James Hicks - Did James Hicks & Phebe Allen exist ???

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, November 30, 2019
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Comments from https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hicks-237

Research suggests that this person may never have existed. See the text for details.

Disputed Existence

The existence of James Hicks, his supposed father Baptist Hicks (distinct from Sir Baptist Hicks b 1556), his marriage to Phebe, and their being parents of Great Migration-era Robert Hicks was introduced to the world in the late 1800s in an undated manuscript by Benjamin D. Hicks, “Hicks MSS,” [sic], a multi-volume set, edited by Mrs Florence Youngs, available only in hard copy form at the Long Island Historical Society. A careful analysis of sources revealed that this manuscript appears to be the earliest to introduce the lineage of the John Hicks (1470) --> Thomas Hicks m. Margaret Atwood --> Baptist Hicks m. Mary Everard --> James Hicks m. Phebe Allyn --> Robert Hicks, immigrant to New England.

In 1939, Seversmith reviewed this manuscript and pointed out that there is NO evidence to support this lineage, and that BDH offered no explanation for this branch. It is all the more unhappy to note that a persistent search in the available Gloucestershire, MIddlesex and London records has not uncovered James Hicks who married Phebe, or Baptist Hicks who married Mary Everard.[1]

Since no contemporaneous documentation exists to support these claims, they have been detached as parents of these the PGM-era immigrants.


Tagging Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" & Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087

My suggestion is to list which child you’re interested in and we will study from there.

Seems every Hicks researcher knows the names James Hicks and Pheobe Allyn

This James is one that was disconnected at the top and remains my direct going around Hicks.

James Hicks:

James Hicks is your 14th great grandfather.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Arvel Yewell Hicks
his father → Rachel Jane Hicks
his mother → Lucinda Crossen
her mother → Bennett Combs Dilbeck
her father → Abraham Dilbeck
his father → John Dilbeck, Jr
his father → John Dilbeck, Sr
his father → Abraham Dilbeck
his father → Rachel Dilbeck
his mother → Elizabeth Combs
her mother → Solomon Seaman
her father → Capt. John Seaman
his father → Sarah Anne Seaman
his mother → William Hicks
her father → James Hicks
his father

Phebe Hicks :

Phebe Hicks is your 14th great grandmother.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Arvel Yewell Hicks
his father → Rachel Jane Hicks
his mother → Lucinda Crossen
her mother → Bennett Combs Dilbeck
her father → Abraham Dilbeck
his father → John Dilbeck, Jr
his father → John Dilbeck, Sr
his father → Abraham Dilbeck
his father → Rachel Dilbeck
his mother → Elizabeth Combs
her mother → Solomon Seaman
her father → Capt. John Seaman
his father → Sarah Anne Seaman
his mother → William Hicks
her father → Phebe Hicks
his mother

(Different from Pheobe Allyne but same/soundalike)


Research suggests that this person may never have existed. See the text for details.
Phebe (Allyn) Hicks is currently protected by the Puritan Great Migration Project for reasons described in the narrative.
Join: Puritan Great Migration Project
Discuss: PGM
because this profile represents a disputed parent of a Great Migration-era immigrant, it is being tracked and co-managed by the Puritan Great Migration Project.

If she is protected THERE, seems she should be here as well

I am not passionate about any of them.
I leave them to the pros. Too far for me unless they are represented somewhere with Y and as I cannot contribute, I cannot weigh in but I do know my father's haplo

I do not know the accuracy of this source. I do know some bad ones--that Bluegrass one is atrocious.


In BAsic Geni, a user can click on Managed by Me and get all of the profiles one is A manager. In Pro version, I can only pull up the ones that I am THE MAIN manager. Not helpful.

I have already deleted everything about THIS one from my Ancestry tree.
Pheobe Hicks
BIRTH 1615 • Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay colony
DEATH 22 MAY 1663 • Massachusetts Bay Colony
as this one has NO children now:
Margaret Winslow

La conexión con ellos es por su hijo
Thomas Hicks, of Scituate
Este es el perfil maestro de Thomas Hicks.
Nota del curador Hatte Anne Blejer (5/9/2011):
Thomas Hicks of London m. Margaret, dau. of Zechariah West. Came to America about 1630 and settled in Scituate, Mass. In his will, dated Jan. 10, 1653, he mentions his three sons, Zechariah, Daniel and Samuel; died at Scituate about 1653.
SOURCE: http://books.google.com/books?id=XUpkAAAAMAAJ&dq=%22Thomas%20Hi...

HICKS, HORACE LYMAN, Albany; son of EDWARD HICKS, b. 1813 (m. Helen Mar Soule); son of Samuel, b. 1752, d. 1820 (m. Mary Sheppard), engaged in battle of Plattsburg, 1812; son of John, b. 1725, d. 1775 (m. Elizabeth Nutting), killed in the battle of Lexington; son of John; son of Zachariah, b. 1657 (m. Ruth, dau. of John Greene); son of Zachariah, b. in England, 1628, d. in America, 1702 (m. 1652 Elizabeth Sill, d. 1730), settled in Cambridge, Mass.; son of THOMAS HICKS of London, England (m. Margaret, dau. of Zechariah West, a linen draper of London), came from England about 1630, his brother Robert having preceded him and settled in Scituate, Mass. In his will, dated Jan. 10, 1653, he mentions his three sons, Zechariah, Daniel and Samuel; died at Scituate about 1653. The English descent of THOMAS HICKS is as follows:

He was the son of James (m. Phebe, perhaps a daughter of Rev. Ephraim Allyne of Hertfordshire); son of Baptist, b. about 1526 (m. Nancy, dau. of James Everhard); son of Thomas Hicks of Tortworth, Gloucestershire, which estate he inherited from his father, John Hicks, and on which he resided until his death (m. Joan Darney). This Thomas was the eldest son of John Hicks who was lineally descended from Sir Ellis Hicks who was knighted by Edward the Black Prince at the battle of Poictiers, Sept. 19, 1356. In the English Baronctage (see Foster's Edition, 1881, p. 311I the lineage of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Bart., of Beverstone, Gloucestershire, is traced to Robert Hicks, the son of John Hicks of Tortworth. [295]

Right - and it’s that “Royal descent” that is being questioned as bogus.

Good Links!

But no primary sources.

Notice the dates for the book:

American Ancestry: The city of Albany, state of New York, 1887, ed. by Thomas P. Hughes.- v. 2. (Local series) Columbia County, state of New York, 1887, ed. by Thomas P. Hughes.- v. 3-12. Embracing lineages from the whole of the United States. 1888[-1898. Ed. by Frank Munsell

It’s a bad era in Colonial genealogy. We want to see the most contemporary (that is, James Hicks time) and also the more recent studies.

The Great Migration Project probably has something to say about this.

Tagging William Hicks , Anne Hicks & Lady Anne Seaman

Can we get biographies / source citations into these three?

https://sites.rootsweb.com/~dearbornboutwell/fam7454.html Has the Anderson Great Migration article quoted.

“.COMMENTS: The major breakthrough on this family was made when Robert S. Wakefield discovered additional baptismal entries in the St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, register [TAG 51:57-58]. Several sources give Robert Hicks two wives: Elizabeth Morgan and Margaret Winslow. No record has been found of any marriage for Robert Hicks, and his only known wife was Margaret; the argument that Margaret was a Winslow has little basis [TAG 54:31-34]”

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1938 Louis Effingham deForest compiled a comprehensive summary of all that was known about Robert Hicks at that date [ Moore Anc 295-308]. (This summary includes children Elizabeth and Daniel, for whom there is no evidence.)

The Great Migration Begins


So - this is the “real” Robert HICKS as described by Anderson.

Robert Hicks, of the Plymouth Colony

Historical Person Search
Search Results
Samuel SEAMAN (1617 - 1695)

Robert Hicks, of the Plymouth Colony was disconnected from his parents James Hicks and Phebe Hicks (Allynne) by Sarah Farnsworth Hunnewell.
Feb 16, 2018 at 9:06 AM

I can no longer access International records on Ancestry but there are "hints" on Ancestry for them

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