Robert Stewart is the bastard son of James V, King of Scots, and Euphemia Elphinestone. He and his mother are mentioned in the entail of a charter by which his father the king confirmed that he had given the lands of Temptalloun and others to his bastard son James Stewart by Margaret Erskine: "Rob. S. ejus fratri, filio naturali inter regem et Eufamiam Elphinstoun procreato." The charter was issued under the Great Seal of Scotland on 31 August 1536. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1513-1546, charter number 1620 on pp. 360-61
Robert Stewart was born in the Spring of 1533, probably between 14 February and 4 June 1533. His place of birth is not known. [Peter D. Andersen, Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland, 1533-1593 (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1982), pp. 154-5] For a discussion about his date of birth see Earl Robert Stewart and his Administration in Orkney and Shetland 1564-93 by Peter D. Anderson
On 22 December 1539 five and one half elns of red velvet were delivered to Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor, in order to make a coat for Robert Stewart, the king's son. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 265
Robert Stewart's mother was married to John Bruce of Cultmalindie in 1540. The Scots Peerage Francis J. Grant says that she married for a second time to John Bruce of Kennet. The County Families of the Island of Shetland Cultmalindie is not located in the Shetland islands, it is located in the Perthshire parish of Tibbermore.A Vision of Britain Through Time Euphame Elphinestone's son Laurence Bruce of Cultmalindie was the first member of his family to go to Shetland, where he was appointed underfowde by Robert Stewart, his brother uterine, but he did not go there until 1571. The County Families of the Islands of Shetland
On 25 May 1565 the the crown lands of Orkney and Shetland were conferred on Sir Robert Stewart of Strathdon. The County Families of the Shetland Islands Robert Stewart is noticed in that style, as the feuar of the lands and lordship of Orkney and Shetland, and as sheriff principal of the same, in a summons issued by him in Orkney on 4 November 1567. Records of the Earldom of Orkney
Robert Stewart was created Earl of Orkney and Lord of Shetland by a patent dated 28 October 1581.The County Families of the Shetland Islands
Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney and Lord of Shetland died on 4 February 1593. He died in his palace at Kirkwall in Orkney. He made his last will and testament two days before, from his death bed in his palace in Kirkwall. Present to witness his final act was his daughter Jean and her husband Lord Lindores, his natural son James Stewart of Graemsay, Thomas Swinton, minister at Kirkwall, Walter Bruce, sheriff clerk, and two Edinburgh Burgesses, John Dick and David Pringle. [Peter D. Andersen, Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland, 1533-1593 (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1982), page 129] Earl Robert Stewart and his Aministration in Orkney and Shetland 1564-93 by Peter D. Anderson
It has been suggested that Earl Robert Stewart was buried in St. Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall. Find A Grave Memorial However, the comprehensive list of tombs in the RCAHMS Inventory makes no mention of a tomb for Earl Robert.
Confirmation was granted on 26 May 1597. [National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh Commissary Court, The Testament Dative and Inventory of Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney, reference CC8/8/30]#
Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney (formerly Robert Stewart, feuar of the crown lands of Orkney and Shetland), married Lady Janet Kennedy. National Records of Scotland, Register House Charters, reference RH6/2129
18 September 1568: Charter of Sale by John Bellenden of Auchinnoull, Kt, Justice Clerk and feuar of the lands undermentioned, whereby, in implement of a contract dated at Edinburgh 17 Sep 1568, he sold to Dame Johanna Kennedy, spouse of Lord Robert Stewart, feuar of Orkney and Zetland, in liferent, and to Mary Stewart, daughter of said Robert and Johanna in fee, the lands of the south side of Birsay extending to 80 pennylands, with all quylandis and owtbrekis and other lands not having fixed names in the rental of the bishopric of Orkney and lying within the parish of Birsay, with the mill built there Also the lands of the north side of Birsay extending to 55 pennylands, with all other lands, 'quyland' and 'owtbrekland' not having fixed names in said rental lying in the north part of Birsay, also the lands of Birsay-abone-the-hill extending to 18 pennylands, also the lands of Skelden, Phea and Hundland in said parish, half barrel of butter for the scat of Twat, the lands of Salsister extending to 3 pennylands, a fardin-land in Isbister, a halfpennyland in Sabister, the lands of Marwik extending to 55 pennylands, with lochs and fishings, and the teind sheaves of all said lands always united to them, with mill lands, multures and suckin thereof, lying within the regality of said bishop and sheriffdom of Orkney, all incorporated by Adam, bishop of Orknay and Zetland and the chapter of Orknay into one tenandry; and that in excambion for the lands called Abbattisgrange, the lands of Newbigging and Ponderlandis, Bowhous, Luderis-aikeris, and Cowperland alias Coilheuchburn, with the mansion thereof, with the teinds sheaves of said lands included and united, lying in the barony of Kers, regality of Holyrood and sheriffdom of Striviling, now disponed by the grantees to granter in liferent and to Lewis Bellenden, his son and apparent heir in fee. To be held by said Johanna in liferent, said Mary and the heirs male of her body, whom failing, Henry Stewart, son of said Lord Robert, and Thomas, Henry brother german, and the heirs male of their bodies respectively and successively, whom failing, the heirs male of said Lord Robert's body, whom failing, Robert and James Stewart, his natural sons, and the heirs male of their bodies respectively and successively, whom failing, James, Earl of Murray lord Abernethie, Regent of Scotland, and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, Lord Francis Stewart, son and heir of umquhile John lord Dernling, and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, Robert Stewart, natural brother of said Lord Robert and the heirs male of his body, whom all failing, said Mary's heirs or assignees whomsoever, 'a me' of said bishop in feu. Rendering therefor yearly for each last of 20 lasts 4 mele 4 settines flesh 36s, in all £36 7s, and for each last of 12 lasts 1 mele 4 settines 16 marks victual called cost and one last twyis scheillit meill £6, in all £78 8s 11d, and for each of 25 score and 13 kain fowls 2d, in all £4 5s 6d, and for each of 18 faddomes peats 6s, in all £5 8s, also 47s 8d skatt-silver, and for each barrel of 17 1/2 barrels butter £3, in all £52 10s, as the old mail due before the infeftment herein of Gilbert Balfour and Margaret Boithwele, his spouse, the granter's predecessors, in all £179 7s 1d, and 52s 11d in augmentation of rental, in all £182 Scots, also 3 suits at said bishop's 3 head courts to be held at his palace of Kirkwall or elsewhere; and defending the bishop, his place, kirk and clergy according to their power; and doubling the feu duty the first year of each heir's entry; and in the event of 4 terms' duty remaining together unpaid, the lands shall revert to the superior. With Precept of Sasine directed to Walter Bruce. Provided that said Lord Robert, his heirs male or assignees, might redeem the fee of the above on payment of 100 gold crowns of the sun within the kirk of [-]. At Edinburgh Witnesses: John Towris, son and heir apparent of George Towris of Inverleith, John Grahame, parson of Sanday, James Menteith of Eister Saltcoittis, James Myllar and James Logane, notaries public, cum diversis aliis National Records of Scotland, Register House Charters, reference RH6/2129
17 July - September 1572: Feu Charter by Adam, Bishop of Orkney and Zeitland, with consent of the chapter, granting to Lord Robert Stewart, feuar of the earldom lands of Orkney and Zeitland, in liferent, and to Henry Stewart, his lawful eldest son in fee, and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, Patrick Stewart, brother german of said Henry and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, said Lord Robert and other heirs male of his body Whom failing, Robert and James Stewart, natural sons of said Lord Robert, and the heirs male of their bodies successively, whom failing, the heirs male of the body of umquhile James, Earl of Murray lord Abirnethy, whom failing, Lord Frances Stewart, Commendator of Kelso and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, Robert Steward, brother natural of said Lord Robert, and the heirs male of his body, whom all failing, said Lord Robert's heirs male whomsoever bearing the names and arms of Stewart, without division, 112 merklands within the parish of Dunrosnes, 22 1/2 merklands in the isle of Burray, 14 merklands called Grymbusta in Goldberuik, 15 1/2 merklands in the isle of Brassay, 16 merklands in the parish of Tingwell, Quhytnes and Wesdaill, 39 merklands with 6 'uris' lands in the parish of Nesting and Lunasting, 11 merklands with 6 'uris' lands in the isle of Quhalsay and in the small isles called 'holmes' adjacent thereto, 89 merklands in the isle of Fetlare, 132 1/2 merklands in the isle of Unst, 84 merklands in the isle of Yell, 89 merklands in the parish of Northmavin, 33 merklands in the parish of Delting, 55 1/2 merklands in the parish of Vaus (eg Walls), 55 1/2 merklands in the parish of Sandsting and Aythsting, and 9 merklands in the isle of Fair-Yle, also all other kirklands or 'kirk-umbothis' pertaining to said bishopric, and all quoylandis, outbrekis, towmales, tofts, crofts and other lands having no definite names in the bishop's rental, with the houses, lakes, fishings and yards of all the lands foresaid, lying within the bishop's regality and the sheriffdom or foudrie of Zeitland: all which he erected into one free tenandry to be called the tenandry of Grymbusta, granting that one Sasine to be taken at the chief messuage of Grymbusta should suffice for all. To be held 'de nobis'. Rendering therefor yearly £19 10s Zeitland payment, eg two thirds thereof in woollen cloth called in Norse 'wadmell', and one third in butter, extending to 26 'pakkis' of 'wadmell' and 14 barrels 8 'lesponds' of butter (or for each pack 20s, for each barrel, £3, in all £69 6s 8d Scots), and £6 13s 4d augmentation, in all £76 Scots; also 3 suits at 3 head courts to be held at Grymbusta or elsewhere; and defending the bishop and his clergy to the best of their power; and doubling one year's feu duty at the entry of heirs: and if they fail to pay the duties for 3 terms successively, so that 3 terms pass into a fourth with any payment made, the lands should revert to the superior. With Precept of Sasine addressed to James Menteith of Salcottis. At Leyth and Kirkwall 17 Jul and [-] Sep 1572 Witnesses: Sir John Bellenden of Auchinnoull, Kt, justice clerk, Master John Scharp, advocate, Oliver Kennedy, lawful son of John Kennedy of Drumnellane, Robert Gourlaw, Walter Callender, Alexander Kincaid, servitors of the bishop, Master Alexander Chalmer, vicar of Barro, William Elphingstoun, brother german of Robert, Lord Elphingstoun, William Henresoun, Dingwell pursuivant, Alexander Lausoun, notary public, 'cum diversis aliis' National Records of Scotland, Register House Charters, reference RH6/2254
22 December 1539: Item, the xxij day of December, deliverit to Thomas Arthur to be ane cote to Robert Stewart, the kingis sone, v elnis half elne raid velvet, price of the elne lvs; summa ..... xv li viij s. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 265
June 1540: Item, deliverit to (Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor) be lord James of Sanctandrois, lord Robert of Halyrudhous and lord Johnne iij gounis, xxiiij elnis blak sating, price of the elne xxxiiij s.; summa ..... xl li xvj s. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 313
Item, deliverit to him (Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor) to be thame iij cotis, xv elnis half elne blak sating, price of the elne xxxiiij s. summa ..... xxvj li vij s.Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 313
Item, deliverit to him (Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor) to be thame dowblatis, v elnis half elne blak sating, price of the elne xxxiiij s.; summa ..... lx li vij s. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 313
Item, deliverit to him (Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor) to lyne the forebrestis of thair gounis, v elnis blak tafffites of janus, price of the elne xiiij s.; summa ..... iij li x s. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 313
Item, deliverit to him (Thomas Arthur, the king's tailor) to be lord Robert ane doublat for the wark day, twa elnia fyne blak fustiane, price of the elne vij s.; summa ..... xiiij s. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 313
11 February 1540-41 Accounts of the Lord High Treasurers of Scotland, A.D. 1538-1541, vii, p. 426
*Sir Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland1,2,3,4
*Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney1
*Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 54
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Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney is my 15th great grandfather.
Thank you so much,
Janet Milburn October 21, 22
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1533 |
February 14, 1533
1555 |
Shetland, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom
1560 |
Orkney Islands, Scotland
place of birth not known
1564 |
Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
1566 |
November 3, 1566
Orkney, Orkney, United Kingdom
1568 |
September 18, 1568
Orkney, Orkney, Scotland
1570 |
Orkney, Orkney, Scotland, United Kingdom