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1820 Settlers - Mandy's Party

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  • Ann Feagan, ♊ (1817 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Peter Feagan 39, Farmer and pensioner, 68th Regt, together with his wife Mary 38, and 9 children, were members of Mandy's Party of 44 Settlers on the Nautilus .Party originated fr...
  • William Feagan, ♊ (1817 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Peter Feagan 39, Farmer and pensioner, 68th Regt, together with his wife Mary 38, and 9 children, were members of Mandy's Party of 44 Settlers on the Nautilus .Party originated fr...
  • Peter Feagan (1815 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Peter Feagan 39, Farmer and pensioner, 68th Regt, together with his wife Mary 38, and 9 children, were members of Mandy's Party of 44 Settlers on the Nautilus .Party originated fr...
  • Jane Feagan (1814 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Peter Feagan 39, Farmer and pensioner, 68th Regt, together with his wife Mary 38, and 9 children, were members of Mandy's Party of 44 Settlers on the Nautilus .Party originated fr...
  • Frances Maria Holmes (aft.1812 - 1858)

Mandy's Party

1820 Settlers

Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence and Mandy's Party - Return of Settlers

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Party Details

  • Leader John Mandy
  • Number 44
  • Area Party originated from Surrey
  • Area Allocated to the Party Kap River
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure London, 3 December 1819
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 17 March 1820
  • Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 14 April 1820

(Other parties on this voyage - Owen, Mandy, Rowles, Scott)

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No. 13 on the Colonial Department list, led by John Mandy, a master carpenter of Lambeth Marsh, Surrey (now part of Greater London), who was originally from Foots Cray near Chislehurst, Kent. Mandy's application to emigrate was warmly supported by Viscount Sydney, who knew the Mandy family and had 'constantly employed them in their different trades' on his estate at Chislehurst. In his Lordship's opinion, John Mandy was a man of excellent character, and 'if the colony were all of such good materials it would probably succeed'.

Mandy attended a public meeting for prospective emigrants at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand, London on 9 August 1819, and together with another party leader, John Bailie, was elected to a committee appointed to collect and distribute information about the Cape emigration scheme. It is not known whether the joint-stock party that he subsequently formed was recruited in London or in Kent, but the latter seems likely, since Gowar at least was a Kentishman from the Foots Cray area, and most of the men were described as 'farmers'. Deposits were paid for 11 men, and the party left Gravesend in the regular transport Nautilus on 3 December 1819, sailing in company with her consort the Chapman. The Nautilus had the misfortune to run aground on the treacherous Goodwin Sands, off Ramsgate, but was refloated without serious damage. On 17 March 1820 she reached Table Bay, and on 14 April anchored in Algoa Bay. John Mandy's wife gave birth to a son during the voyage.

The party was located in Albany on a tributary of the Kap River".

Members of Mandy's Party

[Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes]

Peter Feagan 39. Farmer and pensioner, 68th Regt.

Wife Mary 38.
Children :

James Fitzgerald 35. Farmer.

Wife Margaret 22.

Michael Fitzgerald 30. Farmer.

Wife Sarah 29.

Admiral Lord Richard Gowar 30. Plumber.

Wife Mary Matilda Harriet Diplock 28.

Richard Hunt 26. Farmer.

Wife Ann 24.

  • George Hunt 6
  • Mary Hunt 1.

John Penny Mandy 32. Carpenter.

Wife Mary Ann Day 29.

Joseph Mandy 23. Coachmaker.

Thomas Miller 29. Farmer.

Wife Mary Ann Rawlins (Sophia) 26.

  • Emma Miller 2,
  • Mary Miller 1.

Portius Smith 29. Farmer.

Wife Mary 27.

  • Sarah Smith 7,
  • Thomas Smith 4,
  • Sophia Smith 2.

William White 24. Farmer.

Wife Jane 25.

  • Edward White 4,
  • Richard White1.

Thomas Williamson 28. Farmer.

Wife Sarah 30.

Main sources for party list

List of settlers under the direction of John Mandy (Cape Archives CO 6137/1,12). This is the London list; no Agents' Return of the party as it reached the Cape has been traced, but all the heads of families in the party except Portius Smith signed a 'Memorial of free settlers on board Nautilus in Table Bay' (Cape Archives CO 3917), and Portius Smith's presence at the Cape is confirmed by a reference in Cape Archives CO 178.

Further reading

John Mandy's letters to his mother written on board Nautilus, reproduced in CT Campbell, British South Africa (London, Haddon, 1897), and in the Souvenir in Commemoration of the 1820 Settlers of Albany (East London, Daily Dispatch, 1920).

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