Paul Maree / De Mare De Salgas - Has Pama got the wrong Mares here?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, July 7, 2012
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  • cf Scans from 3 portraits in his house - possibly not these people at all.
    Geni member
  • cf Scans from 3 portraits in his house - possibly not these people at all.
  • Geni member

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From J Kelly

I am contacting you about this profile: Paul Maré

I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but the birth date makes him only 9 years old when Ignatius Maré his son was born? Does anyone have any idea of whether this birthdate or Ignatius' is the one that's incorrect?

looking forward to hearing your thoughts :)

His son's birthdate is circa - so not 9 years - but probably worth removing. Thanks for noticing. But - it really does suggest that it's time to revisit the whole thing :-/

Sharon Lee Doubell C
26/11/2012 at 4:42 PM
.. now that we have decided to push Ignace's circa birth date back to 1670s (to accommodate Catherine as his daughter) we stretch the likelihood of his father's birthdate as being 1661.

That being said, if we estimate 15 - 20 yrs as smallest feasible time period between generations, Paul (or whoever Ignace's father is) could quite feasibly have a 1661 birthdate:

-Catherine could have been 15 -20 when she had her 1st child, Gerrit, in 1716 (which makes her birthdate 1696-1701 - so she's 4yrs-9yrs old on the boat to SA)

-And Ignace could have been 15-20yrs when he had her. (Which makes his birthdate 1676-1686)

-So, if his father is 15-20 when Ignace was born, his birthdate could be 1656-1671.

Hmm – all that really gets me is to deciding that we need to make Ignace’s circa birthdate 1675.
Thanks for listening :-)

Amanda Petronella Jansen
29/5/2013 at 12:03 AM
ek het laas jaar in Amsterdam (Archives) die volgende inligting gekry. Paulus (Paul) Maré / De Mare De Salgas gebore 1661 in Frankryk, Ardennes (is 'n provinsie ) dorp Monthermé. Hy was getroud met Germaine Mathieu gebore 1665 in Frankryk. Ignace is gebore in 1684 ook in die selfde dorp as sy vader. Ek gaan middel van Junie na Monthermé om te kyk of ek iets meer kan uitvind.
Sal graag meer wil weet van die foto's waarop jy afgekom het.
Daar is 'n saamtrek vir alle Maré - Mare - Maree familie die naweek van 18 Okt in Klein Kariba.

Paul Adolf Mare
7/6/2013 at 10:52 AM
So just my two pennies, I am not sure that Paul is the father of Ignace yet, Amanda - did you find confirmation in Montherme? The original rumour that his father was called came from my family line where all the oldest sons were called Paul, no documentary proof. The 3 portraits, allegedly Paul, Ignace and Catherine also from this family line. they may be real, they may be random. They used to say that it was a portrait of Ignace, his sister and his father. I am leaning towards Catherine being a sister not a daughter... But would love to confirm form primary sources.

The portraits definitely look like a brother and sister.
But are they really these people?

cf the Discussion we had on proof for Germaine Mathieu
as without sources as wife and mother: NN

I'd love to find out whether Paul is actually Ignatius' father - if he is, he would be my 8x Great Grandfather :)
Thank you everyone for all the information posted so far - I'm looking forward to seeing the mystery solved at some stage. I've just recently started tracking the family tree so it's a fantastic help that so much research has already been done and documented!! :)

I would like to help solve the mystery. I live about 4 hours drive from Montherme, and I may be able to convince the wife to make it our next destination for a weekend away.
But I am not sure where to start looking, do I just show up at the local church and ask to see their archives? How does this kind of research normally work?

Gideon, nobody answered you here. Did you manage to get to the archives? I would assume that the local church archives would have been your best bet, and maybe any of the town's archives?

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