Thanksgiving Recipes in Old Newspapers

Posted November 23, 2022 by Amanda | No Comment

Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving? If you’re still looking for some interesting dish ideas, old newspapers are filled with recipe suggestions, with many submitted by their readers. We had some fun finding recipes that may give your Thanksgiving table a nice taste of the past. Several articles also offered a variety of menu suggestions for your Thanksgiving dinner. It’s interesting to see what was included in the holiday meal throughout time.

In addition to turkey, this 1890 menu from The Boston Globe suggests including servings of oysters, fish, boiled tongue, and roast duck.

The Boston Globe, November 23, 1890 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

In 1912, Delia C. Torrey provided her dinner menu plans to The Toledo News-Bee. Torrey was planning to host her family’s Thanksgiving dinner in her Massachusetts home. Guests would include her nephew, President William Taft. In addition to a “fat roast turkey,” Torrey includes a beef soup and New England brand of chicken pie.

The Toledo News-Bee, November 27, 1912 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

During World War II, food was scarce and the public was issued ration books. This 1943 Evening Star article shared five Thanksgiving menus that could be created without too much trouble or cost. It also offers alternatives for a main dish in case you couldn’t find turkey.

Evening Star, November 23, 1943 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

As a nice starter, you can give this iced orange soup recipe from 1935 a try. It is “both an appetizer and an aid to digestion.” The dish is a variant of a fruit cocktail.

The Boston Post, November 17, 1935 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

A 1913 issue of the Mexico Weekly Ledger included several favorite Thanksgiving recipes from the paper’s readers. Recipes range from cherry pudding to turkey dressing to mince meat.

Mexico Weekly Ledger, 1913 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

If you’re looking for a festive drink to serve, you can try out a hot spiced cranberry punch recipe from 1952.

The Boston Post, November 23, 1952 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

This 1927 The Midland Journal feature offered a variety of recipes featuring chestnuts including pudding, salad, and soup!

The Midland Journal, November 4, 1927 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

Lastly, if you’re looking for desserts, you can go with a classic pumpkin pie…

The Boston Post, November 20, 1927 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

Or a Thanksgiving fruit cake!

The Boston Post, November 20, 1927 / MyHeritage SuperSearch

What are your favorite Thanksgiving recipes?

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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