Roll call- Irish families researched by Geni members

Started by Private User on Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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As well they should.:)


English author Kingsley Amis endorsed the traditional Scotch-Irish usage implicitly in noting that "nobody talks about butterscottish or hopscots,...or Scottish pine", and that while Scots or Scottish is how people of Scots origin refer to themselves in Scotland itself, the traditional English usage Scotch continues to be appropriate in "compounds and set phrases".[12]
In the Ulster-Scots language (or "Ullans"), the Scotch-Irish are referred to as the Scotch Airish (o' Amerikey).[13]

I wish you had'nt started with the Scotts-Irish .... now I have to find some Scot Whisky to serve my Scottish friends over the Holidays. What's even worse, and I feel terrible about this, how many of them have I offended by offering them Scotch instead of Scot Whisky...... well , there is always Drambuie... I should check with Emily Post before making any snap decisions. . I just realized I have been getting scotch pine Christmas trees...I wonder if I can use a chanukah bush.... ttfn

Erica, I'm *fairly* positive the ethnic studies journals are using Scots-Irish because of the drink issue and just Scots for people direct from Scotland, but I'll check on Monday.

I think the rest of the Wikipedia section you pulled from gives support for the argument the other way. Especially since the opening line says "Scotch-Irish is an Americanism almost unknown in England, Ireland or Scotland."

And I will *never* remember the difference between whiskey and whisky. All I know is that one is Scottish, one is Irish, and neither are as good as rum.

I think I wait a while setting up this project till we get the name right
Scotland people in Ireland maybe ? LOL I would say that before you decide on the correct name for the ethnic alcoholic beverage, you should examine the contents of a bottle very carefully. You could also observe the label if necessary ;-) Maybe before the contents.

I like "Scotch Airish o' Amerikey" for our mixed crew of English, Scots, French and who knows what. It what the Ullans called us and that's "original source in original language.". Plus it's charming.

HA HA Eldon that is not the way we do it here in Ireland, do not examine and dont read the label, just trow it down :) But only for medicinal use ofcourse :)

Private User My tastes run to Bushmills and Guiness. Unfortunately, my medications say I can't appreciate either:-(

Personally I prefer Dimple but that is Scots/Scottish Scotch ? these links do not work, what is it ?

does anyone know how i add my ancestor's profile to the portal? my 4th grt grandfather's brother was lord mayor of dublin from 1803-1804

Private User , we can add him to the portal but also to the Mayors of ireland project
Just go to the projects click on the grey action button on top, select add profile and type in the name of your 4th grt grandfather and voila.....

The first two are to the Smithsonian channel They both work. I just tried them. One is about Scots Irish in America "Born Fighting" the other is about the "Fighting Irish". I put them up for people who might be interested. You will have to ask Eldon Lester Clark about the other he put it up the other day in his post. Why? I don't know and I'm not going to worry about it. Life's too short ... ttfn

The first one says

In this landmark two-part series, Senator Jim Webb tells the largely forgotten story of the Scots-Irish, a people whose values, culture and fighting spirit profoundly shaped America. Follow Senator Webb as he tracks their heroes and legends from William Wallace to Andrew Jackson, the first of 17 Scots-Irish U.S. Presidents. Their Bible-thumping, battle-scarred march for independence took them from Scotland to Northern Ireland and finally the open expanses of early America, where they would leave an indelible mark on the national character.


Oh, snap! Smithsonian says "Scots-Irish."

Beat by a duck ...

Oh Geez Erica, Did I do that. "I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way 'fair comment' and was motivated purely by malice and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you or your family......And I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future"

It's all about the quality of the source. On the one hand, The Smithsonian Institute, nicely fictionalized in the television show "Bones" as the Jeffersonian Institute. And reported by a Duck.

On the other, a bottle of not! Whiskey, not! Kentucky Bourbon, as interpreted by a novelist, not! American.

I say - let the Irish decide!

Ashley, I don't know about anything scholarly, but my grandmother says "Scotch- Irish." She also makes me gargle with whiskey if I have a cold or take a little sip after being outside on a snow day so I won't "take a chill."

I think we should go by Scots, as in the way they are mentioned in the Plantation of Ulster
The Ulster Scots (Ulster-Scots:] are an ethnic group in Ireland, descended from Lowland Scots and English from the border of those two countries, many from the "Border Reivers"

I can vouch for the efficacy of both Scotch WhiskEY and Irish WhiskY as a sore throat remedy.
(Although both are for some reason lethal to the livers of tiny uns please note, Heather)

Everyone knows George Washington, the Father of Our Country, never told a lie
"If all else fails, I will retreat up the valley of Virginia, plant my flag on the Blue Ridge, rally around the Scotch-Irish of that region, and make my last stand for liberty amongst a people who will never submit to British tyranny whilst there is a man left to draw a trigger."

George Washington, at Valley Forge.

(How's the souce Erica ?)

GW just made a typo I reckon , or he had a good glass of Scotch on his mind

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that weaselly duck seems to be arguing both sides. ;-)

I'm sure GW didn't write that himself! He would never have said such a thing. This particular Scotswoman thinks that scurrilous scribe who miscopied his General's words should be drawn and quartered (ugh!) for his inaccuracy...

This is probably where 'the Duck' got it from
Scotch Irish in America
"If all else fails, I will retreat up the valley of Virginia, plant my flag on the Blue Ridge, rally around the Scotch-Irish of that region and make my last stand for liberty amongst a people who will never submit to British tyranny whilst there is a man left to draw a trigger." George Washington, Valley Forge.

Put on youtube by WARRIORPOET ?

Well I see you are back ... ;-)... No hello, just slam bam bash the Duck. Have I cast any aspersions in your direction during your infirmity? No! and It is in view of your aforementioned malady that I shall reserve my repartee. I can only say at this time that I am truly surprised.
Et tu, Annemarie Healy? "YOU TUBE" . You might consider conferring with Jennifer Lynn Young. "I shall return." ;-) ......ttfn

© foto 1979 : Robert Roos van RAADSHOOVEN te Voorburg

Fred Bergman en George J. Homs : moeten wezolangzamerhand etterbakken die expresse volledigenamen vanandere gebruikers gogelbaar in discussiesdurven zettenniet gaan meldenals onfatsoenlijk of isdat ondoenlijk?

Aforementioned malady as in Peter Cocozzella book, bilingual poetics of love and reason ?
But lets not get side tracked, the question was Scots or Scotch.

"Peter Cocozzella book, bilingual poetics of love and reason", OMG, Annemarie, you took the words right out of my mouth!!! "Great minds..."

And I think, regardless of what you're drinking, sidetracking is the (other) name of the game around here...

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