Daan, I think you're making a Curator to Curator comment, as no one else can add Curator Notes.
One answer might be to do away with them altogether. I think that would be a pity myself, and I suspect many others find them useful too.
My solution would always be to let everyone participate in the decision as to what it says, if there is a query. You can't make all of the people happy all of the time, but you can try to be sure that you've made most of the people happy.
This Curator Note isn't my “view or opinion” though - which is that it's a pity there weren't more of these mixed marriages where the man was of colour because Apartheid might never have happened, and this profile would just be par for the course. I haven’t included that point, because it’s my personal opinion.
Historical significance is always more than the clerical notes, because it is a record about the person’s unique relevance to our communal past. On a genealogical tree it records a communal legacy to our South African family’s history.
The question is whether it is historically or genealogically significant enough to point out. I think it is. Others on the Discussion appear to agree.
The second question is whether it is too offensive to people on Geni to point it out. This discussion appears to suggest that it isn’t.
(But it interests me that so much roundabout effort is being made to excise it – even going so far as to suggest that it is insensitive to mention the man’s colour/status? Whose sensitivities are we protecting by jumping through hoops to get this fact ‘whitewashed’ :-)?
Why is it so important that the Snyman StamVader is not of mixed blood or slave ancestry - that we’re now suggesting that we don’t know the mother is correct? The only child born Christoffel (who will go on to sign his name Christoffel Snyman ) at the time of this Christoffel’s birth; is born to Groote Catrijn; who we know was the woman having sex with Hans Christoffel 9 months previously, because he was banished to Robben Island for it.
It makes me wonder why there has not been such indignation expressed before about the many Stam Moeders’ profile notes that reflect their slave/black ancestry.)