William "the Conqueror", king of England - Hastings

Started by Jerker Vasenius on Wednesday, October 18, 2017
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10/18/2017 at 11:34 PM

Battle between ancestors

The battle of Hastings was between William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinsson; both are my 26th great grandfathers.

Private User
10/19/2017 at 4:40 AM

William was my 25th great grandfather

10/19/2017 at 6:43 AM

William was my 27th, while Harold was my 30th

10/19/2017 at 8:42 AM

As with Mr Vasenius, The son of Herleva and Robert is my 26th great grandfather. But then, thousands of others can lay claim to him as a grandparent. When one digs deeper into his rule of Britain, I almost want to disown him. Check to see how he got his name "The Conqueror"

10/20/2017 at 1:13 AM

William is my 26th and Harold is my 30th

10/20/2017 at 1:17 AM

Yes Philip J Furze.... I agree he wasnt a nice man .... mind you it seems a lot of my ancestors are guilty of the same sort of things....
you are my 15th 3 times removed.... so Hiya Cousin xo

Private User
10/20/2017 at 3:50 AM

William "the Conqueror" king of England
is my 26th great grandfather
Harold Godwinsson king of England
is my 26th great grandfather (as well)

10/20/2017 at 6:49 AM

Harold Godwinsson, King of England is my 28th great grandfather;
William "the Conqueror", king of England is my 25th great grandfather.
Hello cousins.

10/20/2017 at 8:04 AM

William is my 28 great grandfather.
Hello to all my distant relatives! :)

Private User
10/20/2017 at 3:17 PM

Hans my paper trail does go there and it does hold water and it's bee a well publish fact that I follow that line.

Private User
10/20/2017 at 3:19 PM

I can tell you at least three very good sources that get me to him and I get there several ways , via several lines. I am sure other people can do the same.

10/20/2017 at 5:57 PM

Hans, it's all predicated upon what geni.com reports....who knows?
Hans Erik Foss Amundsen is my 20th cousin once removed. Think thus 'Holds water?'

Me → Geneva Allene Welborn
your mother → Henry Loyd Smith, Sr.
her father → Edith Lucinda Smith
his mother → William M LEE, Will
her father → Britton Lee
his father → William Samuel Lee
his father → Lemuel Samuel Lee
his father → Edward Lee, Sr.
his father → Mary Lee
his mother → William Bryan, I
her father → John Smith Bryan
his father → William Bryan
his father → Sir Francis Bryan, II, Justicar of Ireland
his father → Sir Francis Bryan I "The Vicar of Hell", Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
his father → Margaret Bryan, Lady Bryan
his mother → Humphrey Bourchier, Sir
her father → John Bourchier, 1st Baron Berners
his father → Anne of Gloucester, Countess of Stafford
his mother → Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
her father → Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
his mother → Margaretha von Wittelsbach, Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
her sister → Elisabeth von Bayern, Herrin von Verona und Gräfin von Wuertemberg
her daughter → Eberhard III, Graf von Wuertemberg
her son → Eberhard IV, Graf von Wuertemberg
his son → Ludwig I, Graf von Württemberg-Urach
his son → Eberhard I, Herzog von Württemberg
his son → Hans Wirtemberger
his son → Ottilia von Karpfen
his daughter → Ottilie von Witzleben
her daughter → Anna von Rauchhaupt
her daughter → Sophie Hedwig von Veltheim, zu Westerburg
her daughter → Hans Georg II von der Schulenburg
her son → Svend Joensson Westerberg
his son → Anne Cathrine Svendsdatter Westerberg
his daughter → Olive Sophie Amundsdatter
her daughter → Anne Marie Hansdatter Segelstad
her daughter → Amund Johnsen Sønstehage
her son → Nicolai Amundsen
his son → Sigmund Arne Amundsen
his son → Rolf Amundsen
his son → Arne Amundsen
his son → Hans Erik Foss Amundsen his son

Private User
10/20/2017 at 6:19 PM

Marvin, you have a Queen in this line, Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England. You must be showing off, LOL. Just kidding :)

Funny how when some people post about their lineage and are excited about their finds, it upsets others.

Private User
10/21/2017 at 5:28 AM

I have been doing this for a lot of years. Way before I found Geni. I had my tree dating back further then William and into other areas , such as Scotland. I find every person I find, ordinary or famous interesting. It's fun. Plus it's nice to know your back ground. I will say Geni was helpful in finding my French Canadian side. I had it but I though I was wrong. Then after verifying I was actually on the right tract, I was off and running. It's amazing how many paths lead you to same person. I am 99 per cent connected to England France and Scotland , no matter what line I follow. That's where I end up almost every time. With the exception of a couple lines.

10/21/2017 at 9:04 AM

William is my 25 Great Grandfather.

Private User
10/21/2017 at 1:26 PM

He is my 23ef great grandfather

10/24/2017 at 12:54 AM

Do you belive in this kind of sources like Geni is? I started to doubt...to much royality in my tree.. :) My family have aristocratic roots ( Oettingen) but I can't check some connections in other sources ( My Heritage is the same).

10/24/2017 at 2:33 AM

just take a look n this path. Harold is also my 26 great grandfather but his mother Gytha, according Geni, is from Ryrykiewicz home. According Wiki and Britannica, she is Thorgila Sprakling doughter, so how can I belive in Geni?

( Beata Szadkowska )You

Witali Vasilescu
your father

Dagmara Daria Vasilescu
his mother

Otto* Johann Karl von Oettingen
her father

Anna Beate von Ewers
his mother

Dorothea Christina Eleonore von Ewers
her mother

Anton Friedrich von Maydell
her father

Ernst Gustav von Maydell
his father

Hans Ernst von Maydell
his father

Gertruda von Treyden
his mother

Elisabeth von Ungern-Sternberg, a.d.H. Pürkel
her mother

Fabian Jürgensson von Ungern
her father

Jürgen (Georg) IV von Ungern zu Pürkel
his father

Otto II von Ungern
his father

Jürgen III (George) von Ungern auf Pürkel
his father

Martin (Merten) I Ungern, a. Purkel
his father

Gerhard II de Ungaria
his father

Henning II de Ungaria
his father

Gerhard I. de Ungaria
his father

Rudolf II de Ungaria
his father

Rudolf de Ungaria, till Sissegal
his father

Johannes (Hans) de Ungaria
his father

Dzislaw Sternberg
his father

Boleslava Sviatoslavna of Chernigov
his mother

Великий князь Sviatoslav III Vsevolodovich
her father

Мария (Агафья) Мстиславна
his mother

Mstislav I the Great, Grand Prince of Kiev
her father

Gyda Rurykowicz, Grand Prince of Kiev, of Wessex
his mother

Harold Godwinsson, King of England
her father


10/24/2017 at 3:30 AM

Re: how can I believe Geni?

Geni is "us," each of us members, there is no "they."

So not believing Geni is not believing "us," including yourself.

Of course there are errors, and we work together to fix them. Use contact manager from the profile with the incorrect parents and provide a link to the Geni profile that is the correct parents.

Private User
10/24/2017 at 5:48 AM

Re: how can I believe Geni?

Dear Beata,
in your path "Gyda Rurykowicz" is Gytha of Wessex, Harold's daughter and wife of Vladimir Monomakh (Grand Prince of Kiev, Ruryk's descendant). So the indicated surname is one of Gytha's husband, and she didn't belong to the House of Rurykowicz.

Private User
10/24/2017 at 6:39 AM

Sergey: probably means she's a duplicate who didn't get properly merged. We have a lot of trouble with that sort of thing.

Private User
10/24/2017 at 6:42 AM

Never mind, somebody caught her and merged her.

Private User
10/24/2017 at 7:01 AM

According to Geni, she's my "second cousin 29 times removed", but it goes through a link I have good reason to suspect is invalid:

John Wilkins, I

Robert Wilkins
his father

The "evidence" for this consists of: 1) same last name and 2) birth date within a reasonable range. But "Wilkins" is a common surname, and there are geographical issues and a date conflict. Robert Wilkins, Sr is cited as having been born in "Deddington, Oxfordshire", but marrying Margaret Ann Wilkins of Essex, in a time when it wasn't usual for ordinary people to travel so far. (Members of Parliament, yes, they got around, as did their relatives. But there is no Wilkins on the MP list between 1509 and 1629.) Moreover, Margaret has a death date of 1594, so she was certainly not bearing any children in 1599.

No one on the west side of the Atlantic has ever found a shred of evidence as to the parentage of John Wilkins, I.

Robert Wilkins of Oxfordshire *may or may not* be the same person as the husband of Margaret Wilkins (birth name unknown) of Essex.

I'm not sure where this all comes from, possibly an outdated version of the Miles Files (which currently gives no parents for John Wilkins, I), or possibly someone's WAG that got taken for fact.

11/11/2017 at 10:50 AM

Re: how can I believe Geni?

Since I found that Odin is my 38th great grandfather and Zeus is my 97th, I have some doubts about the truth of the records here...

11/11/2017 at 12:05 PM

Jerker Vasenius

The issue isn’t the record, it’s the relationship linked.

When I see an improbable link in my tree, I fix it by first documenting that incorrectly placed child, and then asking for a disconnect.

I don’t rely on someone else to “fix the tree,” after all, it’s my own ancestry I’m trying to get as good as possible.

It’s up to me to identify the wrong links and take the steps to correct.

Private User
11/12/2017 at 10:54 PM

Fun fact to consider if you think you have too much royalty in your line...

Each generation multiples by 2 ancestors...

By the time you get to your 22nd great grandparents you have 16,777,216 of those!

So why would you think that it is impossible to have several lines of royalty within that many people. They in fact may be your great grandparents many times over!

11/13/2017 at 1:54 AM

You right :)

Private User
11/13/2017 at 4:48 AM

Jenka, I agree when they start connecting you to Gods like Odin or People from the Bible like Noah and Adam and Eve, I am skeptical. Very skeptical but as far as Kings and Queens line William the Conq.b can be proven by the paper trail. Follow the paper trail., which is something Geni usually does. . I have had and still have some disagreement with certain more recent profiles but as a rule Geni has it right.

Private User
11/13/2017 at 6:21 AM

Jeffery, it's not all that common to have a clear and unflawed paper trail back to Royalty - even when there *is* a trail, there are often links that are questionable (weak, wishful thinking, or occasionally outright fudged).

There may indeed be Royals in practically everyone's tree (the kings especially were a randy lot of Tireless Tomcats for the most part), but *proving* it is the hard part.

11/13/2017 at 9:13 AM

But is there any proof that Odin and Zeus have ever existed in the real world?

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