Thank you Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן... I hadn't read most of the comments here (and I'm a real newbie to this site). In fact, I don't have my DNA uploaded here (just on 23andMe). However, I just read Geoffrey Sea's sobering account of the mythical David and how so many have tried to claim descending from him, and to be honest, was rather bummed. It's pretty believable that this nearly antique yichus that my grandfather gave me that traces my dad's side back to Gamliel, Rashi, Avital, David, et alia, is likely quite inaccurate. And yet, it's all I have.
Geoffrey Sea, how would I see if my ancestors trace back to Rashi? The yichus seems very clear on that. Upload my dna? Very green here... Thank you! -AA