Video: Finding Kissing Cousins on Geni

Posted July 12, 2019 by Amanda | No Comment

Since releasing our new enhancements to Geni relationship paths, users have been having a blast finding new and surprising connections in the World Family Tree. Now Geni will find the shortest blood path and the shortest in-law path between two individuals, if either can be found.

Here’s some of the great feedback we’ve heard so far:

“My heroes! Been praying someone would develop an app that could do this!” – Debbie G.

“Oh my goodness. This is awesome!!” – Lisa F.

“Love this new tool!” – Maria A.

“Oh WOW…excellent…except…I WAS going to do housework…now I want to play around with this…lol…Well done Geni…you make family tree-ing fun.” – Debbie T.

Geni curator Jarrett Ross, also known as the GeneaVlogger, recently shared a new video on how you can use the new multiple relationship path feature. He also finds some famous kissing cousins along the way, including Kevin Bacon and Kiara Sedgwick, Barack and Michelle Obama, and more!

Watch the video below:

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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