The term "Ancient Planter" is applied to those persons who arrived in Virginia before 1616, remained for a period of three years, and paid their passage. They received the first patents of land in the new world as authorized by Sir Thomas Dale in 1618 for their personal adventure.
- Jordan Family
- Reynolds Family Primary source
- Wikipedia:
Additional useful sites
- -- a tribute to one of the Ancient Planters, Thomas Savage
Supplemental Reading
- Colonial Surry By John Bennett Boddie: those Ancient Planters who settled in what became Surry County.
- Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers: A Biographical Dictionary, 1607-1635 by Martha W. McCartney: short biographies in alphabetical order of early Virginia settlers.
- Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666, by Nell M. Nugent: abstracts of Virginia's early land grants. link
- The APVA's report on the excavation of Neck-O-Land, the land grant belonging to Rev. Richard Buck.
- An essay about the role of women in the founding of Jamestown.
Scope of Project
The scope of this project will be to link the Geni profiles to the Ancient Planters of Colonial America. If anyone is interested in researching and helping find or create the profiles of the listed ancient planters, please contact a project manager.
List of Ancient Planters
- Giles Allington
- William Andrews
- William Askew
- Henry Bagwell
- Thomas Bagwell
- William Baker
- John Barnum
- William Bayley
- Thomas Baywell
- Mary Beheathland
- Robert Beheathland
- Theophilus Beriston
- Richard Biggs
- Richard Birchett
- John Blore (Blower)
- Reynold Booth
- Mary Bouldin(g)
- Thomas Bouldinge
- William Bouldin
- Richard Boulton
- John Boxe
- Cheney Boyse
- Richard Brewster
- John Brewer
- Rev. Richard Buck
- William Burditt
- John Burrows - see Ancient Planters: John Burras/Burris/Burroughs Family Project
- William Capps
- Thomas Carter
- Nathaniel Cawsey
- Thomasine Cawsey
- Isack Chaplaine
- Frances Chapman
- William Claiborne
- John Chandler
- Edward Clarke
- Pettiplace Clause
- Ann Clay(e)
- John Clay(e)
- Joseph Cobb
- Francis Cole
- Susan Collins
- Henry Coltman
- William Coxe
- Captain Raleigh Croshaw
- Capt. James Davis - see Ancient Planters: Captain James Davis Family Project
- Rachel Davis
- Henry Dawkes
- Adam Dixon
- John Dods
- John Downeman
- Thomas Dowse
- Elizabeth Dunthorne
- Clement Evand
- Margery Fairfax
- William Fairefax
- Thomas Farmer
- Cecily Jordan Farrar - see Ancient Planters: Reynolds Family Project
- Robert Fisher
- Mary Beheathland Flinton
- Joanne Flinton
- John Flood
- William Gany
- Thomas Garnett
- Sir Thomas Gates
- Thomas Godby
- Thomas Graves
- Thomas Gray
- Robert Greenleaf
- Susan Greenleaf
- Edward Grendon
- John Gundry
- Mary Gundry
- Edward Gurgany - father or son?
- Adria Harris
- Thomas Harris
- John Hatton
- Walter Heyley
- Nicholas Hodgskines
- Bartholomew Hospkins
- Oliver Jenkines
- John Johnson
- Elizabeth Joones
- Samuel Jordan - see Ancient Planters: Jordan Family project
- William Julian
- Martha Key(Keie)
- Thomas Key(Keie)
- Richard Kingsmill
- Thomas Lane
- William Lansden
- Anne Burras Laydon
- John Laydon
- John Lightfoote
- Albiano Lupo - see Ancient Planters: Lupo Family Project
- Elizabeth Lupo (married John Chandler secondly)
- Francis Mason
- Cornelius Maye
- William Morgan
- Susan Old
- Isabella Pace
- Richard Pace
- William Parker
- Robert Partin
- Francis Paul
- William Perry
- William Pierce
- Abraham Piersey
- John Poole
- Robert Poole, Sr.
- Robert Poole, Jr.
- John Powell
- John Powell
- William Powell
- John Price
- Miles Prickett
- John Proctor
- John Rolfe
- Christopher Safford
- Robert Salford
- Joane Salford
- Thomas Savage
- Sameul Sharpe
- William Sharpe
- John Sleight
- John Smith
- William Sparkes
- William Spencer
- Thomas Spilman
- Thomas Stepney
- Thomas Sully
- Robert Sweet
- John Taylor
- Richard Taylor
- Thomas Thornbury
- Henry Tucker
- William Tucker
- Henry Turner
- Thomas Turner
- John Ward
- Edward Waters
- William Waters
- Ameyle Wayne (Waine)
- Francis West
- Temperance Flowerdew Yardley West
- Henry Williams
- Thomas Willoughby
- John Woodliffe
- Robert Wright
- Sir George Yeardley
- Richard Yonge