Video: Meals from the Great Depression

Posted April 3, 2015 by Amanda | No Comment

The Great Depression was hard for many people. With little money at their disposal, families had to learn ways to improvise and cook cheaply.

Some families have cookbooks passed down from this era detailing some of the dishes many families had to create. Others may have had living family who were willing to teach them some Great Depression recipes. Clara Cannucciari grew up during the Great Depression and remembered her mother’s Depression era dishes with great detail. With the help of her grandson, Clara was able to share recipes and stories of life during the Great Depression through a series of YouTube videos.

Born on August 18, 1915 in Chicago, Illinois, Clara knew first hand of the Depression hardships. On a tight budget, her mother would come up with cheap, inventive, and often delicious, ways to stretch the family’s meals. In 2007, Clara’s grandson began filming Clara as she cooked these Great Depression meals from her childhood. While teaching her mother’s recipes to viewers, Clara recalled stories of her family’s life during the Depression and her joy of sharing these meals with the younger generations of her family.

Watch her video on how to cook “The Poorman’s Meal” below:

Well into her 90s, Clara had become a YouTube sensation. Sadly, Clara died on November 29, 2013 at the age of 98. Although she is no longer with us, her stories and lessons are preserved for future generations of her family and viewers. Her videos can still be watched on her Youtube channel here.

Does your family have any Great Depression recipes that have been passed down in your family? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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