for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Olav: väga võimas töö!

only a public profile can be made into a Master-Profile.

Jeff - Rebecca is done!

Buddy Holly

Loved by all and my 3rd cousin. :)

I am so snagging Buddy Holly.



Darn, I was just looking at my Lubbock musicians' CDs tonight!

John ‘the immigrant’ Rowland

A early Virginia immigrant and my 11th great grandfather.


Lizzie - John is done!

However, I was on auto-pilot when I went to MP your John. I think I saw that someone else already had... Whoever that might have been, feel free to transfer it back if so desired. Sorry.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Lizzie, Gov. Christopher is a MP. I cleaned up some of your merge issues while I was at it.

thanks tammy! :)

Eldon - General Curtis is done.

I just want to confirm...a profile has to be public before it can be MP'd even if a curator has manager rights, correct?

Correct. As a curator I *only* deal with public profiles, only deceased, exception made for "well known" public figures ... but even then the profile *must* be set to "public."


Can you add a citation for the information in the James Agee profile? I usually do something like

from: <website>


You updated! And you linked beautifully!! Master Profile is made. Thank you, Eldon.

Erica Howton can you recommend a good MP to copy formatting from? I thought there was a link here, but I am not finding it now. Thanks.

Two different styles, the first is more "biographical / historical" (I hope); the second is simpler.

Sir William Molyneux, Lord of Sefton & Clifton

James Hill

Thank you!

So here's a bit of an unusual request. I have two profiles that are both already master profiles, and I believe they are the same person. One must be "de-mastered" in order for the profiles to be merged together. Anyone wish to tackle this one? Both profiles can be seen side-by-side at the following link:;ret...



David, they are both Master profiles made by Ben Angel, so he should be the one to tackle them. Got that Private User ?

This is my first attempt at creating a "master profile"-worthy profile. If there is anything I can do to make this better, let me know. I may have others if this one works.

Antony Jansen “du Turck” van Salee

P.S. I tend to use (and enjoy using) the actual "Sources" function, rather than listing sources in the Overview. Is this bad? I listed them just in case, but just so I know for the future.

Just got it Margaret... will look into it.

Ah, this was the great Duncan Campbell mess... I remember it well... okay will demerge the one with only the birth date and merge.

demaster, I mean

Brittany - that's great that you use the Source function, that's preferred I understand from some of the curators who have model profiles :-) I still put them in About Me, but plan to move them to Sources.

Brittany Christine Jenkins

To my shock I have a "cousin path" to your wonderful profile. It's kind of garbled (first cousin 6 times removed's wife's first cousin ... etc etc) but it's there.

Plus he was New York and I'm in New York.

But most of all, he was a pirate? Please tell me more!

Made a Master Profile and I hope we can find some images. Keep them coming!

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