Scott's Party
Main References - The Settler Handbook by MD Nash and 1820
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Party Details
- Leader Captain George Scott
- Number in the Party 37
- Area Party originated from Surrey
- Area Allocated to the Party Kap River
- 1820 Settler Ship
- Dates
- Departure London, 3 December 1819
- Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 17 March 1820
- Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 14 April 1820
(Other parties on this voyage - Crause, Owen, Mandy, Rowles.)
M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook
"No 1 on the Colonial Department lis, led by George Scott of 13 Francis Street, Newington, Surrey (now part of Greater London). Scott had been employed for some years in the West Indies, and after his return to England lived with his father, the barrack master at Sheerness, Kent, until he applied to emigrate. some of his party may have been recruited in Sheerness, although at least one family - that of a latecomer, Thomas Shone - lived in Newington.
It was intended that the party should consist of three equal partners, Scott, John Younger and George Ubsdell, and their indentured servants. Scott subsequently claimed, however, that Younger and Ubsdell had reneged on their agreement and paid only the expenses of their own families (and in Ubsdell's case, a servant lad named Crout). This left Scott financially responsible for the deposits, equipment and maintenance of the labouring men of the party, who were contracted to serve for five years in return for the payment of their deposits and 'the provision of suitable clothing, wholesome food and lodging' during their term of service.
The party embarked in London in the Nautilus regular transport, leaving Gravesend on 3 December 1819 and reaching Table Bay on 17 March 1820 and Algoa Bay on 14 April. The party was located in the Kap River valley, and its location was named Scott's Bottom. George Scott married Eliza, daughter of William Hart of Nailie's party, in 1821. He died of a liver complaint early in 1822, and the land was sold by his widow to J B Biddulph".
List of Scott's party
John Biles 22. Husbandman.
Wife Charlotte Foster 30.
Thomas Bolas 26. Labourer.
William Clarke 30. Husbandman.
Wife Mary 25
William Crout 16 (servant to George Ubsdell). (Later married Sarah Hall of Dyason's Party.)
Thomas Davis 28. Husbandman.
Wife Mary 24
Joseph Leiny Gregory (or James), 19. Husbandman
Edward Griffin 21. Carpenter.
Wife Ann 23.
- Ellen Griffin 1
Charles William Hughes 28. Baker
William Martin 29. Labourer.
Wife Esther 28.
- Mary Martin.
William Ranson 28. Husbandman.
Wife Isabella 25.
- William Ranson
- Mary Ranson 3
George Scott 35. Agriculturist. (Later married Elizabeth Hart 19, of Bailie's Party on the Chapman.)
Thomas Shone 31, Labourer.
Wife Sarah Phillips 25.
- George Shone 11. (Later married Elizabeth Carney of Dixon's Party.)
- Thomas Shone 4
- Sarah Shone 1
George Ubsdell 23. Agriculturist.
Wife Elizabeth/Betsy George 23.
William Ubsdell 17 (in the care of George Ubsdell).
William John Webster 21, Labourer.
Wife Elizabeth Gray 20.
Charles Younger 14 (in the care of John Younger).
John Younger 26. Surgeon and Man-midwife.
Thomas Younger 16 (in the care of John Younger).
Other party members from
W Metterkamp
Sarah Phillips
Mary Ann Goodhead - a woman servant whose name is not on the official list, later claimed to be one of Scott's party; she may have emigrated as the 'wife' of an unmarried man in order to avoid payment of a deposit.
Main sources for party list
Return of settlers under the direction of george Scott (Cape Archives CO 6138/1,7); Memorial of George Scott, 11.1.1822 (Cape Archives CO 8451/13). No Agent of Transports' Return has been traced for the Nautilus, showing the state of the parties as they arrived at the cape, but the presence in the colony of all the men of the party but Biles, Clarke and Webber has been confirmed from the colonial records.