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  • The Rebbetzin Rebecca (Ryfka) Weingot (1831 - 1909)
    Daughter of admur rebee dovid morgenstern,the admor of kozk ztk"l And Rebbetzin Chaya Toibe (nee greenwald)zt"l,Wife of the great chassid & teacher rebbe shraga feivel wajzngot-teomim zt"lבתם של האדמו"...
  • Grand Rabbi David Morgenstern, 2nd Admor of Kotzk (1809 - 1873)
    --- --- Death Kock 1873 #101 - death reported with delay on the 31st of December because of his widowed wife’s sickness. R’ Dawid Morgensztern died on the 5th of July 1873
  • Rbzn. Chaya Tauba Morgenstern, of Kotzk (1810 - 1886)
    ה"ה הצדקת הרבנית חיה טויבה זצ"ל,גידלה וחינכה את ילדיה לתפארת, ועסקה בפרנסת הבית,ובכך איפשרה לבעלה רבי דוד מורגנשטרן-האדמו"ר מקוצק,לעסוק באדמורות ובדברי תורה.היא הייתה צנועה וחסודה. האדמו"ר מקוצק, רבי מ...
  • Hakadosh Hachasid Rabbi Chaim Lajser Katz- HaCohen Wartski, Ztk"l,hy"d (1890 - 1944)
    Y-DNA Group: group J-Z2215 sub-tree of the J-M267 macrogroup בן אחר בן לרבי יצחק כ"ץ,אב"ד ניקלשבורג-חתנו של המהר"ל מפראג ' son after son to Rabbi Yitzhak Katz -son-in-law of the Maharal from Pragu...
  • Rbzn. (1st wife) Glika Morgenstern, of Kotzk (1785 - 1837)
    הרבנית הצדקת גליקל לבית רייז זצ"ל הייתה אשתו הראשונה של רבי מנחם מנדל מורגנשטרן זצלל"ה,האדמו"ר מקוצק הראשון,ומייסד חסידות קוצק. בגיל 20 פנה רבי מנחם מנדל לאביו רבי יהודה לייבוש,וביקשו לחפש עבורו כלה. ש...

The biblical King David of Israel was known for his diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In his 40 years as ruler, between approximately 1010 and 970 B.C.E., he united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land and paved the way for his son, Solomon, to build the Holy Temple. Almost all knowledge of him is derived from the books of the Prophets and Writings: Samuel I and II, Kings I and Chronicles I.

David was a poet and the rabbis believe that David wrote the Book of Psalms, or at least edited it. Throughout his life, David prepared for the construction of the Holy Temple by setting aside the necessary physical materials, commanding the Levites and others in their duties for the Temple, and giving the plan for the Temple to Solomon. Source