Elizabeth Bethany Lott (Joyner) - Elizabeth vs. Bethany Joyner

Started by Debbie Gambrell on today
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Today at 8:26 AM

I'm confused and need help with the issue of Bethany Joyner. I have them as separate people in my tree but I was contacted by someone on Ancestry today who has her husband's Lott line connections different from mine, so I was checking the connections on Geni and it hasn't helped.

In my tree, I have John Lott I of Tatnois Swamp

John Lott of Tatnois Swamp

married to Elizabeth Bethany Joyner:

Elizabeth Bethany Lott

because that's how they are on Geni.

I also have this John Lott I married to Bridgett Lott (Emilie, which is his wife that my line is from.

Then I have this Elizabeth Joyner in my tree married to a different John Lott.

Elizabeth "Bethany" (Joyner) Lott

and I see she is tagged 'Bethany' as well, which is part of the confusion. It doesn't seem that this one was actually named Bethany but it has just been attached to her. ?

There are multiple John Lotts with wives named Elizabeth. I don't know that there actually was more than one who was really named Bethany. Any help sorting those names to make the lines easier to search would be appreciated because people are getting them mixed up in their trees.

Today at 8:52 AM

The notes in this profile:

Elizabeth "Bethany" (Joyner) Lott

indicate she was known as Delilah and farther down in the notes is listed as her name unknown. It 'seems' she has been tagged as Elizabeth 'Bethany' Joyner in spite of nothing in her profile notes indicating that was her name. ?

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