Cornelius (Kees De Boer) Claasz (Claasen) - Evidence of parentage?

Started by Herman Booysen on today
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This profile was created on 12 April 2024 by Jason Walter Stanley and corresponds with Cornelis "Kees de Boer" Claesz, SV/PROG 1 -- a profile that has existed since 2008, added by Private User

Even though I believe that the profiles are of the same person, I don't feel comfortable to merge them because the older profile has no parents listed (therefore parentage unproven) and the new profile has no documents or references as evidence. Furthermore, the older profile has had a wopping 11 discussions, which indicates that there have been numerous discussions, which I believe would have elicited the names of his parents if proof existed.

I considered for a while to isolate the new branch, but I just don't have enough information to reject it out of hand, and I don't want to offend the last contributor unless I'm certain. I would rather pass the issue on to one of the managers and/or to another curator to handle.

It's a Duplicate. There's an isolate function specifically designed by Geni to remove those in this era - under Geni's explicit instructions - to avoid the exponential merge in work that they create.

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