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  • Anna Komincks /de Koning Bergh (c.1661 - 1734)
    In 1655 koop Jan van Riebeeck die slavin Angela van Bengale(n) by Pieter Kemp. Toe Van Riebeeck se kleindogter, Johanna Maria, die Kaap in 1710 besoek, skryf sy in ’n brief van “Ansiela”, die vrou wat ...
  • Capt. Oloff Martini Bergh, SV/PROG (1643 - 1725)
    a1 Olof Bergh v. Gothenburg in Swede. Hy het verskillende range in die leer van die H.O.I.K. beklee en was o.a. leier van die bekende tog na Namakwaland in 1682/83. Hy het 'n tyd in ongenade g...
  • Governor Simon Adriaans van der Stel, SV/PROG (1639 - 1712)
    "Simon van der Stel (14 October 1639 – 24 June 1712) was the last Commander and first Governor of the Cape Colony, the Dutch settlement at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa." , family members and l...
  • Willem Frederik Mondriaan (1874 - 1944)
    Gegevens van Hendrik Mondriaan uit 's hageDatum indiensttreding: 28-09-1783 Datum uit dienst: 00-00-1783 Functie bij indiensttreding:Soldaat Reden uit dienst: Absent bij afvaart Uitgevaren met het sc...
  • Lady Anne Barnard (1750 - 1825)
    , #20567, b. 8 December 1750, d. 6 May 1825Last Edited=19 Feb 2011 Consanguinity Index=0.0% Lady Anne Lindsay was born on 8 December 1750.1 She was the daughter of James Lindsay, 5th Earl of Balcarres ...

South African PLACES & PEOPLE

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  • Lord Charles Somerset, gave his name to the first municipality in SA in 1837. The Karoo’s largest town, Beaufort West is also known as ‘the capital of the Karoo’ and became prosperous with the introduction of Merino sheep.
  • Sir John Charles Molteno, an early citizen of Beaufort West, was a wool trader, creator of the extensive Nelspoort Estate, and such a champion of responsible government that he was nicknamed ‘the Lion of Beaufort.’ He founded the town’s first bank in 1854, and became the first prime minister at the Cape. He died on 1 September 1886 and was interred at St Saviour's in Claremont, Cape Town. The town of Molteno, in the Stormberg Mountains of South Africa, is named after him
  • Professor Chris Barnard, heart-transplant pioneer is the town’s most famous son, and is honoured in the museum. It houses a display of awards presented to him and a replica of the original heart transplant theatre.
  • David Baird, son of the local magistrate, found the first reptile fossil near the frontier town of Beaufort in the Great Karoo in 1827. The little town, renamed Beaufort West in 1869, lay in what became the world’s richest collecting grounds for these fossils. Scientists have since described the Karoo and its fossils as one of the great wonders of the world. Today visitors find out more about life when the earth was young and the Karoo a swamp along the fossil trail at the Karoo National Park outside the town. Here, too, the quagga, which became extinct on August 12, 1883, when the last mare of the species died in the Amsterdam Zoo, is again roaming free in the park due to a genetic breeding programme.
  • Mandlenkosi, who fought against the apartheid government and was shot whilst feeding his baby boy (Sira). Mandlenkosi Senior Secondary School is named after him.



  • Hans Brits owned the farm on which Britstown was laid out in 1777.


  • Sir Charles Adderley, a British parliamentarian, who, in 1850, led the successful opposition against a British plan to turn the Cape into a convict settlement. Adderley St is named after him.
  • Nelson Mandela, incarcerated on Robben Island, used in 1658 by Jan van Riebeeck as a convict banishment area, it has been a maximum security prison ever since.
  • Jan van Riebeek, founder of the Cape in 1652, built the Castle of Good Hope and the Company’s Garden. He first used Robben Island as a safe sanctuary from cattle thieves for his livestock. He released 8 rabbits that he had brough from Holland, that proceeded to destroy the vegetation – despite greyhounds being put there to stop them - & the cattle & sheep had to be removed. He owned the farm ‘Boschheuwel’ in what is now the suburb, Bishopscourt. Part of the original hedge of wild almond trees which he planted in 1660 along the top boundary of the farm (near the Hen & Chickens Rocks on Wynberg Hill) is a national monument.
  • Lorenz Campher a German soldier of the VOC, who would regularly walk for 3 days to visit Ansela in the slave quarters at the Castle. During this time Ansela had three children by him. They farmed on Muratie, now a wine estate.
  • Capt Cook took several of the ‘pretty rabbits’ from Robben Island – to Australia, earning the enduring displeasure of the country’s farmers.
  • Maria Koopmans de Wet (1838-19060), a cultural leader and benefactress, who owned Koopmans de Wet House in Strand St – a prime example of late 18thC Cape architecture, now preserved as a national monument.
  • Martin Melck was a German immigrant who built Martin Melck House, which adjoins the Lutheran Church in Strand St. In 1763 he bought Muratie, now a wine estate, for his daughter Anna Catherina.
  • Robert Falcon Scott stopped in Cape Town before sailing to his death in the Antarctic. Commemorated by a small bronze ship dedicated to him in front of the Medical Centre, where Adderley St runs into the Heerengracht.
  • Sheikh Yususf of Mucassar (Indonesia), a revered Sufi scholar whose Kramat is situated today at Macasser on the Cape Flats, was banished to the Cape by the Dutch after the conquest of Java in 1694. When Sheikh Yusuf arrived at the Cape on the Voetboog, on 27 June 1693, he was royally welcomed by the then Dutch Governorof the Cape , Simon van der Stel. His Indonesian background necessitated the he and his 49 followers be settled well away from Cape Town in order to limit his influence on the normal slaves at the Cape. He established a Muslim community in the Malay Quarter/ now Bo-Kaap. A domed tomb over his grave is one of 6 Muslim tombs which form a sacred circle around the city.


  • Sheikh Yususf of Mucassar (Indonesia), a revered Sufi scholar whose Kramat is situated today at Macasser on the Cape Flats. A domed tomb over his grave is one of 6 Muslim tombs which form a sacred circle around the city.
  • Abdullah Ibrahim and Basil Coetzee jazz arists whose anthem 'Mannenberg' was named after a Cape Flats township


  • Ernest Friedrich von Kamptz, was an invalid soldier who landed in the Cape in 1778. Camps Bay is named after him. He married the widow of the founder of the farm, ‘Ravensteyn,’ which adjoined the bay, and made his home in the farmhouse, which stood on the site of the Rotunda Hotel, now The Bay Hotel.



  • John Chapman, a seaman who was sent ashore from the English vessel ‘Consent’ ‘to see whether it weare a harboure or not’ gives his name toChapman’s Peak.
  • Robert Glenday was the chief engineer of the 10km long road cut into the cliffs around the 592m Chapman’s Peak between 1915 and 1922 – one of the world’s most spectacular scenic drives. It marks the line where the sedimentary Table Mountain sandstone had been laid on deposits of Cape granite. A stone quarried from the peak marks his grave in the Woltemade Cemetary.


  • Ralph Arderne an English immigrant planted the Arderne Gardens, once part of the estate known as “The Hill’ which he aquired in 1840. On it he planted one of the finest collection of trees in Southern Africa, including Norfolk Island pines, Indian rubber trees, Atlas mountain vcedars, and North American swamp cypresses.
  • Sir John Herschel, 19th century astronomer of the Royal Observatory, lived in Claremont.



  • Olive Schreiner, the authoress, lived in de Aar from 1907 to 1913.


  • Deneysville on the Vaal is named after Deneys Reitz, writer of Commando: A Boer Journal Of The Boer War and son of former Orange Free State president, Francis William Reitz. Deneysville Yacht Club hosts an annual Round the Island Yacht race, which holds the Guinness World Record title for the largest inland yacht race; but this island was also apparantly used as a secret meeting place by the apartheid government.


  • Heinrich Meise owned the first butchery in East London along the shoreline & in the cemetry, moving to Union & then Oxford Streets, as the town expanded. They slaughtered animals at the Blind River, close to the current Buffalo Park cricket stadium. The area, Meises Park is named after him.
  • Donald Woods was the editor of the local newspaper, the Daily Dispatch, that broke the story of the murder of Steve Biko.The story of Donald Woods was recorded in the Hollywood film, Cry Freedom.
  • Steve Biko was a Pan Africanist leader and author of the book 'I Write What I Like', who died at the hands of South African security police in Port Elizabeth, in September 1977. A prominent statue of Steve Biko now stands outside the East London City Hall.


  • Hester Sophia de Kock bought, in 1883, the Crown land in Fish Hoek that had been first granted to Andries Bruins in 1818. She was then a spinster of 51 years old. In 1901, late in life, she married a local farmer, one Jacob Isaac de Villiers, who came to live with her on the farm. Although she farmed wheat and vegetables' she started providing accommodation for people who wanted to stay in Fish Hoek, and so became the first local tourist entrepreneur. Having realized that Fish Hoek was becoming popular, she left instructions in her will that the farm was to be surveyed and the land sold as building plots. After the deaths of Hester and Jacob, the land was sold off, the first sale taking place in 1918. The oldest house on the bay, now named Uitkyk, was bought as a fisherman's cottage in 1918 by the Mossop family of Mossop Leathers, and is still in the Mossop family. There had been a building on that site since the 1690s; a Pos Huis (post house) and a whaling station office is all that is known of its history.

This was the beginning of the town of Fish Hoek. Initially people built holiday cottages but as there was a good train service to Cape Town a more permanent community soon arose. By 1940 it was big enough to be declared a municipality and was administered by the Town Council until 1996. Hester and Isaac de Villiers, with other members of their family are buried in the small graveyard next to the NG Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church) in Kommetjie Road. The farmhouse on the site of the present Homestead Naval Mess near the railway crossing became an hotel. The original building subsequently burned down in 1947



  • Governor Cornelius Jacob van de Graaff, whose wife’s maiden name was Cornelia Reinett founded the town that was to become known as ’The gem of the Karroo’ in 1786.
  • Rev Andrew Murray, noted churchman and author, was the owner of Reinet House, built in 1805 – now a national monument.
  • Andries Pretorius has a statue on the Middelburg road to recall the days of the Great Trek in the 1830s, when he and Gert Maritz led hundreds of families from the district.


  • Gert Gous agreed to the setting up of a township on his farm in 1854, provided it was called Hanover, after the birthplace of his German ancestors.
  • C.R.Beere, Hanover’s first magistrate directed the laying out of roads and the planting of peppercorn trees. His work is commemorated in the stone pyramid on the summit of ‘Trappieskoppie’, approached by a footpath of his own making.






  • John Laing, a senior civil servant in the lands department of the Cape, gave his name to Laingsburg, which was laid out in 1881.



  • Colonel Robert Gordon, military commando at the Cape in 1789 sent the Spanish merino sheep he had received from Holland (where they did not flourish) to the outpost at Groenkloof, where the mission station of Mamre is situated today. In this way he kept the little flock pure and they flourished and yielded superb wool. When he was ordered to return them 2 years later, as the Spaniards had never intended their gift be sent out of Europe, he returned the original number of sheep, but kept their offspring, which became the forbears of the South African woollen sheep.


  • James Logan, a Cape Government Railways official created the town Matjiesfontein around the railway station, to which he piped water from his boreholes on his farm, ‘Tweeside’. He also opened a restaurant, and in 1877, built a grand Victorian-style hotel which he named after Lord Milner. Today, the town remains perfectly preserved.


  • Petrus Johannes Meiring (1799 -1876), a farmer from the De Rust district, campaigned for a road through Meiringspoort. The road through the poort is a remarkable engineering feat, but the overwhelming features of a drive through Meiringspoort the folds of the Table Mountain sandstone strata, which tower above the road. Among the most scenic spots is the Skelm tumbling into a dark pool which, legend has it, is bottomless. (In 1938 it stopped flowing for the first time in human memory). A beautiful mermaid was said to live in the pool at the foot of the waterfall. During the 1996 floods a story circulated that she had been washed out of the pool, down the Groot and Oliphants rivers and out to sea. She had been caught in a fisherman's net and taken to the CP Nel Museum in Oudtshoorn, where she was preserved in spirits! The Museum was overwhelmed with telephone calls and visitors keen to see the mermaid!
  • C.J. Langenhoven carved the name of his famous fictional elephant, 'Herrie', on a boulder in Meiringspoort in 1929. Look out for Herrie's Stone - there can't be much graffiti that has been declared a National Monument.




  • Piet Retief & Gerrit Maritz - Voortrekker leaders - give their names to the town Pietermaritzburg
  • Mohandas Gandhi - It was at Pietermaritzburg station that Gandhi was forcibly removed from a First Class carriage. This was the start of his politcisation and his Passive Resistance campaign. Look out for the Gandhi plaque in our station building and his statue in Church Street. His jail cell is at the old prison which now houses the activities of Project Gateway.
  • Alan Paton - Visit the Alan Paton Museum to learn more about our famous author who wrote 'Cry the Beloved Country'
  • Jonty Rhodes, Graeme Pope-Ellis, Neil Woolridge, Alfie Cox and Gary Teichman - sporting greats from the town.



  • Steve Biko was a Pan Africanist leader and author of the book 'I Write What I Like', who died at the hands of South African security police in Port Elizabeth, in September 1977.


  • General Christiaan de Wet, the famous Anglo-Boer war leader outwitted the British forces just north of Prieska, where the Brak River flows into the Orange, when his greatly outnumbered commando was cornered in the areas where the rivers met, he escaped through the British lines back into the Orange Free State.


  • Sir Peregrine Maitland, the British Governor, named Richmond for his father-in-law, the Duke of Richmond in 1845.
  • Dr Emil Hoffa, the SA medical pioneer who founded the science of orthopaedics, was born here.

Riebeek Kasteel is one of the oldest towns in South Africa, situated 80 km north-east of Cape Town in The Riebeek Valley together with its sister town Riebeek West. The Riebeek Valley would have been known to indigenous Khoi people but was first described by a party of Cape Dutch explorers under leadership op Pieter Cruythoff in 1661. The mountain, Riebeeck’s Kasteel Berg (Riebeeck’s Castle Mountain) was named after then Cape commander Jan van Riebeeck by this expedition and the settlements along the eastern slope of the mountain later derived their names from it. In translation from Dutch to Afrikaans, the letter c in Riebeeck was dropped. The first settlers arrived in the area in the early 18th century. Riebeek West was established as a parish of the Dutch Reformed Church in 1858.

  • Jan Smuts, politician, field marshal and philosopher, was borne in 1870 on the farm Ongegund. A barn on the farm was converted into a house when Jan Smuts' parents were married. This barn still exists but the farmhouse has gone. (The site is now owned by PPC and the house is a museum.)
  • DF Malan, South African prime minister, was born at Allesverloren in 1874. This farm is still owned by the Malan family.
  • Jan Jacobsz owned the farm Allesverloren when he dies in 1737.
  • French astronomer, Abb? de la Caille, visited in 1752. He was a pioneering surveyor and he established an early triangulation system, at least part of which is still used today. A spot on the Kasteelberg was a key point. Following the plotting of stars he concluded that the Earth has a larger radius south of the Equator. This caused quite a stir at the time but he was wrong. He had failed to allow for the magnetic effect of the mountains. In 1839 Sir Thomas Maclear, of the Royal Observatory Cape Town, climbed the Kasteelburg. He took further measurements which enabled him to correct Abb? de la Caille's earlier findings.


  • Irma Stern, the painter (1894–1966) lived in Cecil Road, now a museum.



  • The town is named after Simon van der Stel, an early governor of the Cape Colony
  • Just Nuisance was the only dog ever to be officially enlisted in the Royal Navy. He was a Great Dane who from 1939-44 served at HMS Afrikander, a Royal Navy shore establishment in Simon's Town. He died in 1944 and was buried with full military honours.


  • Rev H. Sutherland gave his name to the coldest town in SA, Sutherland in 1857. It became the principal astronomical centre in Africa.





  • WITSAND (White Sands) and PORT BEAUFORT A Genealogical background of some of the families during the early days of White Sands and Port Beaufort. A timeline starting from 1488 to 1943, photographs, a map and a list of vessels that sank in the mouth of the Breede River.


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Francois Retif Snr. (1663-1721). This Francois Retief fled Mer in Blois, France during the recriminations of King Louis XIV with his young sister to Holland. Since the Dutch were looking for settlers for the Cape, they joined and arrived in Cape Town in 1688. He bought a farm and called it “Le Paris” on the northern banks of the Berg River near Wemmershoek. He married Maria Mouij, (1685-?, daughter of Pierre Mouij, also of France.), 23 years his junior.

Dear Sharon

I would be happy to collaborate; however, at the moment I don't have a lot of time. Just a note on the town of Harding. It is in fact named after Captain William Harding's oldest son, Walter. He lived from 1813 to 1874 and was the first Chief Justice of Natal. He was also evidently knighted as he is referred to as Sir Walter Harding. The town of Harding was established as a military outpost following the United Kingdom's annexation of East Griqualand in 1874 (the year of Walter's death). At that point Natal was a self-governing British colony. I am not sure who of the Hardings you descend from. I come from his sister Elizabeth who married Thomas Melvill. Brendan, I see you descend from the younger brother Edward.

I extracted some information on Captain William Walter, Sir Walter's father that I found some years ago (see geni profile). As you can see he was also something of a pioneer - from Napoleonic war veteran to the positions of magistrate of Cradock and Beaufort West. In those days this was about the most senior legal position you could hold. As you see his son was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Natal, and this only happened in the 1860s, long after his father's death.

Good luck with your trip - what a great idea. If/when I can one day release myself from my busy business schedule, I hope to be able to do this sort of thing.

All the best, John

'I’m having difficulty searching for these FAMOUS MUSLIM PROFILES FROM THE CAPE MALAY QUARTER - NOW THE BO-KAAP. Does anyone know if there are these lineages on Geni? ( public discussion)

  • Tuan Guru, (Imam Abdullah Ibn Qadi Abdus Salaam), a political exile from Tidore in the Trinate Islands -who traced his lineage to the Sultan of Morocco - was imprisoned on Robben Island where he wrote several copies of the Quraan from memory. He was released after 14 years on Robben Island at the age of 82 and passed away at the age of 95 in 1807. He lies buried in Tana Baru Cemetry on Signal Hill, Cape Town (at the top-end of Longmarket Street). He had exerted a considerable influence on the Cape Muslims, especially in the field of Islamic education. Imam Abdullah ibn Kadi abdus Salaam (Tuan Guru) was a prince from Tidore in the Trinate islands and a descendant of the Sultan of Morocco. His ‘crime’ for being enslaved is not clearly known but records show that he was involved in a conspiracy with the English against the Dutch. He was captured by the Dutch, brought to the Cape and imprisoned on Robben Island in April 1780. When he was released twelve years later he resided in Dorp Street, Cape Town, the main Muslim residential area at that time. In 1793 he instituted the Dorp Street Madressah as his main interest was to teach his students, mainly freed black and eastern children, to read and write Arabic and thus he was called “Tuan Guru” which means “Mister Teacher”. Tana Baru cemetry, despite its closure, has always been regarded as the most hallowed of Muslim cemeteries in Cape Town. Within its confines lie some of the earliest and most respected Muslim settlers of South Africa:
  • Tuan Sa’id Aloewie [Sayyid Alawi],
  • Tuan Nuruman [Paay Schaapie],
  • Abubakr Effendi, along with prominent Muslim women of the time, such as
  • Saartjie van de Kaap (a muslim woman born to slave parents, who donated the land for the first Mosque in South Africa) and
  • Saamiede van de Kaap .
  • Sheikh Noorul Mubeen was apparently banished to the Cape in 1716 and was incarcerated on Robben Island. According to popular legend he escaped from Robben Island by unknown means and came to make his home in this desolate spot.
  • Sheikh Abdurahman Matebe Shah: arrived at the Cape on 13th of May 1668 as prisoner and sent to work n the Company’s forest in Constantia. He was regarded as Orang Cayen, a title which means ‘man of power and influence’ and was considered particularly dangerous to the interest of the Company.
  • Sheikh Yususf of Mucassar (Indonesia), a revered Sufi scholar whose Kramat is situated today at Macasser on the Cape Flats. When Sheikh Yusuf arrived at the Cape on the Voetboog, on 27 June 1693, he was royally welcomed by the then Dutch Governorof the Cape , Simon van der Stel. His Indonesian background necessitated the he and his 49 followers be settled well away from Cape Town in order to limit his influence on the normal slaves at the Cape.
  • Jan van Boughies (Imam Asnoon), the most prominent of the slaves from Celebes to arrive at the Cape of Good Hope, had a remarkable administration as imam of the Palm Tree Masjid [also known as Jan van Boughies Masjid] during the first half of the 19th century. He and
  • Frans van Bengalen purchased a property in Long Street, Cape Town, after a dispute over succession to the imamate of the Auwal Masjid. They initiated their own congregation and opened a prayer room which later was converted into the Palm Tree Masjid, the second oldest in South Africa. Jan, also known as Imam Asnoon, succeeded
  • Imam Abdolgamiet [ Abd al-Hamid] from 1808 to 1846. Jan, who had been manumitted by
  • Salia van Macassar [a free Muslim woman], later married her. Jan died in 1846 at the age of 112, leaving behind his second wife,
  • Sameda van de Kaap , who dedicated the property as a masjid in memory of her late husband and called it “De Kerk van Jan van Boughies” [The Masjid of Jan van Boughies].
  • Abdul Ghaliel was a slave who served the Muslim community of Simonstown, Cape, as their imam. In 1823 a land grant was made in his favour to be used as a burial site by the Muslim community of Simonstown. Abdul Ghaliel was the first slave to be granted a piece of land in Simonstown.

Note from Judi Marais: Hi Sharon hier is die plase waar die le Fevre geboer het. - Oorspronklik aan hulle toegeken.

  • Paul X Marie Taillefert - Vestig Kaapstad
  • Paul jnr X Isabeau Sezille boer op NAGELEGEN naby Stellenbosch
  • Marie X Jaques Bisseaux -Vestig te Kaapstad
  • Pierre X Marie de Grave : Boer op FLEURBAIX(FLEURBAAI)
  • Barbe suster van Pierre X 1. neef Nicolaas van Gronzalze boer onbekend XX2. Roelof Jonas onbekend
  • Guillaume SV Pierre - X ? het een seun boer saam met sy pa op FLEURBAAI
  • Marie (1651-1701) X Charles Prevot, Onbekend XXHeinrich Eckhoff XXX Louis de Peronne IV Hercules du Preez

Hi Sharon Here's a little more about Cape Town ... The Government Gazette contract was awarded to George Greig, who first set up a printing business in Cape Town in 1825. Greig however never printed or published the Government Gazette himself. Instead he sub-contracted the work out to others with whom he entered into partnership. The sub-contract was awarded to Samuel John Mollett - who acquired Greig's business in 1835. The "Gazette Office" as it was to become known, was located at 1 Grave Street - today, at the corner of Parliament and Darling Street, Cape Town. The business was also known as "Albion Press".

In 1837 Samuel John Mollett entered into partnership to establish a new printing business called "Brink, Mollett, Roubaix and Keeve." The firm was listed as "Brink, Mollett & Co.". This business was located in Hout Street, Cape Town. Samuel died unexpectedly in 1840 and the company was declared insolvent shortly after his death and its assets were auctioned off. After this, the sub-contract to print the Government Gazette was taken over by Saul Solomon, an employee of Samuel. Saul worked as a book binder, engraver and lithographer. He operated out of 50 St George's Street.

When Greig went insolvent in 1856, the Government Gazette Contract was awarded to Saul Solomon. It was he who, in later years, started the 'Cape Argus' Newspaper.

John Austen Mollett, Samuel's son, was also in the printing business. The records show him to be the printer and editor of the 'Cape Times'. He operated out of the 5 Hout Street, Cape Town establishment.


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