
Started by Private User on Sunday, September 18, 2011
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Showing 31-60 of 237 posts

Yes, how many millions are we? We are many, the ones that kind of suspect of it, with time, we are all descendants of Charlemagne and of everyone else. I guess the thing is to think that you know for sure, that you have the record. Everyone has the rights of Charlemagne and his family, indeed and by the way.

hola primos alrededor del mundo :):) aqui en amèrica tambièn somos muchos descendientes de CHARLEMAGNE (a traves de la enorme inmigracion europea)
En mi caso tengo mas de 8 lineas de ascendientes por las que èl es mi gran-gran-abuelo (chazno) con diferentes numeros de generaciones intermedias, y hasta muchas veces de familias entre-cruzadas.
Sospecho que debemos ser varios millones de personas :):)
si consideramos que cada uno tiene 2 padres, 4 abuelos, 8 bisabuelos,... y asi siguiendo... se llega a que de la generacion 32 tendrìamos 4295 millones de gran-abuelos !!!! increible no ?

So... how many are we? He is my 36th., can we start a Club?

Charlemagne is your 32nd great grandfather.

All of Northern European descent may well be descended from Charlemagne (my 32nd great grandfather multiple times) - I put a summary of a few web articles that talk about that here:
for example


"Yale statistician Joseph Chang wrote a 1999 paper entitled “Recent Common Ancestors of All Present-Day Individuals.”
...And because Charlemagne is known to be the ancestor of some people alive today, that must mean he was the ancestor of all people of European descent.

Charlemagne and Hildegard are my 33rd great grandparents. I went to Aachen last week to pay him a visit (also known as Aix la Chapelle because of the hot springs). His remains are in the Dom of Aachen. Aachen is well preserved and visitors can learn a lot. I saw video footage of the liberation of Aachen by the allied forces. It is a wonder that everything was not destroyed by bombs. There is a story that a bomb went into the church trough one window and out through the opposite without doing damage....

Kitty, gran parte de occidente desciende de Carlomagno (muchos no lo saben y no todos encontraron aún su línea ascendente hasta él.

it is many who is related to charlemagne. I know that since long time.

Charlemagne is my 31st great grandfather's wife's grandfather.

Horacio - yes it is fun to have found so many uplines to him. Many (most?) Norwegians are descended from the same family that carried that line to Norway - the Rieber family - Katrina Helvik Lauritsdtr. H Riber (Galtung (Galte))
Katrina Helvig Lauritsdatter Riiber Rose
and husband
Katrina Helvig Lauritsdatter Riiber Rose

The other family that goes back to Charlemagne that I see multiple times in my lines is the MUNK family:
Guttorm Bengtsson Munk
oh and now on this line Charlemagen is my 31st grandfather

Guttorm Bengtson Munk is my 15th great grandfather:)

Kitty, en mi caso yo encontré 2 líneas, por parte de mi abuelo paterno y por mi abuela paterna
En estos casos ha sido por la inmigración española a América.
Saludos cordiales.

Ampliando la contestación anterior:
Hay una gran cantidad de descendientes de Carlomagno que vienen de
D.Alfonso III (1210-1279), 5to.Rey de Portugal en 1248 (que era el primo de dos reyes santos: San Luis IX de Francia y Fernando III de Castilla). Esta línea viene por parte de mi abuelo paterno.

Katrina Helvik Lauritsdtr. Riber is my 16th cousin 15 times removed.

Guttorm Bengtson Munk is my 11th cousin 21 times removed

Charlemagne is my 37th great grandfather.

Katrina Helvik Lauritsdtr. Riber is my 11th cousin 9 times removed.

Guttorm Bengtson Munk is my second cousin 20 times removed.

Charlemagne is my 32nd great grandfather.

Guttorm Bengtson Munk is my second cousin 19 times removed.

Katrina Helvik Lauridsdtr. Riber
ia my 11th cousin 7 times removed.

Charlemagne is my 34th great grandfather.

Charlemagne is my 33rd great grandfather.

He's my 32nd ggf

I'm so confused... Until a few months ago Geni said that Charlemagne was my 33rd great grandfather, but now it says he's my 19th great uncle's 14th great grandfather. How could this have happened? Did new information come to light such that the connection found to be false?

Profiles are constantly being merged and corrected on Geni, a curator might have had to break a connection to correct it prior to reattaching it, or it could have been a connection that wasn't correct. Just give it time. Its safe to say that everyone of European decent is related to Charlemagne. I'm related directly through 4 different branches, and mathematically its almost impossible to not be related to him once your branches hit Europe, since every generation you go back is a power of 2.

jmu, well I know I dont have chinese relatives, I have been extensively DNA tested :)

Jeff Smith is my 23rd cousin. Hi Jeff Smith :)

in all likelyhood you do have chinese ancestors, they are just too long ago to be detected by DNA testing. the persians intermarried with chinese and that would have spread westwards over time

Showing 31-60 of 237 posts

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