaken entries
    Printable/Exportable Trees
    Keep up the good work! I know you guys have a lot on your hands.

  • shana said:

    I have a suggestion for a new feature.
    I’d love to have it set to send out reminders for birthdays, for all your family
    Since we’re entering all these contacts and birthdays into, it would be VERY handy to have an option for you to email a reminder (within a week, say?) of everyone’s birthday.
    — or at least those with two connections, say, say, first cousin or grandparents or something.

  • Daniel Roop said:

    I just started using your service today to see how well it would handle my families extremely complicated arrangement. The one thing I find missing is the ability to label parents and adoptive parents. I am not sure how large of a demand there would be for this feature but definitely useful.

  • Daniel Longmore said:

    More specifically, the slowness I am encountering is when I try to edit an individuals information. When I navigate to another tab from the “Basics” tab. A screen appears with a bar labeled “Saving” in the middle of the screen (there you sit).

  • myles said:

    hey great site!
    i appreciate you are working on features. could i encourage you to work on features to improve the online site (like handling adoptions) and de-prioritise integrating with other family tree tools that I see people write about.
    your strength is your ‘online’ ‘social networking’ ‘user generated content’ so eliminate things that are holding that back first (like adoptions).
    let other tools handle the single dedicated person who wants to do their whole family tree.
    just my $0.02 worth.

  • Gauthier said:

    It’s a very great site.
    I suppose that translation in other languages isn’t the priority for now. I think that the most complicate part for non-english speaking people is the invitation. A mail in english for a french guy is automaticaly classified as SPAM.
    I think it will be a good idea to let us modify the invitation-mail (before sending or trough the personnal settings). So people like my family (who don’t speak english at all) could understand it.
    The rest of the site is very simple of use and could be understood without speaking english.
    PS : I hope my english wasn’t too terrible 😉

  • Anders said:

    great site. love it so far. a lot of my relatives have pretty long names (longer than the 14 characters that now show up on the TREE view). makes their names look really strange. any way you can add more capability to length of names shown?

  • Jim Thomason said:

    I just saw the info on WSJ. In using your site I made a mistake and entered a tree member incorrectly and need to delete it completely. But it won’t go away. It appears as my daughter’s second husband and she has only had one. Help, she might see it!
    Great site though.

  • Jim Thomason said:

    I have added a family member incorrectly. It appears as my daughter’s second husband and she only has one. I don’t know how to delete it completely and start over. Please help.

  • Ken Richmond said:

    any plans to make this adaptable for a fraternity/sorority structure?

  • Derf said:

    Thanks for your efforts and congrats on the pub in the WSJ. I’m excited to be one of the first 250

  • Uwe Fahrbach said:

    I also would like to ask for a change in the tree view: As Anders stated above already names could be longer than 14 characters and how they look like then is not that nice. Also the Maiden name should be shown in brackets.
    And the birthday and if that person died already the date of death are of interest and are typically shown on printed family trees.

  • Giddy Genealogist said:

    I love the set up- it’s clean and easy. One question: will you be adding features to help with real genealogical research (a la or will this remain a networking site (and a really good place to insert information you find while researching in other places)? Thanks for your help!

  • Geni Team said:

    At this time we do not have plans for adding research features to the Geni site. This does not mean that we won’t consider this feature at a future date though. Glad you like our site! –The Geni Team

  • Karen said:

    Cool site!
    It would be nice to have a little additional security when it comes to editing a family tree you don’t directly belong to if there is someone in that tree is a member. For instance, it wouldn’t make sense if my mom’s second cousin can edit my husband’s family tree when he is a member and can control his own tree – unless he extended that permission to that cousin, also a member.
    I’d also like to request that a few more fields be added to the initial add-a-person screen – things that are common like maiden name, birth and death date.
    I agree that it would be great to have an export feature. A PDF would probably work the best.

  • Denise said:

    For location of birth & death in the USA, you might want to add county & even township – the farther back you get with rural ancestors, there is no city or town to identify their birth & death places, only the county & township.
    For England births & deaths, it would be helpful to have a county entry there as well.

  • Anders said:

    another feature that might warrant change is the scroll-down list of countries for entering birth and death info. the list is alphabetical and takes a long time to scroll down. it’s nice that the US is at the top to make it easy to select, but for those of us with huge families abroad, it takes forever to scroll down to our country on the list (my family is mostly from Sweden). is there some solution? could you do away with the scroll-down list and let us simply type inthe country, or have frequently-used country names rise to the top? what about an auto-fill feature, so if you start typing S-W, Sweden will pop up…..

  • drilphil said:

    Could you make the boxes in the tree bigger so that the full name is seen ?
    Now it’s only 15 caracters and a large part of the last name is cut off.

  • Ahmet Emre Acar said:

    This is so great! But as you can see, I have a loooot of first cousins. It would be great to see just how many aunts, uncles, cousins etc one has without having to count them by hand. My family is adding into the tree now and I am a bit surprised to see that there are a lot of closely related people that I havent even met yet…

  • Maris Bluestein said:

    I love the sight. We now have about 400 people in our Family. How about linking with an online greeting card site for birthday, and anniversary reminders.