John Thomas Wilson - Need a curator please and thank you.... Dates/document

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, December 10, 2020
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12/10/2020 at 11:30 AM

Johne Willsone (Principal) and Jonet Brown (Wife)
8 Aug 1676
Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

Attached to John Wilson (Head) 1650-1684 • L9PF-CBY and Sarah Jonet Brown (Wife)1677-1739 • MSKK-1WP​
Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom

I am wondering if these are correct and if the dates on the profile need adjusted?

These are my 7th great grandparents.

12/10/2020 at 11:34 AM

Date of birth for father John is seen as 1650, NOT the 1666 noted on the About on this profile.

2/16/2023 at 8:40 AM

John Wilson is tagged but I do not see him mentioned in the screenshot:

2/16/2023 at 11:32 AM

Still not fixed.

2/16/2023 at 11:35 AM

John was changed to Ephraim the sheriff and wife Sarah Reid was changed to Elizabeth Davis and then the men were merged.
I have asked for unmerges.
John and Sarah are the parents of Robert Wilson the Patriot.
I have zero idea who Ephraim and Elizabeth are but they are NOT the parents of Robert and siblings.
Elizabeth Wilson

Consistency Check:Baptism date of Reverend Thomas Wilson is after his death date.Elizabeth Wilson (Davis) died before her marriage date.Samuel Wilson born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Thomas Wilson born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Elizabeth Wilson, died young born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Ephraim Wilson, Died Young born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Ann Wilson born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Capt. David Wilson born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).Elizabeth Wilson born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Wilson (Davis).

2/16/2023 at 1:27 PM

Thank you for working on them, Eugene Thomas
Private User are you online?
Also tagging Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
These are apparently three different families

2/16/2023 at 1:35 PM

Karl David Wright one of these is seen as a husband of Frances Rodgers Wilson Armstrong

Private User
2/16/2023 at 1:38 PM

When working with Eastern Shore profiles, people should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS refer to the Miles Files - and remember that there is this BIG BIG Chesapeake Bay between the Eastern Shore and the rest of the Colonies.

Found Ephraim Wilson and his wives (Elizabeth Lynch nee Davis and Frances Irving nee Betts), and did some fill-in work on the Abouts, dates, etc.

2/16/2023 at 1:44 PM

The About for Zaccheus Wilson, Sr. Zaccheus Wilson, Sr. MP
Gender: Male
Birth: 1713
Newville, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: October 20, 1795 (81-82)
Lexington, Oglethorpe, Georgia, United States (age)
Immediate Family:
Husband of Frances Rogers (Russell) and Martha Wilson (Armstrong)

says he is NOT the Zaccheus from Mecklenburg county.
This is a problem since the profile picture for him is from 2008 and of Mecklenburg County if is labeled correctly.

I worked on Zaccheus Wilson Zaccheus Wilson son of Robert and Eleanor today because I KNOW them and they are all tuned up now.

I do not know beyond Robert Wilson if his parents are not John Wilson and Sarah Reid but I am ok with no parents known for now

Private User
2/17/2023 at 11:14 AM

Thank you, Cynthia,
I normally work in Benelux with Carl, had just completed a family and needed a break. Pam Wilson was my sponsor and mentor and she's been on hiatus for several years so I thought id try to clear her backlog so that her followers didn't feel abandoned. Through that effort, I came across two profiles for Cherokee men who needed help. Erica suggested I help her, and I agreed, then she looped in Kathryn Forbes, and I've been getting more deeply involved with the Cherokee branch of the tree, the history is interesting and I tend to believe that history and genealogy are inseparable.

I'd be happy to help but I have kind of a work plan now, building out the Cherokee families from the beginning of Emmett Starr to the mid-1800s. I'm basically just a researcher.

Private User
2/17/2023 at 11:17 AM

Does Miles Files include Native American families of the early colonies?

2/17/2023 at 11:45 AM

Thank you, Private User
Yes, when I used to do genealogy with paper records and charts, I absolutely knew what states became when and where states came to being and what county borders changed in the U.S. and could tell you which records and courthouses burned or literally sent overflow records to the landfill before the digital age.
I was an American history minor in college (non-traditional student in that I was an adult with two little boys and paying my own way against the odds) and have seen a lot of the USA and Europe since I was fortunate to be an ARMY "brat"...
I mostly tree build with DNA matches now since I have so many BRICK WALL ancestors and much of what can be researched has been until more records become publicly available and especially internet accessible.
I was fortunate to be able to do genealogy at near the beginning of the internet but since then, much has remained or become info that is now behind a paywall.
There is a group on Twitter called Reclaiming the records which seeks to have PUBLIC records made public. Imagine that ;)
For Native American lines, I do NOT actively look for them. I have them but have been so very discouraged even since the beginning of my search for Native American ancestors and I do NOT hold them in any different regard than my other ancestors but they are difficult to discover/research.
I will stress again that Native American does NOT always mean CHEROKEE.
Any way, ...
thank you for any assistance with the Wilsons. MY most recent WILSON ancestor is MARY WILSON who was born 1805 in Tennessee and died in Calloway County Kentucky in 1880. She married John BAUCOM. I have met some excellent researchers for Baucom and Wilson but Wilson is the most difficult as I have professional genealogist cousins who are Baucom and have already done so much of the legwork.
Much of it is just a matter of gathering the info and then the DNA is the key to confirming they are in the proper place.
Sorry-- I digress :)

2/17/2023 at 11:46 AM

Private User are you able to fill in some of the blanks?
It would be great to get some of these Wilson lines MP'd and made impossible to merge erroneously

2/17/2023 at 11:48 AM

again ;)

2/17/2023 at 11:53 AM

Hi Private User

I don’t think there was much, if any, Native American & European colonist intermarriage on Virginia’s Eastern shore in early America, and the MilesFiles specializes in those families:

For Virginia’s Northern Neck and Southern Maryland, Dave Marshall’s database is very good:

Neither would cover Cherokee, which is of later date and different geography.

Private User
2/17/2023 at 12:13 PM

DNA is a weak spot for me, I will be back to you with questions.

And yes I know that AN is a much broader term than Cherokee, but Cherokee is where I am right now so I want to stay focused on that because it generates from assistance to Pam, my bad.

Thank you, Erica, I sent you that link with maps showing the Cherokee in Southern VA, I'm not fully enlightened as to the extent of their geological area. I'm guessing that there was a lot of AN intermarriage on the "borders" of each tribe, which is also another subject.

2/17/2023 at 1:48 PM

The timelines are very different. “Colonial Virginia” was 1609 (settlement at Jamestown) to 1776 (American Revolution). And that’s what these databases focus on.

Cherokee contact with English settlers was not until later, and was in the Carolinas:

Although initial contact took place during Hernando De Soto's expedition in 1540, sustained relations between Europeans and the Cherokee were not established until the late seventeenth century by traders from Virginia and South Carolina.

I don’t know that there’s much record of intermarriage between native tribes before European missionaries started keeping records.

Anyway, now we’re really off topic! :)

2/17/2023 at 1:54 PM

Can we look at these wives?:
Sarah Wilson
Sarah Wilson

Private User
2/17/2023 at 5:11 PM

David Bigelow: I can trace the Eastern Shore Wilsons as far as the Miles Files take them. (Expect they'll tie in with everybody else in that area, because the Eastern Shore is like that.)

As to WIlsons not on the Eastern Shore/in the Miles Files, you're on your own. :-)

2/17/2023 at 6:48 PM

Zaccheus Wilson, Sr. mentioned there
I’ll try to work on the area again tomorrow
I usually work on the Big Tree between 8 and 4 if I am able

Private User
2/18/2023 at 8:00 AM

BEWARE: this "Family Tree" *does not work*

I can see problem after problem with it. Can you-all?

2/18/2023 at 8:21 AM

Private User YES.
Still got peanut butter in the chocolate from the vandalism and subsequent merges based on the changes made.

I am starting to think that Geni SHOULD ALLOW BASIC users to disconenct relationships. When they make an error in their immediate family, they leave geni or they go around the hard stops by just changing the info and THEN maybe that's is why they vandalize a profile that is NOT who they want iot to be rather than ask for help or disconenct their own line.

2/18/2023 at 8:23 AM

Presently John Wilson 's wife Sarah Wilson is his sister...

2/18/2023 at 8:30 AM this is the Maryland Wilson and mentions Sheriff Ephraim Wilson

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