"HaGaon HaGadol" Rabbi Uri Lipman Fraenkel

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"HaGaon HaGadol" Rabbi Uri Lipman ( ben Aaron ) Fraenkel, "Darschan"

Also Known As: "Lippner Prediger", "Lippmann Jurist", "Uri Liepaman"
Birthplace: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Death: circa 1672 (43-60)
Prague, Hlavní Město Praha, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Uri Aaron Kelma and Raizel Reizel Horowitz
Husband of Kela Fraenkel
Father of Aaron ben Uri Lipmann Fraenkel; Fogel Fraenkel; Resel Ries and Rebekka Fraenkel
Brother of Rabbi Shimon

Managed by: Samuel Austin - Le Maux
Last Updated:

About "HaGaon HaGadol" Rabbi Uri Lipman Fraenkel

Said to be "from a family who moved to Sulzbach from Prague and Vienna" and being "a descendent of Koppel Levi of Vienna"

see Charles P Stanton Family Collection reel04: http://www.archive.org/stream/charlesperrystanton_04_reel04#page/n247/


Circa 1740. A further Horowitz genealogy does not appear for another century, in the work of Rabbi Pinchas Katzenellenbogen (1691–1767,), a great-grandson of the famed Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz of Cracow (through his daughter Hinda). Rabbi Katzenellenbogen wrote a masterful historical memoir named Yesh Manchilin containing many genealogical details and family trees. This invaluable source remained only in manuscript form in the Oppenheim collection in the Bodleian library, until transcribed and published by Rabbi Isaac Feld in 1986 (Machon Chasam Sofer, Jerusalem).[1] There are several chapters devoted to Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz and the Horowitz family. In Chapter 135 Rabbi Katzenellenbogen writes:

   I will copy that which I saw in a manuscript volume of Rabbi Aryeh Leib, the rabbi of Boskovitz, the son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel, rabbi of Raustitz and head of the rabbinical court of Nikolsburg, son of the elder sage Rabbi David, rabbi and av beth din in Trebitsch.My ancestor wrote the order of genealogy of the family Horowitz in Prague: This is what I have been told by R. Zalman Fischhof of Vienna. R. Yisrael S.G.L.: his son R. Pinchas built the synagogue in Prague; his son Yeshaye (son of Pinchas); Zalman (son of Yeshaye); three daughters of R. Yeshaye were (1) Raizel, (2) Nechama, and (3) Nissel. R. Lipman (in the manuscript it says in parenthesis—“this may be Rabbi Uri Lippmann [the famed preacher in Vienna and Prague-ed.] who was the father of the well-known printer in Sulzbach who lived to a great age, R. Aron”) was the son of the aforementioned Raizel, the wife of R. Uri Kelma [Kuma, Kamen]; R. Shimon son of Raizel; R Zalman Fischhof son of Shimon.[2]  [As for] the above-mentioned R Lipman: (in the manuscript it says “If this is the R Lipman who was the father of R Aron the printer, then R. Aron would be the brother of Hendel who is the maternal grandmother of the above-named Rabbi David, and that seems illogical to assume that R. Aron could be a sibling of Rabbi David’s grandmother, and that is a sufficient discussion.”).


French translation:

Le Rab et Gaon*notre maitre et Rab Uri Lipman , exegete** fils du Rab Aaron Bashharouto(?) , huissier au Rabbinat dans une des communautes d'Israel et qui par la suite fut nomme juge et maitre de justice***dans la ville royale de Vienne durand la periode ou il etait Gaon et effectuait un travail sur Gershon (note a) president du tribunal ****,la-bas ,et en l'an 5028 (environ 1669) y accepta ( les theses du Rab Gershon ) en s'appuyant sur " Nouvelle Lumiere " que redigea le Gaon notre maitre Haim Bouchnaer et dans lequel est inscrit ce qui suit :

Le Gaon le celebre exegete avait autrefois enseigne la Torah en Israel . Il fut notre Rab et maitre president du tribunal dans plusieurs communautes sacrees et etait appele notre maitre et Rab ; le Rab Lipman l'exegete de Vienne .

Note about Gershon: with no doubt (see further) R. Gershon Oulif Ashkenazi

Notes du traducteur/Translator notes:

GAON : litteralement genie , titre donne aux grands maitres ( Torah et Talmud )*

  • *Exegete : en hebreu DARCHAN . L'exegese a une grande importance dans le judaisme .
    • *maitre de justice : vraisemblablement tres erudit et enseignant le droit rabbinique
      • *President du Tribunal : mot a mot pere du tribunal rabbinique generalement le rabbin qui etait en meme temps juge principal


Veisberg: Hebrew printers in Sulzbach (CF Charles p. Stanton Family Collection 1802-2001 - Page 298 - http://www.archive.org/stream/charlesperrystanton_04_reel04#page/n3... ).

"Uri Lipmann, father of Ahron (ben Uri Lipmann Fraenkel), was | a son-in-law of Auerbach | a member of the lasr Vienna rabbinate under the presidency of Gerson Ulif. He was a celebrated speaker ... " His house, 90 herrengasse, was one of the best in the Getto. Newly built it reflected the wealth and taste of the owner. The stone steps, the ornaments in front, a lovely garden with its own cottage, these gave an impression of elegance" according to Kauffman ( Die letzte Verteibung). One of his daughters (Resell) was married to Koppel Ries, a son of his colleague, Model Levi Oettingen. Koppel Ries, thus brother-in-law of Ahron (ben Uri Lipmann Fraenkel), later was a respected member of the Viennese exiles in Berlin. Uri Lipmann had occupied several rabbinates before his Vienna appointement..."


In Vienna:


"The last rabbi of Vienna and of Lower Austria was Gershon Ashkenazi(C1625-1693)., whose colleagues were Mordecai Löb Oettingen (the friend of the Christian divine Wagenseil) and the preachers Uri Lipmann[ , ] Hirz Koma and Enoch Fränkel."


Also named:


Ref: page 212 of "Die letzte Vertreibung der Juden aus Wien und Niederösterreich: Ihre Vorgeschichte (1625-1670) und Ihre Opfer" David Kaufmann -Budapest, 1889

2/"Hagaon hagadol" Uri LIPPMAN

Ref: Page: vol. 1, p. 11 of: Genealogical tables of Jewish families: 14th-20th centuries: forgotten fragments of the history of the Frænkel family. Louis Frænkel, Henry Frænkel, Georg Simon K.G.Saur, München (Munich), 1999

"In 1667 Gitel married the printer Aron in Sulzbach, who was a son of Hagaon hagadol Uri Lippman from Vienna."

Die Grabschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien by Dr. Bernhard Wachstein- Band I-page 438 & page 540 nachtrag 60.

About "HaGaon HaGadol" Rabbi Uri Lipman Fraenkel (עברית)

הרב הגאון מו״ה אורי ליפמן דרשן בן ה״ר אהרן, בשחרותו שמש ברבנות באיזו קהלות בישראל, ואח״כ נתמנה לדיין ומו״צ בעיר המלוכה ווינא בעת היות הגאון בעל עבודת הגרשוני אב״ד שמה ובשנת תכ״ט הסכים שם ע״ס אור חדש שחיבר הג״מ חיים בוכנער (אמ״ד תל״א) ועליה רשום אלה הדברים ״הגאון הדרשן הנדול, ולפנים הרביץ תורה בישראל. והי׳ ר״מ ואב״ד בכמה קהלות קדושות, נקרא מוהר״ר ליפמן דרשן מווינא".

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"HaGaon HaGadol" Rabbi Uri Lipman Fraenkel's Timeline

Vienna, Wien, Austria
Wien, Austria
Wien, Österreich (Austria)
Vienna, Austria
Age 52
Prague, Hlavní Město Praha, Czech Republic
Rabbi, Darshan