Barbara Baer (supposed wife of Hans Jacob Thome)

Started by Karl David Wright on Thursday, August 8, 2019
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8/8/2019 at 4:27 AM

While building the tree for the Thomes, who apparently came from Switzerland, I discovered some inconsistencies that need resolution.

Hans Jacob Thome is definitely in the Augusta list. Here's his profile:

Joggi 'Jacob' Thomen

His wife, Barbara Baer, came in with a merge:

Barbara Thome

Her origin is also Switzerland so this seems like an excellent example of a wife emigrating with her husband. BUT, in Geni, she has a brother:

David Baer

... and another brother:

Jacob 'Whiskey' Baer, Jr.

Both brothers are supposedly born in Pennsylvania in the early 1720's. That may well be wrong, but even if it is, he doesn't appear on the Augusta's manifest. Could be due to his age? Or, maybe Barbara Baer married another Thome, not Hans Jacob? I've seen that floated in some we trees, and this needs some research to disentangle. This discussion is meant to do that.

8/8/2019 at 4:29 AM

Erica Howton, Jim Wile, help needed. is all over the place on this topic, and original records do not seem available.

8/8/2019 at 2:00 PM

I realized that the the dates for David and Jacob Jr. were inconsistent with their proposed parents in Switzerland. I also noticed that one of the Augusta passengers (aged 34) was named "Jacob Paire", and that he was rendered "Jacob Barr" in the other lists. Therefore I believe Barbara emigrated with her brother and his wife and sons (David and Jacob "Whiskey"). The generations were collapsed, as does happen, sometime later, and we lost the name of Jacob b.1702's wife.

If this is correct, David and Jacob "Whiskey" were indeed born in Switzerland, not Lancaster County or Virginia. Erica Howton

8/8/2019 at 2:35 PM

Maybe chase up the brother’s in law family for insight

And also literature on Jagly Barr.

8/8/2019 at 2:40 PM

I think you’re getting it right with the “generation collapse,” ie, the children of Jagly Barr born early 1700s, emigrated with him & their families (Barbara, David & Jacob) in the 1730s (as we saw elsewhere not necessarily on the same ship though). So the next gen including Whiskey Barr (great Name) born prior to emigration. Supporting this theory is that we know the big exodus was in response to the devastation of the 30 years war & took place in the mid 1730s. So 1724 is simply too soon to have been born on this side.

8/8/2019 at 3:19 PM

This is getting tangled.

Note this poor woman:

Anna Barbara Frederick

She's married in Geni to two different Hans Jacob Baer's, and has two overlapping families. She's either very resilient or only married to one of them in practice.

Now, both are supposedly brothers, which is also odd, because their names are quite similar. But they wound up in very different places. Sigh.

8/8/2019 at 3:31 PM

I've looked at info to remove Anna Barbara Frederick as parents of the Augusta immigrants. Jagli Jacob has plenty of wives to choose from so I picked another Barbara for the mother of his children, for now.
Clearly the Jagli branch is the one that went to Virginia so I'm pretty happy about who wound up associated with whom. Let's hope I've got it right.

8/8/2019 at 11:31 PM

I've now updated David and Whiskey's place of birth and left notes in their overviews. The sourcing for Whiskey's place of birth of Pennsylvania came only from Wikitree so I agree that this can be safely revised.

The possibility remains that "Whiskey" Barr is in fact Scottish and not from Switzerland at all, but let's leave that possibility on the table as an unexplored theory we won't try to answer here.

This closes the discussion thread unless anyone raises objections...

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