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William Arthur Allen

Место жительства:: Huntsville, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Thessalon, Algoma District, Ontario, Canada (Канада)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын William Worden Allen и Olive Isabel Allen
Супруг или супруга Не показывати
Брат John David Allen и Не показывати

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About William Arthur Allen

After I undertook DNA testing in 2017 GENI posted the results of my DNA markers. The marker which identifies my male line of ancestry (Y chromosome halplogroup) is Haplogroup I-M253. Dating to 2000 to 3000 years ago, this I-M253 Haplogroup is the original paternal lineage of Nordic Europe. I-M253 is known as a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). I-M253 is a mutation which rose from Haplogroup I-M170, which appears in ancient Europe. In short, it is highly likely that the ancestors in my male line came from Sweden and western Finland but spread over the centuries to Scotland, England and Ireland and, by the 1630's on to colonial New England. Call me Nordic Bill. For more information see http://haplogrouphapi-m253.blogspot.ca/ . For a map of the distribution of Haplogroup I-M253 see the media section of my profile.

35 year career in education, classroom teacher (4 years), vice principal (3 years), principal (28 years). In 21st year of retirement as of 2017. Editor of 3 different journals. Life member Ontario Historical Society. Life member Ontario Genealogical Society. Holder of Ontario Avocational Archaeology licence 2001 to 2014. Author and co-author of multiple journal papers and environmental science policy documents (eg. Species at Risk) . Extensive relationships with Indigenous people. Quaternary geology/geography researcher of ancient post glacial lake shores and lake outlets.

One of my interests is relationships with Indigenous people of North America. I have been featured in various public television programs and radio broadcasts. Sample TV clips are at the following links.

1. "The Land Between, Sparrow Lake Clochette" at https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hsimp...

2. "The Land Between: Great gathering Places" at https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hsimp...

3. "The Land Between: Arthur Emes of Thorah island" at &hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&p=Land+Between+Clochette+Bill+Allen#id=3&vid=49ee43b1f902cd9b4937f8cc177027c6&action=view

The earliest personal Geni relationship path which I have found to date to an Indigenous personality is to Henri Sachem Membertou, Chief of the Mi'kmaq of Acadia (born c1510. d. Sept. 18, 1611) . Chief Membertou is not my direct relative but Geni reports that he is my 8th great uncle's sister's husband's brother's wife's third great grandfather Grand Chief Henri ll Membertou, "Mi'kmaq Grand Chief". This relationship path goes back to Captain John Heard, my 7th great grandfather, and through his sister Katherine Woodin by several steps to Chief Membertou.

I have a relationship to Chief Pontiac (Obwandiyag) (c1720-1769) as outlined at Chief Pontiac. That relationship stems from my 8th great grandfather Francis 'the elder' Littlefield (1617-1712) who died in Wells, Maine per Francis 'the Elder' Littlefield Chief Pontiac is my second cousin 8 times removed's husband's great nephew's wife's father. William Arthur Allen

  →  William Worden Allen  your father →  George William Allen  his father →  Edwina Maud Allen  his mother →  Hannah Jordan Richardson  her mother → Sarah Bartlett Wentworth  her mother →  Samuel Solley Wentworth  her father →  Sarah Wentworth  his mother →  Shuah Bartlett  her mother →  Phoebe Heard  her mother → Francis 'the Elder' Littlefield  her father →  Capt. John Littlefield  his brother →  Mary Austin  his daughter →  "Mary" Marie-Elizabeth Gibault  her daughter →  Étienne Gibault  her husband →  Marie-Angélique Gibault dite Poitevin  his sister →  Marie-Angélique Lacelle  her daughter →  Antoine Louis Descompts dit Labadie  her son → Marie Mannon le Sauvagesse de Sauteuse  his wife →  Chief Pontiac  her father

I also have an interest in Tecumseh (c1768-1813) who Geni reports is my fifth great aunt's sister's husband's grandson's wife's first cousin once removed. Tecumseh . Geni reports my relationship as follows: You

  →  William Worden Allen your father →  George William Allen  his father →  William Henry Allen  his father →  Lucy Ann Allen  his mother →  Leonard Woodworth  her father →  Mary "Marcy" Woodworth  his mother →  Jonathan Pineo  her brother →  Esther Pineo (Libby)  his wife →  Mary Libby  her sister →  Amos Boynton  her husband → Lucy Gooch  his daughter →  <private> Gooch  her son →  Sarah Elizabeth Gooch  his wife →  RAWLEY Rollo Ice  her father →  David Gallion Ice  his father →  Federick Ice, II  his father →  Methotasa  his daughter →  Tecumseh  her son

In the Upper Great Lakes Region (Wisconsin & Michigan) I follow a more recent chief, Chief-Beautifying-Bird-or-Dressing-Bird-Nay-naw-ong-gay-be ((1794-1855). Chief Nenaa'angebi . Geni documents that Chief Nay-na-ong-gay-bee is my 8th great uncle's third great nephew's wife's father. You

  →  William Worden Allen  your father →  Irene Agnes Allen  his mother →  Charles Otis Ward  her father →  Louisa M Ward  his mother →  Lewis Paine  her father → Thomas Storrs Paine  his father →  Thomas Storrs Paine  his father →  Mehitable Paine  his mother →  Mehitable Storrs (Joyce)  her mother →  Mary Gorham / Lathrop  her sister →  James Gorham, Jr.  her husband →  Ebenezer Gorham  his brother →  Hannah Gorham  his daughter →  Elizabeth Tainter  her daughter → Deacon Ezekiel Wood "Zeek" Tainter  her son →  Capt. Andrew Tainter  his son →  "Poskin" Mary Goose Tainter  his wife →  Chief Nay-na-ong-gay-bee  her father

To date the earliest personality who lived in the Georgian Bay Watershed where I live and know the land is Roch Manitouabeouich (1590-1629), a Wendat from Wendake who Geni reports is my first cousin 8 times removed's husband's sister's husband's wife's great grandfather per Chief Roch Abenaki Manitouabeouich . Again, this relationship goes back to Captain John Heard, my 7th great grandfather and his mother Anne-Shuah Otis (Conley) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (c1638-1685), my 8th great grandmother Anne-Shuah Otis .

Another early 1600's Wendat cousin is Cécile Arenatsi (c1610-1662) per Cécile Arenatsi . Once again my relationship pathway goes through Anne Shuah-Otis, my 8th great grandmother who has two grandsons who were abducted from Dover, Massachusetts during the Concheco Massaccre of June, 1689 and were brought to Canada where they lived out their lives. Details at http://mv.ancestry.ca/viewer/f9ae009a-c76c-4b56-ab02-a58260aeb1bc/1...

To determine a personal relationship with modern Canadian Indigenous people sometimes I have to reach well back into European history. For instance my interest in Canada's Métis people goes to Louis David Riel, Jr (1844-1885) who Geni reports is my 18th cousin twice removed per President of the Provisional Government, then, Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia Louis David Riel. But my relationship pathway to Riel goes back to Italy and our common ancestor (my 19th great grandfather) Bernabò Visconti, Lord of Milan (1323-1385). Bernabò Visconti, signore di Milano

Because I live in Northern Ontario I have first hand knowledge of places and stories covered in projects such as the Potawatomi Migration from Michigan and Wisconsin to Canada in the 1830's. That research about several hundred Potawatomi personalities is a GENI special project available at https://www.geni.com/projects/Potawatomi-Migration-from-Wisconsin-Michigan-to-Canada/31326

My research about the fur trading era in Canada includes specific details about personalities involved in the Hudson Bay Company fur trading era and its competition with the American Fur Trading Company, the Northwest Company and several independent operators.