Persons who have not been online for a year (Abandoned Trees)

Started by Eldon Lester Clark on Thursday, December 30, 2010
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Eldon - that's because the "abandoned tree" reporting has been kindly streamlined by Geni so there is no need for the original topic.

Lois, David, Fay - I suggest taking continuing discussion about statistics, including those we'd like to see, to the Geni Top 10 project.

Lois - you're talking about "data resolves" which is a different topic from merging. Not to be picky, but truly, I have my own process. I work with a source document in front of me and another copy of the profile in another window. I resolve data to source and at "merge time.". If the source is wrong, so will my resolve be, but not for another reason.

I am not going to speak about reverting because that's Geni database, hardware & network specific & has nothing to do with user practices & best practices, including workarounds to known limitations. And one of the limitations is in process - server enhancements - so forgive me, but i find the point moot. It's all going to change anyway.

Actually Erica, the discussion about abandoned trees was last mentioned on page 15. This was after the reporting function was implemented. Then it degenerated into a free for all with name calling and accusation about hijacking etc.

seems we only get about 1 or 2 pages of usefull stuff in before it all hits the fan because SOME people just can't get along.. what is it with this site and trolls and jerks anyway?

it just seems to be a magnet for bad behavior (ok so i admit i might add fuel to the fire a bit) and the management doesn't care..

Ah well. If we stop posting off topic maybe discussions of more interest will be started.:)

Any message can be reported by any site member. It's to the left of every message.

not that i'm needy with the help discussion board or anything.

Geni must have recently made some major changes in the way it deals with abandoned accounts. Sometime within the past week, many or most of the abandoned profiles by Bradon and Nicholas Bouchard have had new managers attached who were in the opposite side of pending merges. Not sure if this has now been implemented as an automatic Geni process, or if it was just Mike experimenting. But the results have been excellent- enabling me to complete many hundreds of pending merges that were previously hopelessly stuck.

That must feel good, David. Nice news.

How did you accomplish that David...did you have to cancel the merge and re-submit? Or what...

Indeed that sounds like encouraging news.

nice david.. now if they could only make this merge thing easier.. Maybe i'll wish for it as a geni xmas gift that and for all the whining and fueding people on here to go away

It was Mike experimenting. :-) We want to get a feel for the impact before we make any declarations about implementing this for all abandoned accounts.

Go for it Mike Stangel! We desperately need this. Kind of hard to even think about a one-profile per person world-tree, without this. :-)

Parker Rhea Gaims

Has he been active recently?

Private User

Or him?

i hope my 16th cousin twice removed parker gaims has been active.. i hate to loose family members and connections but since the big crash and the abandonment of the free searching upwards of 50% have said we are taking our stuff elsewhere... .

Private User

Or him?

James Michael McCullough, Jr.

Him also

i know michael lancaster one of austin's folowers has left...

Fay & Michael

You no longer need to ask. If you go to the profile

Actions > Report > Abandoned profile

If that option is NOT there, the member has logged in within the last 9 months

If the option is there you can use it.

If the opti

thanks erica.

Thanks Erica

I hope no one will think me a troll or accuse me of trying to start another flame war:

What happens after a profile is reported as abandoned, now that such an action is only possible after 9 months?
Is there any change to policy or is this just a step to reduce the "When were they last on?" queries?

No alex.. your safe this time..

Thanks to Erica Howton also. But please finish your Today at 3:33 post. "If the option is there you can use it" -- to do what? Report the abandoned profile? "If the opti"? ---

A question to Mike Stengal is, are "abandoned" and "infrequently visited" accounts by definition the same?

An abandoned or infrequent account clearly is not the same as an abandoned tree. Any comments by Eldon Clark?

Vello your point is very valid that an infrequent user is not the same as an abandoned user.
The best indicator in my opinion would be usage patterns.
If for example a user started their treee, added 20 profiles that same day then never logged in again it would seem likely that for one reason or another that account is abandoned.
On the other hand if a user has an activity pattern of adding 2 or 3 profiles then going quite a long time before add one or 2 more profiles then it would be far harder to determine that person has abandoned their tree.

I think that there can never be a automated system to "flipping" abandoned trees, i think every reported tree needs to be investigated by a human, checking amongst other things for duplicate claimed profiles.

Vello Suigussaar "An abandoned or infrequent account clearly is not the same as an abandoned tree."
I agree with that. My issue has always been with trees with no activity for a year which was the Geni standard but now seems to have been changed to 9 months.

I have never advocated removing the manager of an abandoned tree. I believe that the person reporting should be made the co-manager so that work on the tree can continue but if the original manager returns, that person will still have control of the tree. This would be like the "flipping" you mention but an interested person would be active on the tree.

A nice thing to see Geni do would notify the person who has requested a merge with a profile in a tree that is then deemed abandoned that a merge could now be completed

Also please note, there is a difference between abandoning a tree and closing a Geni account

Tagging Mike Stangel Customer Service

Alex Moes Do you have any idea how many people it would take to investigate every reported tree? I am sure that if every staff member was assigned that duty, it would take many years to complete and nothing else that is needed on Geni would get done

Alex, please note also David Kaleita post Today at 11:23 AM that "many or most abandoned profiles ..... have new managers attached who were in opposite site of pending mergers..."

The "attatched" means added as a new primary manager or new manager with old deleted?

This topic appears to need some serious consideration.

Alex Moes Some one, I think it was Mike Stangel answered your question about what happens to reported trees a couple of pages back.
I would be nice if these discussions were threaded so you could reply directly to a particular question.

I like Eldon's explanation...the difference between 'abndoned' and seldom used'...very logical..

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