Nancy (Larrison) Ramsey - Parents?

Started by Erica Howton on Monday, August 16, 2021
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Can anyone help reconcile these contradictory statements, or otherwise add value to the tree?

Disputed Origins

“Memory” posted 2 May 2013 at

There were two Nancy Larrison's in Washington co. Pa. at the same time and both had father's named John The one who married John Ramsey was the descendant of John Larrison "the Dane" who came to NJ. in 1666. Her mother was Mary Pelton and her grandmother was Keizah Parke. Their son William married Emeline Maple whose grandmother Keizah Larrison was Nancy's aunt. She is a descendant of William Parke born 1503 who is also the ancestor of John Custis, George Washington's stepson,of Mary Custis, Robert E. Lee's wife and of Robert Parke who married Ruth Webster the granddaughter of Noah Webster(not the Noah who wrote the dictionary but his 2nd cousin and also of Daniel). The other Nancy was born in 1772, her mother was Elizabeth Midkiff or Kice and she married William Gibson. They are not related as far as I can tell.

(Attribution needed)

There were two Nancy Larrison's born in Washington co. Pa. The one who married John Ramsey was born in Amwell township in 1790. She was possibly a descendant of John Larrison "the Dane" who came to NJ. in 1666 and claimed to be a Danish nobleman. Her mother's maiden name was NOT Pelton (Mary Pelton had no children). Her daughterr in-law Emeline Maple, was a descendant of the Dane,.The other Nancy was born about 1772 and married a man named Gibson. I don't believe they were related.

(Attribution needed). Posted 2013.

Not the same as Nancy Gibson
The parents listed here (of John Larison of Hopewell County and Mary Larison are incorrect. Although possibly a descendant of John Larrison the Dane (her daughter in-law was) her parents are unknown.

(Sources found)


John Larrison, son of James and Kesiah Parke Larrison, born 1737 and died before November 13 1805 the date his will was probated. He married Mary Pelton, daughter of Benjamin Pelton, and had no children.

PIONEERS OF OLD HOPEWELL, page 227 Archive.Org

The eldest son John, married Mary, daughter of Benjamin' Pelton of Long Island, who about 1740 purchased the farm now owned by John L. Burroughs, between Woodsville and Marshall's Corner. John Larison settled there and kept a hotel for many years. They had no children.
Benjamin Pelton bequeathed the farm to Mary Larison, and in the event of her death without heirs to descend to her nephew, John Pelton, son of her brother Samuel. John inherited the farm and sold it soon after to Moses Quick and joined the great migration to New York State about 1792.
John Larison 's will, dated May 8, 1805, proved November 13, 1805, bequeaths his property, including a tract of land in Cayuga County, New York, to his namesake, John Sexton, son of his sis- ter Catharine, who married Benjamin Sexton and resided at Belvi- dere; to John and Nellie McGee and to Elizabeth Larison, daughter of Catharine Manley of Somerset County. He appointed "Miller" Peter Snook and Jacob Stout his executors and the witnesses are his neighbors, Andrew, George and Anna Smith.

I’ve created a “placeholder profile” for Larison children who seem to have been born in Amwell Township. They don’t seem to be in the Pioneers of Old Hopewell book, so if they’re from John “the Dane” Larison, they come down a different stream from the New Netherland Colony.

John Henry Larison As parent of

Thomas Larison

Daniel Milton Larison

James Larison

Mary Sarah Larison

Abel Larison

Abel Larison



Perhaps one of the two known Nancy Larisons of Washington County PA was a sibling.

Here’s the second of the three John Larisons - father of Nancy (Larrison) Gibson).

John Larrison

Information from profile manager:

If you mean the Nancy who married John Ramsey, contemporary sources (a newspaper article I believe) stated she was a descendant of the Dane, She was not a daughter of Mary Pelton, that's been disproven. Her father was probably Theodore, son of Jacob, son of George Larrison who was the ancestro of Nancy's daughter in-law Emeline Maple.

That’s this George Larrison

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