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Adventures of Purse and Persons, Virginia, 1607-1624/5

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  • John Davis, of the Upper Parish (1633 - bef.1714)
    John Davis was born 1633 in ST CLEMENT DANES, MIDDLESEX, and died BEF 28 JUN 1714 in ISLE OF WIGHT CO VA.. He was the son of Samuel Davis and Elizabeth Benton. Family John Davis (son Samuel Davis and...
  • Leah Hilliard (1743 - 1823)
    Dorman, John Frederick. 2004. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Genealogical Pub. Co. 4th edition. Vol 1, Page 513, book lookup by Hill, C. [03/21/2024] GEDCOM Note also Crawfor...
  • Col. Henry Fleete (aft.1649 - c.1728)
    Justice of Lancaster County in 1695 and Sheriff in 1718 and 1719.Died sometime between 31 Jan 1728 when he wrote his last will and testament and 9 May 1733 when his will was proved in the court of Lanc...
  • Elizabeth "Betsy" Travis (b. - 1773)
    Dorman, John Frederick. 2004. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Genealogical Pub. Co. 4th edition. Vol 2, Page 361, book lookup by Hill, C. [03/20/2024]
  • Capt. Henry Fleete (c.1602 - bef.1661)
    Was burgess of Lancaster Co. VA in 1652 Henry FLEET married Sarah ? bef. 1661. He died bet. November, 1660 and 08 May 1661. Sarah ? was born bef. 1645. She died aft. 01 November 1672. Children of He...

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From “Jamestown Rediscovery: Historic Jamestowne” < link >

The purpose of this set is to document the ‘adventurers’ who were approximately 900 stockholders mentioned in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd charters of the Virginia colony. There are 109 of these stockholders who qualified as either ‘adventurers of purse’ or ‘adventurers of person’. The ‘adventurers of purse’ were individuals “who either came to Virginia in the period 1607-1624/5 and had descendants or who did not come to Virginia within that period but whose grandchildren were residents there.” The ‘adventurers of person’ were individuals who were immigrants to Virginia and left descendants there.

Cite as

  • Dorman, John Frederick. 2004. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Genealogical Pub. Co. 4th edition. Vol #, Page Xxx, book lookup by Hill, C. [date]


  • Jennings, J. M. (1988). [Review of Adventurers of Purse and Person: Virginia, 1607-1624/5, by Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman]. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 96(3), 389–391.