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for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Showing 181-210 of 1795 posts

Brittany & everyone

Source documents are definitely needed for genealogy but putting in a URL in the overview gets me to something fascinating in one click (in your case this website: ... so that is really nice to have.

I have a question about source documents. I add them but then it wants me to be specific as to what the source document documents and gives me a limited set of choices when really the document covers a number of things, including things not on the list. What do you do? I thought there was a general source document category.

Several different things really.

1. You can upload documents to a Project.
2. You can upload documents to the Media tab of a Profile, documents category.
3. You can use the "source" tab to associate the document with "facts." (the "cite" function).
4. You can *also* associate the document with "events" on the Timeline tab -- or even create NEW events based on the document (or image). I just started trying to do that one with "1634 - Fined 40 shillings fo selling rum to his Indian friends" from a "Great Migration" source document.

Whose profile Erica? I have to read more about that rum!

I am waiting on some merges of her parents, but Anthony's wife is ready otherwise.

Grietje Reyniers

Also, while I'm here, I have found an issue with a duplicate profile for her.

Unknown Profile

I have attempted to contact Nathan, her manager, but he has not responded. The dates are horribly off while some other things seem to be fairly right. Still I am wary to merge her with mine. Perhaps someone else could take care of this issue?

Brittany, the only thing about them that seem to be the same is their names. Not duplicates.

Brittany - Nice work on the Jacobs!

Thank you! I've been working on a little project lately, and making the profiles fit the "master profile" format has actually been a big help. (Though I think it has only fueled my obsession with genealogy!)

Anita - Got 'em!

I have just gone through some of these profiles to see what fellow Genis have been doing--- WOW.

I am impressed! :-)

So cool right Heather?

I love this thread!

Keep 'em coming people.

Thanks Jenna!

I think this one could be a MP
William Randolph Hearst

Eldon, Jenna got it. :-)

Jenna, thanks. You have been busy. I was going to check out the rest of the family but you beat me to it.
Back to the 100+ Geni e-mails.

Randy - The Col. has been promoted to MP!

Back to the discussion between Hatte and Erica on source documents. ...

My mother started the geni research back in the mid 80's. We have LOTS of source data References written down (hand written notes where we found the info). How would you guys suggest I store/handle that data until I can get my hands on links, printed docs, etc.?

I do have software I can store the info in, but it is at home and not accessible when I am at the office, so something in Geni would be great.

Another thing I've been wondering about source documents... are there plans or is there a way to add a "Proof of Parentage" checkbox? It seems like most of the big issues around genealogy deal not with birth and death dates but with a person's parents. Any clue if that will ever be added? (This is probably not even close to where I should be asking this, but it seemed somewhat relevant.)

Brittany we do plan to allow source citations to support tree connections and the dates and locations thereof (e.g. marriage date) -- we're working on some pretty big back-end changes to the way we store the tree and profile data, and once that's done we expect to be able to support this.

Awesome! Can't wait to see all the new changes!!

Mike, something else that might make the Big Tree easier is to always see the collab arrows and a "plus sign" (because you are following) anywhere you are seeing other members names (like in discussions).

Some personal family members to MP please...thanks!

Also, is anyone aware of a project for members of World War II and/or Gaudal Canal? A search in projects didn't bring up anything relevant.

Unnamed Still Born Baby Barber

Nicolas "Nic" Stampfler

Victoria "Vic" Stampfler

Lorenzo Stampfler (USA) 2nd MI Cavalry

That's it for tonight...thanks in advance!


Nice work on those family profiles -- they're MPs now!

Thanks Jenna.

Hey Anita

Sorry my internet was down.

But ... interestingly! I took some off line time to go thru some old scrapbooks etc. and by reading more carefully my father's notes, I found out my grandfather was a FOR REAL Jackson Hole Wyoming Cowboy in his teens, around 1918 or so for a year or two. How cool is that? I think it's kind of awesome that he's in fact "legendary" :>

Which brings back ... how do I document it? Well, I might be able to identify an old photo, scan it, etc. But my family notes will have to do as "good enough" source data for geni in some ways. I don't think its noted on census reports (I believe he was out of that game by the 1920 US Fed Census -- will have to double check -- and that was a messed up census anyway).

So ... just as in any other "history" issue, people will have to accept the quality of the source data or challenge it.

MG William Crawford Gorgas
Needs to be MP and there should be a Project that he belongs in

Eldon - Dr. Gorgas is now a MP.

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