Help assemble Colonial families !

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, August 11, 2019
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8/11/2019 at 5:25 PM

I’ve just run across two “tree tops” that are missing a lot of descendants. Come on, they’re in Geni somewheres, they just need gluing back onto their missing parents / spouses.

Please help, and post any “you” might run across.

(Source data needed of course)

Martha Sorrel Handerson

Edward Weeden

8/11/2019 at 5:46 PM

Hmm, Martha has a wikitree match that gives a maiden name of Steele. Thoughts?

8/11/2019 at 5:48 PM

There's also this Master Profile in Geni for the same person:

Martha Sorrel Handerson

8/11/2019 at 6:36 PM

There are lots of Mudge & Tuttle Patriots of the American Revolution. I can work on them, not sure how it will all fit together.

8/11/2019 at 6:57 PM

Merged into the MP & corrected parents. Even Torrey was fooled: Martha was the “grand child” of George Steele, of Hartford, named in his 1663 will along with her half brothers - her stepmother the witch’s sons (Rebecca Greensmith )

*Alsoe I give unto my grandchild Martha Hanison my best chamber pott.
*Alsoe I give unto Moses and Micah Mudge ten shillings

Martha isn’t in “the Mudge book” which otherwise looks pretty complete. Google books version:

“Memorials: a genealogical [&c.] account of the name of Mudge in America.” By Alfred Mudge

(I’m going to upload a book cover as a source - anchor to profiles, feel free to tag it to any other Mudge we find in the book).

I have the feeling “Mudge” will be a productive “genealogy name.” It’s so ugly (oops). Faustine Darsey on partial hiatus It will be interesting to find out if they went South, or if that’s a different line. Of course Tuttle is an enormous Connecticut tree with lots of black sheep.

8/11/2019 at 7:14 PM

OK, this study gives her a more complicated origin. Rats. Page 5

In summary, we can postulate several possible scenarios for Martha’s parentage. However the one that seems to best fit with the known facts is as follows: Richard Steele came with his parents to Hartford in 1635. Not long afterwards he married some unknown woman (first name possibly Miriam). He had by her about 1638 a daughter Martha. Richard had served in the Pequot War in 1637 and was granted a lot in Soldiers Field as a result. Sometime about 1640 he died and left a widow and an only child, Martha. His widow was married about 1641 to Jarvis Mudge. Any land belonging to Richard was given to his father, George, to hold in trust for his daughter.
By Mudge, Richard’s widow had two sons, Moses (b. abt. 1642) and Micah (b. abt. 1645). About 1646 Martha’s mother died also (probably in childbirth) and left Martha an orphan. It is possible that the Steeles did not trust Jarvis Mudge to look after Martha properly, and that Martha went to live in her grandparents home. At this time James was still at home and Elizabeth, a newly wed, lived nearby. Martha was undoubtedly very close to her Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle James.
Jarvis Mudge married Rebecca Elsen so his sons had a step-mother. When he died in 1653 the Steeles may have considered her not to be a very good woman (she was executed for witchcraft in 1663), so the Steeles may have taken these orphans in to live with their half-sister, Martha, until they were old enough to be on their own. As the Mudge boys would have been about 8 and 11 in 1653, they may have lived with the Steeles for several years. George Steele remembered them in his will, as they were once members of his household.
Why do we consider Richard to be the most likely parent of Martha? First, he is the only child of George Steele (besides James and Elizabeth) whose name ever shows up in the colonial records. Sec- ond, the fact that he had real property which should have passed to his heirs and Martha did receive real property from Capt. Watt which we can surmise he held in trust for her. If she were the child of a daughter of George Steele, there would be less likelihood of a real property transfer from the Steele side. Her mother’s property, if any, would have gone to the mother’s husband and thence to her. There is no record of any Mudge property going to Martha.
Also, the naming of her children suggests she was not Margery’s child. As the name Mary was not used until the 5th daughter, it is not likely she was Mary’s daughter either. Last but not least, if a dau. of George’s is her mother and yet the Mudge boys are not George’s grandchildren, Jarvis Mudge would have to have had 3 different wives (the mother of Martha, the mother of Moses & Micah and Rebecca Elsen) within in a span of ten years; a possible but unlikely sequence of events!

Private User
8/11/2019 at 7:37 PM

for Edward Weeden:
Samuel Weeden
Mary Cole

Elizabeth Weedon was merged into Mary Mudge, because at this page:
clicking on the MP of Elizabeth Weedon brings you to Mary Mudge

Looking at revisions for Sarah Weeden, I found this merge done in Nov 2018:
At this point, the only sibling for Sarah was Elizabeth Weeden Mudge, who was later merged with Mary Mudge and disconnected.

So I'm wondering if the other siblings were ever on Geni at all?
But I'm working on it.

Private User
8/11/2019 at 8:05 PM

This is interesting - possible merge:
Edward Weeden
Same wife (name), one daughter, Mary Cole, different parents.

8/11/2019 at 8:47 PM

Elizabeth Weeden had somehow been smerged into Mary (unknown) Mudge. I just smoothed out her name and disconnected from wrong-parents. So it there really was an Elizabeth, she would need to be re entered; I couldn’t undo the computer merge from 2010.

8/11/2019 at 8:50 PM

I’m so glad I thought of this discussion.

It goes much faster & more accurately with collaborators.

8/11/2019 at 8:59 PM

Dang this is where Elizabeth Weeden comes from - she’s not in the Mudge book:

Children of Jarvis Mudge and [Mary?] (Steele) Mudge -- order uncertain:[2]

Moses Mudge b. c 1640 (aged 41 years or thereabouts on 7 Feb 1680/1; died about 1694 or 1695; m 1668 Elizabeth Weeden. 22 Jan 1683 Moses Mudge of Oyster Bay, "son and heir of Jarvis Mudge sometime of New London," conveyed his New London land to Christopher Christophers.

(There are other parts to the Wikitree I object to, especially Rebecca - the - witch being given Steele parents).

8/11/2019 at 9:08 PM

Here it is:

Elizabeth Weeden is married to Moses Mudge who was born in Northhampton Massachusetts.

8/11/2019 at 10:06 PM

From the profile for Mary Dixey

George Steele's family was reviewed in The Great Migration Begins:

And The American Genealogist 81:18-30:

Just recently - no connection was found to the Dixey family. See also an earlier article in TAG 36:186-90 by Jacobus.

8/11/2019 at 10:20 PM
8/11/2019 at 10:22 PM

And they are all cousins, so it's one tree!

8/11/2019 at 11:11 PM

Well done.

8/11/2019 at 11:23 PM

Wow, step away for a few hours and stuff happens...

8/11/2019 at 11:37 PM

Merged Edward Weeden dups, the parent conflict was easy to resolve.

He didn’t have any.

8/12/2019 at 6:19 PM

I’m cleaning up Robert Carr, of Newport & Caleb Carr, 16th Colonial Governor of Rhode Island & have disconnected them from unproven parents Benjamin Carr, of London & Martha Carr

'''Anderson's Great Migration series assigns no origins or parents for brothers Robert and Caleb Carr.'''

Private User
8/14/2019 at 6:27 AM

Re: Erica Howton's original post - "I’ve just run across two “tree tops” that are missing a lot of descendants."

Is it possible that there were duplicates that curators marked for deletion by the Geni staff, but then someone merged anyway? Then when Geni staff deleted them, both sets of the duplicate profiles got deleted? In reviewing all the revisions, I can't find evidence that the children were ever there and disconnected from the parents.

Private User
8/14/2019 at 6:37 AM

Here is the first merge of 2 Edward Weedens on the revisions list:
Neither profile has children other than Mary listed.
There were no further revisions until last week.
Wouldn't added children show on his revisions?

Just trying to figure out h ow the system works.

8/14/2019 at 8:03 AM

This William Benson Carr - a direct distant of Robert Carr and hid brother Caleb Carr and I am in poson of a copy of the book about the Carr family "The Carr family" by Arthur Carr (1947) he is from Ticonaroga NY(sp) Robert and Caleb came to USA on or about 1632 - 1635 on the ship called the Elizabeth Ann my email address is

8/14/2019 at 8:07 AM

My departed sister has traced the family to the 1100s I believe Sir Andrew Carr (Kerr)

8/15/2019 at 5:04 AM

Private User

I think you’re correct and Edward Weeden was always missing most of his children.

The solution is to go downtree and try to find grand children. I have best luck searching by Spouse.

Private User
8/15/2019 at 6:30 AM

Erica Howton
I entered Edward's children based on his Geni bio as well as other (not nec. reliable) sources. I was finding a lot of discrepancy on the birth dates among the different, so they are approximate. If you have a reliable source, send me a link and I'll change the dates as necessary.

I couldn't find any more info in searches for wife or grandchildren.

Private User
8/15/2019 at 6:32 AM

correction - above should say "among the different sources."

8/15/2019 at 3:43 PM

The early genealogies of the Cole families in America. (Including Coles and Cowles). With some account of the descendants of James, by Hartford, Connecticut, 1635-1652, and of Thomas Cole, of Salem, Mass., 1649-1672
Cole, Frank T. (Frank Theodore), 1853-1911 Page 83

Uploaded to profiles - I’ll tag to the children.

Notable descendants include politician Mitt Romney

8/16/2019 at 9:00 PM

Can we check out this family?

John Roberts, of Roxbury

I just peeled him off a fellow with no children:

Thomas Roberts, of Ticehurst, Esq.

8/17/2019 at 8:49 PM

The children of Silas Gifford & Elizabeth Gifford are missing from Geni. There are good references in the profile “about,” I imagine there are trees that match it / are based on those sources that can be used as a SmartCopy base. We have DNA Links also, so there’s a good “assemble tree” opportunity here. Hope someone bites for it. :)

8/17/2019 at 9:40 PM

I'm working on the kids of Silas & Elizabeth (Weeks) Gifford.

Please look at this - - and clear the conflicts. I can't clear on William Gifford - I did try.

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