Geni Server has slowed to a crawl!!!

Started by Angus Wood-Salomon on Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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I can report positive results, too. I haven't encountered any problems this morning. I've added and updated multiple profiles and events and merged two profiles successfully. Response time has been very good.

I would be more confident that the problems are solved if the Geni technical staff could explain exactly what the problem was and how they were able to fix it.

There are still minor issues regarding features that were disabled during the course of this ordeal in an attempt to solve the problem, e.g. the automated matching feature. However, things this morning on the east coast things are 1000% better than Friday.

Spoke too soon about the features available at top of the 'about me' .....while the B key works now, it creates 6 apostrophes that do NOT hi-lite a I am back to entering the 3 to hi-lite......but it DOES actually do something now (where it did not before). The drop downs on the Personal Page also dont work....but that has been a problem for a long time....and I just enter the data...

I can maneuver between tree and profile....and, as Joe reported.....other VAST improvements seem to be stable....

I find I keep going back to Home page to see if it still IS there....and so far it is.

Good to hear some positive messages. Mine was fine again last night. I am like you Joe in that I would like to know what caused the problems. Were there changes in other company software that Geni has to interact with on the internet or was there some type of change in Geni that caused the problems.

I wouldn't mind a bit if it was a Geni program change to improve on our service and future service. I think it is worth the short term pain to have future improvements.

Information Only

These three websites provide facts and stats relating to GENI (and other websites as well, but they have been pre-set to GENI for ease of sharing).
Anyone interested in knowing a little more about the website should click through to and read these pages.

I also would like some feedback from Geni ....if some things have changed in function we should be informed....and it would be polite, after all we have gone through to have some explanation of what happened....

Hopefully, more and more people will report that the problem has been resolved.....

I started to say this in my message Fay:

If the change was done as an improvement to Geni, it would have made the short term pain a lot easier to take if it was explained before it actually took place.

I really doubt that the change was done by Geni for improvement. I was just trying to put a positive spin on the pain.

I am just glad that the pain seems to be over!!!!!!!!!!!

Will hold off on the celebration until ALL have reported.....would hate to think that there are some still having problems..

Had a couple of minor issues yesterday. Got the error message about already having parents but a page reload solved that. Today everything seems fine

Unless and until Geni improves its change control process, this sort of catastrophe will happen again.

There is already evidence today that Geni is attempting to restore the automatic matching feature with Find a Grave. Apparently, it was restored earlier but required a Pro license to use. (Previously, it was free for non-Pro users.) Now, the link has been disabled, again.

Are you talking about the auto match thru MH?

Cause I dont use that, I go to Find a grave itself and work from their own site (Free).

Was the site just down for about 30 minutes, from around 5 to 5:50 PM East Coast time?

5 to 5:30

Just tried to watch the video on the signup page for MyHeritage.
Saw this instead . . .

"500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:"

And then there was a very long string of garbled letters and numbers which was NOT code.

Strange Days Indeed.

I just got "tech diff" messages. site now performing very well & back to being a trained monkey.

Last night appeared another old bug again, searching for names with ä ö ü or õ in them gives "we experience technical difficulties"

Ivo, i think this not related to this subject, it´s more like a bug report. I should move it to another discussion or create a help ticket. I noticed the bug myself already.

Perhaps Geni is not recognizing the 'sound' buttons on the keyboard?
(.i.e. umlauts)

Jaak, during last big crawl that bug was there as well and was solved with other issues, so who knows.

Private User Can you try your search again, please. If it doesn't work let me know what name(s) you're searching for.


Private User Private User Just pushed a fix.

Sorry for the trouble.

It works now. Thank you, Private User

Sometimes still seeing some strange symptoms . . .

Geni's engineering just stinks. Period.

An hour of my day so far compleltly wasted just trying unsucccessfully to get into my home page. Let me count the ways:

1) reboot
2) disk cleanup (clear temp internet files)
3) Internet Options Delete (clear temp internet files)
4) reboot
5) Mozilla Firefox instead of IE8
6) CTRL F5
7) Login (does not work because it's written in the same crap code as the dysfunctional Home Page)
8) reboot
9) Login
10) try direct profile link from email
11) Google search to find this discussion

And I am still not getting past the pointless Java Script / Flash / CSS / whatevertheheck crap bells and whistles code on my Home Page and in Geni profile views that just randomly decides not to work at all nor to let any of the rest of the page work at atl to any good purpose whatsoever.

There, I feel better now. 69 minutes and counting.

And now I am back in. Got stuck on a nonfunctional profile. Closed Geni. Killed my internet connection. Reconnected. Back into Geni Home Page just fine.

After 97 minutes of down time, maybe I can get a bit of proifle work in now.

Been getting the "Circuits are overloaded" message at times in last 24 hours...then it goes immediately to "Trees Down" and the business about arborateum team.....

Noticed it does it when I go from checking the merge issues....going from 'my relatives' to 'accounts I follow'.....

But so far no problems....

Seems like a residual of whatever 'bug'? was attached before?

There was, at the time this happened...some funky message in the upper right of the page....

... did you check for the version of the Flash plugin/player? I've noted a several Flash updates in the past couple of weeks.

Will check on that, thanks.

Geni has come to a crawl, not taking any input on my tree, changing updates incorrectly, not uploading pictures. Noticed it starting to slow down and then everything else followed when I began uploading pictures. The number of "technical difficulties" error messages makes it even slower.

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