Jonathan McCally Bennett

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Jonathan McCally Bennett

Birthplace: Walkersville, Lewis County, Virginia, United States
Death: October 28, 1887 (73)
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
Place of Burial: Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of William George Bennett, Sr. and Rebecca Bennett
Husband of Margaret Elizabeth Bennett
Father of Judge William George Bennett, I; Honorable Louis Bennett; Gertrude Howell and Marie "Mary" Lee Bowie
Brother of Rachel S. Bennett; Phebe Keith; David Bennett; James Bennett; Hannah Anderson and 6 others

Occupation: lawyer
Managed by: Ivy Jo Smith
Last Updated:

About Jonathan McCally Bennett

A Five Dollar Confederate Treasury Bill from the state of Virginia which was issued on March 13, 1862 ... The portrait in the center is Jonathon M. Bennett who was the public account auditor for Virginia.

Bennett became a lawyer and served as Weston’s first mayor in 1842, Adler added. In 1857, as first auditor for Virginia, Bennett used his influence to get the Virginia Legislature to locate the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston.

A devoted husband and father, an able lawyer, A statesman and a public benefactor. His name shall live through Now he is no more." Obit:Departed this life October 28, 1887 at his home in Weston.Was born on the 4th day of October 1816 in what is known as Collins Settlement, in Lewis County. He was the youngest child of Wm. Bennett and Rebecca (McCally) Bennett, his wife a daughter of James McCally, and a sister of Dr. Jas. M. McCally. William Bennett, who was the eldest son of Joseph Bennett of Scotland, who emigrated to America and settled in Augusta County, Virginia before the Revolutionary War, was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, from whence he moved to Lewis County in 1800. He died in 1857, raising a family of twelve children, five boys and seven girls. Three of his sons are James, David and Jonathan Bennett. Jonathan McCally Bennett married Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, a daughter of Capt. Geo. W. Jackson. They had four children, William George, Louis, Gertrude and Mary Lee. (Rep. Sat. 5 Nov. 1887)

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•ID: I563 •Name: Jonathan Mccally Bennett •Sex: M •Birth: 04 OCT 1816 in Lewis County, VA •Death: 28 OCT 1887 in Weston, Lewis County, WV •Note: from Betty Herrington, 2004: Source: West Virginia And Its People By Thomas Condit Miller and Hu Maxwe ll Vol. II New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co. 1913. Pp. 362-366

Jonathan McCally, youngest child of William and Rebecca (McCally) Bennet t, was born in Lewis county, West Virginia, October 4, 1816, died Octob er 28, 1887. After obtaining such schooling as the locality and times affo rded, he was appointed deputy to the county clerk, and was afterwards a de puty sheriff of his county. He finished his education by a wide range of r eading. He studied law and in 1843, was admitted to the bar. He became t he first prosecuting attorney of Gilmer county. He formed partnership wi th Gideon D. Camden, who later was a member of the legislature, judge, a nd candidate for the United States senate, but was defeated. This partners hip continued until 1852, when Mr. Camden was elevated to the bench. In 18 46, Mr. Bennett was elected first mayor of Weston. In 1852 he was elect ed to the legislature, taking the seat vacated by his partner, Mr. Camde n. When his term expired he was appointed auditor of public accounts for t he state by Governor Wise, which responsible position he held until 186 5, making an enviable record as an official. To M. Bennett is largely d ue the fact that Weston is the site of the Hospital for the Insane. In 18 53 he was defeated for nomination for congress on the Democratic tick et by only a small margin. At the outbreak of the civil war he was in Rich mond, being then auditor of the state of Virginia, and continued as such u ntil the close of the war. It had been his distinction to be instrument al in securing the appointment of Stonewall' Jackson to cadetship at We st Point, and also to the position of brigadier-general in the Confedera te States army, and General Jackson tendered him a position on his staff.

Returning to Weston he resumed his law practice, was elected a member of t he state senate, and was one of the commissioners appointed to negotiate w ith Virginia relative to the division of the state debt, preparing the mo st comprehensive review of the subject which has ever been made. He was pr esident of the Weston and Buckhannon railroad, and held with credit many p rominent positions of trust and honor in the old and new state. He w as an Odd Fellow of high rank.

Mr. Bennett married Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Captain George W. Jack son, who was born February 9, 1791, died in Lewis county in 1876, a soldi er of the war of 1812, who was appointed first lieutenant of the Nineteen th Regiment of Infantry, United States army, by President James Madiso n, on July 6, 1812, and later attained the rank of captain. His father, Ge orge Jackson, was a member of the Virginia convention which adopted the fe deral constitution. He was also for years a member of congress from Virgin ia, and a member at the time of the Burr and Jefferson contest for the pre sidency. Captain George W. Jackson was a brother of John G. Jackson, fir st United States district judge for the western district of Virginia, who se first wife was a sister of Dolly Madison, and his marriage was the fir st ever celebrated in the White House. His second wife was a daughter of P ostmaster-General Meigs of Ohio, and also governor of that state. Two so ns and two daughters were born to Jonathan McCally and Margaret E. Bennet t: 1. Gertrude, wife of Dr. Fleming Howell, of Clarksburg, noted physici an and author, a graduate in 1879 from Long Island College, Brooklyn, N ew York; has serves as an officer in the county, state and national medic al associations and societies. 2. Mary Lee, wife of Hon. William D. Bow e, of Baltimore, Maryland, a son of the late Governor Bowe, and an ex-memb er of the state senate. 3-4 William George and Lois, of whom further menti on is made.

The Building of the Jonathan McCally Bennett Mansion in Weston Otis and Betty Reed researched and wrote this booklet for visitors to wh at is now the Louis Bennett public library in Weston. Numerous photos a nd drawings of one of West Virginia National Register of Historic Places s ites. 30 pages. Paperback Price: $2.50

Jonathan McCally Bennett departed this life October 28, 1887 at his ho me in Weston. Was born on the 4th day of October 1816 in what is kno wn as Collins Sttlement, Lewis County, West Virginia. He was the younge st child of William Bennett and Rebecca McCally Bennett. William's wi fe a daughter of James McCally and a sister of Dr. Jas. M. McCally. Willi am Bennett, who was the eldest son of Joseph Bennett of Scotland who emigr ated to America and settled in Augusta County, Virginia before the Revolut ionary War, was born in Pendleton County, Virginia from whence he mov ed to Lewis County in 1800. He died in 1857, raising a family of twelve ch ildren five boys and seven girls. Three of his sons are James, David, a nd Jonathan Bennett. Jonathan McCally Bennett married Margaret Elizabeth J ackson, a daughter of Capt. Geo W. Jackson. They had four children, Willia m, George, Louis, Gertrude and Mary Lee. - Dated November 5, 1887

HintsAncestry Hints for Jonathan Mccally Bennett

   6 possible matches found on 

Father: William G. Bennett b: 17 SEP 1775 in Pendleton County, VA Mother: Rebecca McCaully b: 21 OCT 1776 in Pendleton County, VA

Marriage 1 Margaret Elizabeth Jackson b: 1828•Married: 07 APR 1845 in Lewis County, VA Children1.Has No Children Gertrude Bennett b: ABT 1843 2.Has No Children Mary Lee Bennett b: ABT 1845 3.Has No Children William George Bennett b: 05 JAN 1845 4.Has No Children Louis Bennett b: ABT 1849

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Jonathan McCally Bennett's Timeline

October 4, 1814
Walkersville, Lewis County, Virginia, United States
January 5, 1847
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
November 27, 1849
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
November 1, 1851
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
October 28, 1887
Age 73
Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States
Machpelah Cemetery, Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, United States