Bugs & Questions about Smart Copy

Started by Dan Cornett on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
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v1.51.7 - another parsing anomaly:

This MH Public Records match parses fine:
However, if the URL doesn't contain the Geni link-back (i.e. only goes through the ShowRecord), the parsing hangs (no Inspect errors):

It's not unique to that record; also happened from the context of the linked record as well.

Update 1.51.7-10
* Improved Geni profile id detection (older users with short id numbers)
* Fixed Ancestry not showing Dates, Locations, and Gender
* Fixed MyHeritage Public Record hanging when no Geni link-back
* If Gender Unknown for Sibling or Child, LastName -> BirthName

Dan, that last one was a tough one to track down. :) And I only partly understand it. I know why it hung and fixed that, but I don't quite get why it parsed it differently when the Geni link-back was there. I don't have time to figure that out now and not sure it matters, but it's working at least.

Thanks for those fixes, Jeff!

Here's one for 1.51.10

I cleared the History in S.C.

I went to this FindAGrave page: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=18944014

I pasted this URL to set destination: Ethel Alma Collins (also tried just the number)

When initial parsing was finished, the 'hover' over the name showed "Geni: undefined".

This error was generated upon Submit:
Process Complete...
extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at chrome-extension://ofikakkdpjlipbnhbfloclbkcabdhjah/popup.js:1276:59

Dan, I'm not able to reproduce it. Might have just been a problem querying Geni for the initial profile. When I past in the URL, it identifies Ethel.

... once I went 'elsewhere' and got some "history" in S.C., there was no longer a parsing error for the above links. Furthermore, I could not reproduce it by simply clearing S.C. history -- the 'hover' name now consistently shows (instead of being undefined).

Next time I restart the browser, I'll check if that is when it occurs. (That above was the first use of S.C. after starting Chrome; it was *not* the first use of v1.51.10, nor was it the first 'action' I took after starting the browser.)

Dan Cornett, for the Research Links, I figured out how to open a new tab without losing focus, which will allow us to click on multiple links.

I'm thinking about if I should look for the "ctrl/cmd" keypress, so that it behaves like any other webpage. Thus if you click on it normally, it opens the new tab and sets the new tab as focus. But if you ctrl+click the link, it opens the new tab in the background but maintains SmartCopy focus, allowing you to ctrl+click again. Alternatively, I could make all clicks on the research links open in the background, but I don't want to confuse anyone, so I'm think probably looking for the "ctrl" press.

Update 1.52
* Added additional Research Links
* Added ctrl+click & ⌘+click support to Research Links (allowing you to open more than one research tab)

Anyone else encountering a problem with FamilySearch data today? SmartCopy is only returning blank fields for all the nearby family profiles. :-(

Geoffrey David Trowbridge, if you want to post an example link, I'll check it out. :)

I just did a couple from FamilySearch this morning ... they were o.k.

I think FamilySearch might be broken when going directly to it. They changed the way they format the tree. I don't even see the profile page any more or how to get to it, which is the way I was parsing it before.


To add complication, the personal trees, which were never supported, use a completely different format and a different ID system.


I've also been wanting to add their Records as well (which often contain multiple formats) - so I have my work cut out for me.

v 1.52

When the Baptism field contains only "Temple" (and no other non-punctuation), as in this example: http://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-1/myheritage-family-t...

... it would be nice to ignore it, rather than getting a location of Temple, TX or some similar place.

I don't know that I want to ignore it, but I would like to not resolve it to Texas. It should just put "Temple" in the Place field.

The instance I saw all had "Temple:" with nothing after that.

I guess, generically, the 'baptism location' could pre-check for the sole (solitary) words 'temple', 'synagogue', 'church', 'cathedral' and not parse them as an actual "location" (putting them in the "place" field without any expansion.

Hi, I SmartCopy'd some records from Ancestry but for some reason a wife who is also the oldest sister of the second wife was left out -- as a result all the children are assigned only to the second wife.

I would like to know 1) How to prevent this in the future, and 2) More of general Geni question -- how to Merge new temporary children of mother no. 1 (made only to merge) or otherwise "split" the children up...


Hi, Todd

re: "moving" children

The easiest method is to 'Edit' the profile of the child (either full Profile or Tree View will work), select the Relationships tab. Then, in the top-most field for the parents you should be able to 'pop-down' a selection list of "nearby" relationships -- select the proper one, then "Save" the results.

If you do that before creating temporary duplication children, then there would be no need to merge.

Otherwise, after moving the children to the proper parents, merge the duplicates. (From Tree View, select, say, the mother's "more" tiny menu item and then select "Resolve Duplicates" from that little menu.)

Hint: be sure to check the "Timeline" tab of the mothers/parents to make sure the children are separated out correctly!

re: preventing
It you can give specific links when something like this happens (e.g.: to the Ancestry 'source' page and to the Geni profile that was the 'focus' profile), then it can be looked at in more detail.

Not specific to Ancestry, I do know that sometimes I'll forget to select the 'update' of a spouse that already exists on Geni, and for each of the children, to check the spouse to which it is to be added (should be a 'popup list' if SmartCopy recognizes there is more than one possibility).

It may also be that the Ancestry data did not have the correct parentage for the children -- that's why specific links can be *really* helpful.

Hi, Dan

Thanks for that -- I have used it before, but not since I decided to only use Geni for, um, confirming profiles to the Universe (the really big Tree...).

So now the one last step is to merge the second mother and her original "sister-only" version.... I how that it might look odd but it should be okay, right?

This is perhaps a good segue into the issue of not giving you enough to info to help you solve my question... so, to be honest it looked strange on Ancestry when looking at the Tree view but the profiles themselves seem to have the right data.

It's a Public Tree, so here is the info:

Geni profiles:
A: Esther Schönfeld (Wohl) (Eszter Wohl, the sister who should also be the first mother)
B: Unknown Profile (Eszter Schoenfeld nee Wohl, the first mother who should be the sister as well)
* Those above should be merged into one *

And here is the Tree that I imported them from, I think (typical Ancestry overlapping trees thing, argh...). I can't even tell if they are right on the Tree... and frankly I am not interested in fixing it if necessary..... I just would like to avoid the same problem with one man + two sisters as his wives, etc: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/77556266/family

But as you can see there is only one "Eszter Wohl" in the Tree but two appear at the same time in the whole tree view...

OK. Thanks.

I can't see the Ancestry tree (it's apparently not 'general public').

The specific questions about the Geni tree I'd like to take "outside" this discussion, if you don't mind, as it doesn't seem to be a SmartCopy issue (at this point).

In general, though, when you see a number in the lower-left corner of a profile in Tree View, that means that same profile is shown in more than one place on the tree, but it *is* the same profile in those places -- it is shown that way to avoid tangled crossing lines.
(a) click on that 'number' to "visit" each occurrence of the profile on that particular Tree View.
(b) re-focus the tree on that "split" profile to see the relationships to it all "pulled together".

Dan Cornett
How are permissions granted?

I think by email which is associated with an Ancestry account.

Private User This person is trying to use it on Find a Grave for a relative, he gets this "Copying Family Members has been restricted to trusted Geni users. You may request this ability from a Curator." How do I do it?

Go to his profile on Geni an click smart copy. It will give you the option to grant him permission if he's a pro member. Basic members can't use the API to add profiles to Geni.

I get this message when I try to copy.

Copying Family Members has been restricted to trusted Geni users. You may request this ability from a Curator.

Where do I find a Curator, to ask for this ability?

Private User Thanks, the next message is from him.

Private User
All I can find is add to project, is that it?

Well He is still getting the message, Can you give him access? He is PRO.

Eldon: The 'add to smart copy' should show up as a big blue button labelled "Grant Tree-Building" -- from clicking the "SmartCopy" extension's icon while on that user's profile page.

It is not an "Actions" button item (as it might be if this were an integrated Geni tool, rather than an independent tool).

Eldon Lester Clark, here is a screen shot of what it should look like. http://grab.by/HaR0

I'll first try to leave it to you. If you have any issue, just let me know and I or someone else can do it and I'll have to investigate why you're not seeing it.

Private User
Ah Ha, Got It. I was looking at his profile on Firefox not Chrome.


I tried smartcopy on a single profile and it did work correctly, but I did not see a logfile. Is there one available? When using it on multiple profiles I would very much like to see what was updated on a profile.
Something like:
timestamp profile
field: old value -> new value

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